Welcome to our family


A/N: Hi all, I am sorry I’m a bit later than I wanted to be while posting this. Originally I only wanted six chapters for this. But I’ll see, and kind of let the story write itself and see where it takes me. Please enjoy and hopefully this chapter is okay!


Like with any elaborate party the Bae’s threw. Seulgi knew that the food and drinks would be the best part of the evening. She had to remind herself a few times to not simply stuff her face like she was in the comfort of her own home. No matter what she felt about her in-laws. They usually spared no expense when it came to these dinners or events. Seulgi also had to be grateful that she and Joohyun weren’t seated besides her parents. They were actually seated with some other people, almost as if they had been regular guests. But then again, that wasn’t all that surprising to Seulgi. The people sitting around herself and Joohyun had been more interested in talking to her wife. They wanted to know what she’s been up to lately. How’s her recent promotion treating her, and if she’s any closer to taking over the CEO position. No one really asks Seulgi much and in truth the alpha doesn’t care if no one speaks to her. 


This isn’t her crowd of people. They weren’t really Joohyun’s either, but she was more suited to talk to them than Seulgi was. Whether they liked it or not, Joohyun did grow up here in this world of luxury and wealth. She knew how to handle a conversation whereas Seulgi would have preferred to keep silent in situations like this. But even more than that Seulgi has never been the sort of person who found herself comfortable in a crowd of people, rich or not.


At the moment. Seulgi was probably zoning out too long because she felt Joohyun’s hand holding her own underneath the table. In what was partly an attempt to get her attention, as well as be comforting to her. Joohyun was well aware how much her mate hated being here. She honestly didn’t like being here all that much either. Joohyun felt glad she could feign interest and fake polite conversation even at the times she didn’t want to. Fortunately, most everyone here wanted to talk about themselves, until now. They wanted to know more about Seulgi this time.


Seulgi looked over with a curious expression. Joohyun didn’t even want to possibly stress her alpha out by putting her on the spot. Since it’s true most of the time they come to her parents house. No one talks to her, and mostly keep their conversations to Joohyun only. This is one of the few times someone has asked Seulgi a question herself and that does matter very much to Joohyun. Because as much as Seulgi will tell her that she doesn’t mind being in the background and maybe to an extent she doesn’t mind. Joohyun wants her to feel comfortable and know she should be able to sit with her anywhere and not be made to purposely feel bad about herself.


“Mr. Song was asking you a question, hon.”


Seulgi hoped she didn’t look in any way surprised or shocked, though she was. Very rarely do people here ask her questions. Unless it’s something along the lines of Well, why aren’t you taking my coat? Or “do the Bae’s pay you just to stand around and do nothing?” Alright, that happened once and only once when people really didn’t know she was Joohyun’s wife. As why would they, her in-laws certainly don’t make a habit of mentioning her to their friends and guests. Though Seulgi suspects the Bae’s don’t mention even Joohyun much at all now, despite her still being their daughter.


“Oh, I’m sorry. What did you say, Mr. Song?” 


At least he wasn’t looking at her like she didn’t belong here. Not right now anyways.


“I was curious about you, Ms. Kang. Byeongho and Hyunjoo don’t really mention much about you when we ask about Joohyun.”


“Of course they don’t.” Seulgi knows Joohyun’s parents probably only talk about how disappointed they were to have a daughter-in-law like her, and that Joohyun should have married someone more suited. That she should have married anyone more suited, aka someone who fit their standards. 


“I…” usually when someone asks you to tell them about yourself. They want to hear something interesting or how successful you are in some way or another. Seulgi didn’t think she had anything particularly interesting or fascinating to share about herself. 


“I’m no one special, Mr. Song.”


Joohyun looked saddened by how Seulgi says that and reminds herself that she needs to get her alpha out of here as soon as possible. She leans over and places a kiss on Seulgi's cheek.


“That’s not true.” 


Seulgi feels better because no one’s opinion matters more than Joohyun’s. It was a short lived moment of happiness because the room quieted down when Mr and Mrs Bae stood up to make some sort of announcement. Seulgi noticed early on that Yerim and Seungwan had not been seated with them. They had been seated at the same table, and Yerim in particular was seated next to her father. A spot that would have been reserved for the eldest or heir. A spot that could have been for Joohyun had things turned out differently.


“Good evening, everyone. My wife and I would like to interrupt your meals for a moment to make a very special announcement.”


“We will soon have a new member of our family. So please give a warm welcome to our soon-to-be daughter-in-law, Ms. Son Seungwan. Please stand with me, dear.” Mrs. Bae tells Seungwan, who looks quite embarrassed to be called out without warning. She recovered quickly and gave a typical sweet answer about how lovely the Bae’s were and how she is honored to be able to be a part of their family soon.


“Poor Seungwan.” Joohyun thought to herself and noticed how absolutely pissed Yerim looked. This is most likely what her sister wanted to be able to tell herself. And their parents had ruined that moment by making this announcement.


“I’m going to talk to Yerim. You’re going to be okay, Seul?” She didn’t necessarily want to leave Seulgi here at this table without her. But she did need to make sure Yerim was alright. 


“I’ll be fine, Hyun. I think I’ll actually see if Seungwan is alright.” It is not exactly fun to be a daughter-in-law in this family. Even if Seulgi is sure Seungwan won’t have a terrible time as she has had. That doesn’t mean Seulgi can’t sympathize.


“Okay, sweetie. That sounds good. Let’s meet outside after so we can head home.” Joohyun has had more than enough of this dinner, and she knows Seulgi has too.


With the plan decided, the couple split up so that they could try and talk to both Yerim and Seungwan. Joohyun didn’t even have to tell her sister anything before Yerim was up from the table and ready to go. Not before turning to Seungwan and kissing the side of her face in apology. She would do her best to make this up to her because this was their announcement, not her parents.


Seulgi made it over to see if Seungwan wanted to talk and before she could even say yes. Mr. and Mrs. Bae looked toward her with indifference. But before she and Seungwan could step away to chat. Joohyun’s father did call her name.




“Yes, Mr. Bae?”


No matter how they treat her. They are Joohyun’s parents and she tries her best to keep that in mind. 


“If you’re not busy tomorrow. I’d like for you to stop by my office. Let’s say around 12?”


“Tomorrow isn’t very good, Mr. Bae.”


“What could you possibly be busy with, Seulgi? Is it not my daughter who makes the money?”


Seungwan can barely keep her face calm. She is horrified by what she hears. And realizes what Yerim meant exactly when she said her parents were the same exact people who could be nice to her, and yet awful too.


“Yeah, but even the arm candy has things going on. So if you’d like to reschedule, Mr. Bae. I’m sure your people can call my people.” It’s said in a slightly sarcastic way that makes Seungwan really hold herself from laughing because she just finds Seulgi to be very refreshing. They finally are able to walk off to talk and before Seulgi can ask if she’s alright. Seungwan beats her to it.


“Are you alright, Seulgi?”


“I was going to ask you that.” The alpha had a kind smile. “Sorry they ruined your announcement. You and Yerim should have been the ones to do so.”


“Thank you, I’m fine. I’m glad Joohyun went to check on Yerim. Because she wasn’t thrilled.” That was an understatement, of course. She doesn’t think she’s seen Yerim that upset in a long time. She’ll have to check on her fiancé soon. After she’s had some time with her sister, of course.


“Yeah. I guess their parents felt it was a good time to share your news. I don’t think they’ll give you a hard time, Seungwan. But just the same if you ever need someone to talk to. I know what it’s like to be new to this family.”


“Seulgi…” Seungwan feels slightly overwhelmed by this kindness. She had only just met Joohyun’s wife. But she couldn’t wait to get to know her better, and Seungwan was left feeling like she had definitely made a new friend. 


“Thank you.” The words didn’t feel fully adequate but Seulgi didn’t seem to mind. They had both felt like they came to an understanding and Seulgi thought this night would be the worst.





“This is the worst night ever.”


Joohyun couldn’t even say anything to her sister when she said that. Yerim wasn’t wrong as this was turning out to be a night indeed. Especially for her with their parents ruining her announcement. An announcement that should have been for her and Seungwan to say, if they even wanted to.


“On the bright side. At least I’m getting a new sister-in-law.”


Yerim sighs and apologizes. She would have much rather been able to tell Joohyun herself the good news. Which is what she had been trying to do before their parents ruined it all for her. The frustrating thing is Yerim knows that this isn’t going to be the end of it.


“I’m sorry. I wanted to tell you myself.”


“That’s okay, Yerimie. Our parents really have a way of ruining everything, huh.” As the older sister she does try to be reassuring and comforting. 


“They do. I wonder if it’s too late to exchange them for new ones.”


“If only we could. But, unfortunately, I do think we're stuck with them.”


“It figures. We should meet up, the four of us.” Yerim mentions. “Without either mom or dad to potentially ruin anything again. It would be nice to have lunch or dinner with you and Seulgi.”


Joohyun liked the idea of getting to meet up for lunch or dinner. She does feel like they need a redo of this entire evening, and that would give everyone a chance to have a nice night out. The sisters made plans to meet and promised they would call one another. Joohyun said goodbye to her sister and on her way to go meet Seulgi. She did run into Seungwan who was no doubt on her way to make sure Yerim was alright.


“Hey, welcome to the family, Seungwan.” Joohyun gives her a sincere hug. “I don’t blame you if you want to run off screaming now, though.”


A small joke that the other omega gets. She doesn’t think having family in Joohyun and Seulgi will be a bad thing at all. She knows it won’t as they are both welcoming and kind. Seungwan just doesn’t think it’ll be as smooth sailing with her soon-to-be in-laws. 


“Funny, Seulgi said something similar to me. But your parents aren’t going to scare me off from being with the woman I love.”


Joohyun felt relieved to hear that. Mostly, because she knows Yerim once made a vow that she’d not fall in love and get married. Joohyun knew it had a lot to do with how their parents could be. But she always figured it had to also do with how Seulgi was treated by them too. She didn’t want any potential spouse of hers to be treated in the same awful way. Joohyun herself never wanted for Seulgi to be treated in this way either. 


But what could you do when you were so in love with someone that the idea of being apart 


She couldn't imagine not being married to Seulgi. Even if it did upset her parents as much as it did.


“Good, you’ll need that bravery when it comes to my parents. I think Yerim will be lucky to have you. I’ll see you, alright, Seungwan.”


“See you, Joohyun.”


Seungwan heads out to where Yerim is sitting down. At least her alpha doesn't look like she wants to scream anymore. Yerim leaned back when she felt familiar warm arms, and a soft vanilla scent invading her nostrils.


“I’m okay, Wan.”


“Are you sure?”


“I’m more upset that they put you on the spot. And ruined our announcement, so I should be asking you if you’re okay.”


“I’m fine, sweetie. I’ve got an interesting start to your family already.”


“I’ll say.” She agrees and squeezes her hand. “I’m sure it’ll only get more interesting.”


Seungwan nods and kisses her knuckles. “Your parents are really the same people who could be so nice to me. But treat Seulgi like she's the hired help.”


Yerim nods. Because there was a very simple reason why her parents would always treat Seungwan better than they would Seulgi. They were snobby, rich, and entitled people.


There was nothing more important to them than money and status. 





The car ride home was more quiet than it had been when they first left the house. Joohyun had asked Seulgi before they even left if she was alright. Seulgi might have said she was fine, but Joohyun knew her mate. She knew her very well and knew when she was trying to either protect or not worry her. Joohyun knew she’d address it at home. Because the last thing she wants is to get to bed with any tension or unresolved issues. 


They didn’t talk right away once they made it home. By now there would have been a hug or a kiss. The silence made it all the way up to their bedroom, while they were getting undressed, and changing into pajamas. Joohyun couldn’t take much more and so Seulgi was getting ready to put on her orange-striped pajama top. Joohyun knew she couldn’t let this continue on.


“Are you ready to tell me what’s wrong, honey?” The question is asked with such tender concern as her wife has her arms wrapped around her waist. Joohyun then nuzzles her neck and places a kiss onto her cheek. It’s more than enough to make the alpha want to tell her omega everything. 


“It’s not that there’s something wrong, Hyun. Well, I’m not sure to be honest.”


And with that Joohyun turned her around so that they could look at one another. If Seulgi says something like that then Joohyun knows she needs to know more. 


“What do you mean? What happened?”


Seulgi takes her hand and together they sit down on the bed. Seulgi knew she’d have to tell Joohyun what her father said. It wasn’t even like she would have hid things either. Seulgi just didn’t know if she should bring it up right now. Not after the night they ended up having. But she ends up going into details anyway. Seulgi can see Joohyun’s expressions going from curious to slightly upset, and finally pissed. Knowing she can’t have her other half getting upset over this, when they don’t know anything yet. Seulgi holds her in a warm embrace.


“He said that to you. I’m honestly getting sick of them both.” Joohyun admits as it’s bad enough that her parents ignore Seulgi and treat her like an afterthought for the most part. But then they go and make unnecessary comments like that.


“I think he wanted to test what I would do. Or maybe he wanted me to feel bad about myself in front of Seungwan.” Seulgi didn’t have to ask Seungwan anything about herself to know the obvious reason why the Bae’s were nicer to her.


“He had no right. Are you okay? Be honest with me, Seul.”


“I’m used to your parents being ty to me, Hyun.”


“That doesn’t answer the question. You shouldn’t have to be used to their behavior.”


Would things have been easier for Seulgi if she was someone who had come from wealth or did something for work that was deemed suitable by her in-laws. Yes, of course it would have. But if things like money and status didn’t matter to herself or Joohyun. Then why did Joohyun’s parents still have to dwell on it. Especially when Joohyun really didn’t involve herself too much with her parents unless she didn’t have much choice.


“It doesn’t feel good to have people who are technically my family. Treating me like I am less of a person just because I don’t make nearly as much money as my wife. But, you know that your opinion is the only one that mattered to me.”


Joohyun believes Seulgi. Seulgi is not ever one to lie. There is something about her answer that makes Joohyun wonder if she’s holding back, possibly out of not wanting Joohyun to feel badly. Because unlike both of her parents. Seulgi has always understood that she wasn’t in the best situation. Having a wife you loved so much and parents who didn’t truly accept the marriage. And even if Joohyun was mostly estranged from them. They were still her family.


“Seul..” She hugs her tightly. “I love you. I love how kind and thoughtful you are. But please don’t think you’re some worthless person because my parents are hell-bent on making you feel so.”


“I love you too, Joohyun. Your snobby parents haven’t scared me off yet. So please don’t worry. I don’t know about you, but it’s been a long night. I just want to get ready for bed with you, does that sound good?”


While the Conversation was not resolved she did agree it was time for bed. So the couple pulled back the covers and climbed into bed. Joohyun didn’t even wait for the chance to wrap her arms around her waist, and spoon her. She felt like they both needed this and if any embrace helped Seulgi feel even a little better. Joohyun would do so.


“Are you the big spoon tonight?” The alpha asks with eyes-half closed. She wasn’t kidding about being tired, even if she hadn’t been out long. It’s amazing how certain people can drain your energy. Her in-laws do that for her anytime she sees them.


“I’m always the big spoon in this bed.” To prove her point, she tightens her hold around Seulgi’s waist and kisses the side of her face. 


“You’re always the big spoon, Mrs. Kang.”


“That’s right, and don’t you forget it.”


Seulgi settles comfortably and before she closes her eyes to drift off. She leans back and kisses Joohyun full on the lips. It’s a kiss that is right away reciprocated and would have lasted longer had Joohyun not affectionately tapped her cheek to tell her to get some sleep.


“You’re sleepy, get some sleep.”

“One more kiss first, Hyun.”


Joohyun happily agrees to one more kiss, though it’s technically more than just one more kiss. But luckily, Joohyun has enough willpower to stop them from having a full on makeout. Mostly because she knew that Seulgi was tired and had a worse evening than she did. 


While the alpha was comfortable and content being in her omega’s arms. She could almost even forget about the evening they had and think about how lucky she was to be married to this amazing woman right here. But Seulgi did have other thoughts in her mind. Thoughts that weren’t going to go away easily no matter what she did.


She would have to decide if she would go and talk to Mr. Bae. He wasn’t someone she could ignore easily.


And worst of all he was her family too.


A/n: So what could Mr. Bae possibly want? Probably nothing good, and what is Seulgi going to do about it? What is Joohyun going to do? We will see as we go on, but again thank you so much for reading and for any reviews.


Sponsor Mentions: As always, thank you very much to my sponsors. I appreciate all of you so much: Tay_84, royalshipper2122, DTHDHR, Bernkaset, jasonds,  ZombieJuhyun, falsuki, Eris78, User_name1200, Androsssss, theRequiem78, Seosunny, sleepyhead, pinkpinkypin, iamforeverlame, Mmm2392, CheezeeMyoui, Supergirl03, taeyang729, RedPaint, Shouto818,  jjlevi93, LOCOppl, AliyaViktoria, j33200, Karasxo, Mehrus, HornedDevil, Shaolan, Zesev7, PengusTigerClub, Mia317, Kim_saehyun97, Mustafina, Jiminiepabo707,  s1786343, satozaki, noob101, j3200, dmac20, Zesev7, Jewster88, shinneay, aseulo, Mmm2392, Taitai84, km3bty, somebbboy, mondongo1, Angelline152, ajhoon, Pinkbubl, Itheartisti, drunkenseul, ainijt, sonexpikachu64, Simpz11, Revelsone, Moonstunt, Fantasii, ericakate, dmac20, seulseulseul,  YANGx_, Tempurany, bbongdrr, okay54321, Username_1200, zwilson4, AlineKwon, issiswain56, captainsnsd, wannis3s, YANGx, born10966, anonymous, shinneay, Informedpuppy, anonymous, Ginestroza2000,, aya_ah98, Lpoppp, Cheorrybat, raej02, Pinkbubl, KaiserKawaii, Mia317, born10966, bbongdrr,  L1d14LF5, hanz316, f0fbf5a0a202038595a4c, readinreadin, omadiver,, Morning-star_06, dianafeng, Rated_pg, Xoxosonegg, Locksmithtaeng, Supergirl03, baetokki9, Maria2308, Mari102002,  Thank you so much for being sponsors. :)





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Chapter 7: they need to go to gym. they need to work it out
17 streak #2
Chapter 7: Seulgi and Joohyun are perfect for each other, their interactions are so sweet and showcase how much they love each other.

If only Joohyun's stupid parents would not get in the way.
17 streak #3
Chapter 6: The dinner was a disaster. Taeyeon is another pawn in the Bae parents game. Even if she is Seungwan’s ex. They parted on good ways, at least that is what I assume.

Yeri will have get used to Taeyeon being there for business stuff.
17 streak #4
Chapter 5: When you thought that Joohyun's parents couldn't get any worse...

Seulgi isn't useless or bad just because she doesn't have that much money.

I feel bad for Seungwan because she now will have to obey every Bae family command. As their picture perfect daughter in law that they wanted so badly.
17 streak #5
Chapter 4: So Joohyun did get disowned in a way. Now the stuff that was her will be Yerim's. Bit I am sure Joohyun doesn't mind that. Money is not what is important to her.

Loved the sweet moments between the two pairs. They were lovely indeed.
17 streak #6
Chapter 3: My heart aches for Seulgi. No one deserves to be treated like that. Especially by one's considered your family. Just because Seulgi isn't as rich as they wanted, she is treated poorly. As if her value had lessened.

Love how Joohyun stood up for her lover.

The parents ruining Yeri and Seungwan’s announcement was bad. This is something one just does not forget.
17 streak #7
Chapter 2: The dinner is a s boring as it sounds, full with Rich snobs who care only about money. Good thing Seulgi met Seungwan. They could have a short talk and find out that they are quite similar in character.
17 streak #8
Chapter 1: Joohyun and Seulgi love each other so much, they can relax in embrace of each other. They are so cute as a couple, their interactions made my heart all fluffy and sweet.

Though I am wondering what made Seulgi and her parents in law Do not like each other. There must be a reason.
Chapter 7: I really like seulgi, I feel sad for her😫
Chapter 7: i live for power bottom alpha seulgi HAHA