Our Beautiful Life


A collection of snippets and snatches into our beautiful life. This, my ultimate love letter. My memories run together, and I pick them apart and reorder them, a hundred times a day. The snow falling our first winter together. The first snow in our first home together falling perfectly on my birthday. Our trips to Busan, your airport fashion, that awful day we went clubbing.  


The ring slipped on my finger, still a perfect fit all these months later.

October 12, 2022. 18:31 PST - 내 편지를 받았나요? Did you receive my letter?

I read the text again, noting once more the small 'unread' notification that had disappeared just 4 minutes after sending it. The ring felt like an old friend, like a book first read as a child and found again as an adult, something that had long brought comfort and joy in it's inability to perish, only fade away for a time. Worn and scratched, yet still glinting in the light, the ring taunted me as I held it, twisting it around my finger, pulling it off and putting it back on. A full 24 hours had passed. 24 hours, 9 minutes, and those seconds ever marching on. Still I waited - surely he was awake now. Did he think of me, or was it only some cruel accident by chance that he had opened it? And still, I waited, unable to see my own doom marching slowly towards me. 


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