Onew Condition


Hey this my first story >.< This for a assiment we had to do in English class a few weeks ago using sensory details (I think I spelled that right)... I'll put up more class assiments if you like them...


Onew Condition strikes again! :)


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='[ poor Onew he actually bleed this time poor guy bt other than that when i saw the title i instantly started laughing until i read the story and that was when i started crying
this is cool I liked it
pooh1997 #3
Thank You! I dont really know if I want 2 countiue it though...
that was a really good way to approach it! very creative :)
I like what you have on here!! XD SO good...Could you make it longer?^^ I LIKE IT! 10/10 stars! XD
Hi^^ Ah I like what you have up so far, it's a really good start since it's quite interesting and leaves the reader (like me) quite curious~