One-Pan Rose Pasta Please


look here for a free sock to warm those toe-sies!


DEAR potential lover, soulmate, best friend, toxic manipulator, boss...
please give me a chance 

Updated Resume
Age: Old enough. MDNI 
Timezone: GMT+8 
Sleep schedule: Boomer, (I may stay up if you give me the attention I want heehee)
Reply speed: Fast enough. I do be a university student with responsibilities, but I also procrastinate. As long as you give me the attention I crave, I'll bother you all day and night (if you wish)
Pronouns: she/her
Faceclaim: winter, ryujin, chaeryeong... (endless possibilities, and idrc about who you wanna fc!)

Updated funfacts
I have weird dreams...If you can read dreams, I think you'll find my nightmares/adventure times fun.
I am Sagittarius, but I don't think I behave like one.
Kdramas? Movies? hit me up.
Webtoons are reserved for emo tea nights. I have a whole list of current reads that I'll like to share with you.
No games boohoo... if I had better hand-eye coordination, I would probably have been a great gamer, but heavens forgot bout that potion when they made me. 
                                 BUTTTTT.... I'm considering stardew valley after my exams. maybe we could farm together? hee hee
If you're a gamer though, winkwonk, I'll be your number 1 fan if you stream for me
I've had a nasty streak on dc, so please come change that TT 

now... if you've read through all that, do send me your dc handle!! please...?


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