Remembeя Mє: 2

Remembeя Mє

Feeling useless and exhausted, Tiffany slumped down onto the couch, laying her head on Seohyun's shoulder before letting out a groan. She covered her eyes with her hands and kicked her feet in frustration.

Seo giggled and patted Tiffany's shoulder reassuringly. " Still no luck with finding this mystery man, Fany?"

Fany sat up, pouting. " Its almost been a month, Seohyun! An entire month! I figured I'd find him and even be married by now but instead here I am, still sharing this condo with you practically broke from spending all my savings since everything is so darn expensive here!"

"Is living with me that horrible?" Seohyun asked, innocently.

Fany rolled her eyes, " You know thats not what I meant." She managed a giggle before cuddling up to her roommate.

Seohyun cleared , " You know, maybe I can help you find this guy-"

"No!" She exclaimed, suddenly sitting up again. "I mean, thanks for offering Seo but its something I have to do on my own, you know? Anyway, I'm getting pretty tired I'm going to get to bed, okay? Night!" Without another glance toward her friend, Tiffany dashed into her room and shut the door behind her, letting out a breath of relief.

She was this close to getting herself into a situation she would not be able to get out of. How could she tell her roommate that she had no idea what the man she was looking for actually looked like? How could she tell her roommate that she was actually a princess sent down from a distant planet after a war broke out 23 years ago, and she was sent down as an infant because her real parents, Queen Taeyeon and King Leeteuk wanted her identity to be sealed so that she could be safe? Could she handle the disbelief that would flood through her roommates' eyes after she said that she was separated from her prince as well, and that now 23 years later, she left her foster home in America to come look for him so that they can return back to their home?

There was only one answer to all this. She couldn't. Although it killed her inside to lie to someone she now regards as a younger sister, telling her the truth seemed like a bad idea. . . at least for now.

x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x

When morning arose, Seohyun was up before the sun as usual, preparing breakfast for herself and Fany, as well as her lunch for work. She set Fany's breakfast on her side of the table, placing it in a container with a lid so it doesn't spoil by the time Fany would wake up. She grabbed a marker and let a little post it on the lid with a smiley face, just like she had done daily since Fany moved in.

Seohyun smoothed down her floral shirt, making sure it was properly tucked into her high waist jeans before sliding her feet into her beige heels.


-  l a t e r.


"Seohyun!" A voice boomed, half past noon, during her lunch break. She groaned and let her head sit her desk, wishing she could just dissapear into the wood. "Seohyun!" The voice called again.

"Yes?" She murmured, lifting her head from her desk. "What do you need, Kyuhyun?"

The redhead grinned at her, leaning over her desk on his elbows. "Oh Seohyunnie, I told you to call me Oppa, remember?"

She rolled her eyes in disgust, " You're my boss' best friend so I'm obliged to tolerate you, but please refrain from making our relationship more uncomfortable than it already is, okay?"

His grin only widened, "So now we're in a relationship, are we?"

She let out a groan, dropping her head onto her desk once more.

"Yah! Kyuhyun! Stop showing up to my company to bother my receptionist." An amused voice interfered from a few feet behind.

Seohyun immediately stood up, bowing to her boss before taking her seat once more. " Good morning, Mr. Choi."

He nodded, allowing the tiniest of smiles to refuge upon his lips before returning his attention back on Kyuhyun, his best friend for the past ten years, the only person that understood what it was like to live the life of a Choi since his family was close to the Choi's, precisely the reason they had even met in the first place.

Kyuhyun smirked, " If you actually meant any of your threats, I'd be long passed dead by now, Won-Won."

His nose scrunched up, " I really hate when you call me that."

" Which is exactly why I keep doing it, Won-Won."

Siwon chose to ignore his best friend's remark and glanced at his receptionist. " Ah, Seohyun? My assistant is going on maternal leave so I'm in need of a replacement, would you be interested?"

Her eyes widened, was she interested? Hell no. . but could she say no to her boss? That would also be a no. "Uh-I-Um-woulditbeokayifmyfriendtakesthereplacementjobinstead?"

His mouth parted slightly, glancing over at kyuhyun to see if he understood anything she just said, to which he simply shrugged and let out a chuckle. " Would you mind repeating that, Seohyun? Maybe slower this time?" Kyuhyun teased, internally wishing he could just grab her and kiss her senseless.

She let out a nervous giggle, " W-Would it be okay if my friend took the offer instead? She's new to Korea and only has her savings to get her through, this job would really help her."

He rose an eyebrow, " Alright, Seohyun. I trust that you have good judgment and hopefully your friend will not get fired on the first day. She starts tomorrow at 6, the same time as you." He informed, with a slight nod before heading into the elevator, leaving a still grinning Kyuhyun and a flustered Seohyun behind.




[ How was that? WOOHOO Sifany will meet soon! ]
xo Julie

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why aren't you updating this anymore? :(
Stand4SeoKyu #2
Chapter 5: Sound interesting, Can't wait for ur latest update.. ^^
naue523 #3
awwwww~ what a lovely storyline! me like~ :D
actually your poster was done..
but, AFF broke down these day..
so, the chapter was lost..
and here the link of the pic.. ^^

I will post ur stoy on my chapter after I free..
wish_with_me9 #6
woah! your foreword was so EPIC!! <3 SeoKyu here. Plz update with a cherry on top. So eager for SiFany to be together again
it is a nice story, I love your story line
keep it up for your update~~~