Chapter 1: Encounter


     It was dead of the night again.


    Wang Yibo thought about whether he should get up to grab something to eat and fill his hungry stomach, or to just take a breather with his skateboard. He groaned at his bed, bead sweating on his forehead, trying to process his dream; the same old wet dream he’s been having for years, this time it is still the almond eyes that have a tiny crinkle on the side, and instead of the blinding smile, it was a jutted lip, as if it was angry or was trying hard not to say anything and just pout. He remembered that in one of the articles he read, when you dream about someone, it is usually a reflection of how you feel about them in your waking life. Here's the problem though, he has never met such a person! Since he often dreams of the other with wings on its back and it was impossible in every way. 


    Maybe it was just a desire, a desire that he kept on ignoring, years after years of being single and repressed made him have hots for an imaginary person. Taking a jacket and a baseball cap, he left his apartment riding his skateboard with ease and took the route to the nearest park.


    An hour of skating is enough to feel warm to remove his jacket and throw it on a bench near him, all he needs now is a bottle of water and then he’ll head home. He walked across the street to the vending machine, and he collided with a stranger. Holding the other’s wrist before they could fall, his eyes met briefly with a teary ones before Wang Yibo heard the other’s soft gasp when he held him by the waist, followed by a loud breaking of a glass that was thrown on their feet.


    Wang Yibo saw a drunkard right behind them and he was absolutely livid, he let the other go, gently hiding him behind his back, then walked straight to the drunkard, curling his fist and punching him square to the face, knocking him out cold. 


    He huffed and turned to the other, he now could see him fully, the lamp shining on the man’s beautiful but fear stricken face, eyes shining with tears and was hugging himself. 


    “It's okay now—” Wang Yibo approached him but he flinched away from him, suddenly Wang Yibo thought that his eyes were playing a trick on him when the said man levitated, four looking fragile wings flapped, and was about to fly away in panic.


    Wang Yibo found himself holding the other back before he could fly higher, gently tugging him back on his arms. 


    “What— you— you should be more careful when flying! What if someone sees you?” he half shouted at him who then stopped struggling out of his arms, instead Wang Yibo felt him trembling and sobbing on his chest.


    “I— I'm scared, please let me go home.” hiccuping and trying to muffle his sobs, “I want to go home.” he whimpered when Wang Yibo pulled him out of his embrace, hands were flying on his face, trying to stop the tears from falling.


    Wang Yibo was shocked and pretty much shaken, but he kept his cool. Trying to stop himself from staring too much on the other man’s wings, he closed his eyes and tried to comfort him by rubbing circles on his back to divert his attention but he was again taken aback when his palm was met with the other’s skin. Wang Yibo could feel his ears going hot, when he realized that this man was wearing a backless dress, obviously made for his wings. He looked up to the heavens before hesitantly giving light taps on his back, trying to calm him and they stood there for what seemed to be a minute before letting each other go.


    He looked down at him, seeing that he had finally stopped crying. Wang Yibo asked him for his name. The other looked at him, cheeks were still stained with tears, he unconsciously wiped it with his thumb. 


    ‘.’ Wang Yibo cursed silently as he retracted his hand away from the other’s face, who then took a step back from him and ducked his head.




    Wang Yibo then heard him mumble something under his breath that he didn't catch.






    ‘Zhan?’ What is that? 


    “I’m Zhan.” he heard him say again, this time it was clear. 


    “Ah! I’m Wang Yibo. '' he introduced himself before grabbing Zhan’s hand, leading him across the street, back to the skating park where he had left his skateboard. 


    “Where are we going?” Zhan asked him with wide curious eyes, still a little red rimmed and puffy from crying earlier. 


    “Tomorrow we’ll find a way to get you home, for now we should go back to my home to get some rest, I'll bet that you are tired. The city is scary, you know. How did you end up here anyway and how long have you been roaming the city looking like that?” Thinking about the incident back at the corner of the street, he was really in danger from walking around wearing something like that and his wings are catchy enough for people to think of him as weird or an otaku or a cosplayer of some kind. They’ll be lucky if that's the case, but if not, he’ll be hunted down, he saw that in the movies.


    “I— It’s just been an hour?”


    Wang Yibo couldn't hear Zhan’s words anymore when he crouched down to get his skateboard and noticed Zhan’s bare feet, it was bleeding. 


    “You walked around with a wounded foot?” 


    “Ah, uhm.. Yes? I guess?” Zhan fidgeted, playing with his fingers. Wang Yibo could only sigh, as he wrapped Zhan with his jacket covering his wings, then put his cap on his head to hide the antennae and lowered himself to bandage Zhan’s bleeding foot with his handkerchief and then gestured to him to climb on his back. 


“Come on, I'll carry you.” 


    Zhan tilted his head on the side and frowned, not understanding how to climb his back.


    “Put your arms around my neck, but please don’t choke me.” he said with a laugh, Zhan just pouted and did as he was told. Pressing himself on Wang Yibo’s back, he could feel the warmth of his breath on his cheeks and neck, and could only ignore the tickling sensation.


    “Comfy now, Xiao (little) Zhan?” he asked while he rode the skateboard out of the park with Xiao Zhan on his back, luckily he wasn’t that heavy.


    “I'm not little.” Xiao Zhan sulked but then nodded, eyes curious. “What is this that we are riding on?”


    “Oh, this is a skateboard.”


    “Can I try it?”


    Wang Yibo raised his eyebrows and could feel himself smile, but then remembered he injured his foot. “You can, but your foot might hurt again.”


    “Just— just once?” he pleads.


    Guess there’s no stopping him, they are getting near anyway so might as well let him have it. He let him down slowly after stopping, making him step on his skateboard. 


    “At least you won't be walking with your injured foot, just stand there and hold my hand, I'll just pull you.” Xiao Zhan nodded and giggled when Wang Yibo pulled him slowly, it was a smooth ride as the night blew them a cold wind.


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