Past is Past

Past is Past

______ and Donghae are kind of complicated. They’re not dating, but they’re more than bestfriends. If people didn’t know them, they would’ve thought that they’re dating. Since they always hold hands, always together, Donghae always put his attention to ______ and protect her. Donghae hasn’t asked her to be his girlfriends. But they know each other’s feeling, so they understand. Super Junior member always welcome ______ to their dorm. They treat her like their sister. Kyuhyun favorites ______. Because she looks innocent, but actually she’s evil like him. But inside, ______ is pure innocent. He said to his hyungs that ______ is one of a kind. ______ is childish but she tries to show her mature side like the other girls.

“______-ah, do you love me?” Donghae asked ______ who’s busy playing with her laptop. ______ by not answering his question and only stuck her tongue out.

Donghae who wants to also, replied her. “Keurae? I love you too ______!” he hugged ______ from the back like a little kid. And then ______ was laughing.

“What are you browsing about?” he put his chin on her shoulder and still hugging her. Like he doesn’t want here to go.

“Just browsing some random stuff.”

Then there’s a site named “Super Junior Donghae and SNSD Jessica ever kissed?”.  ______ who saw it was kind of shocked. Her heart was beating. She wanted to open it, but she’s scared. She’s scared if she opened the site, there were something that she doesn’t want to see.

“Oppa, can I open it?” she asked for Donghae’s permission.

“Hmm? Well, if you want to.” Donghae is actually nervous too. He’s afraid if netizens wrote something bad or else about his past with Jessica.

______ clicked the site and saw the picture of Donghae and Jessica kissing. The pictures were taken around 2006 or 2007. ______ was so shocked. Donghae was shocked also. He never thought that the pictures were taken. Both of them read the article and remain silent.

Super Junior Donghae and SNSD Jessica kissing? It’s okay for them since they’re a couple. Look how passionate of these young couples when they’re kissing. Are they still dating?Is Jessica Donghae’s first love? Does Donghae’s song called First Love is for Jessica? Donghae still love Jessica?

The netizen posted a video which the CCTV recorded both of them were kissing. ______ immediately closed the site and sighed. She looked at Donghae and smiled. But she’s faking her smile. Unknowingly, tears came out from her eyes.

“Mianhae, oppa.” She laughed a little.

“______-ah. I didn’t know if they ever took pictures and even recorded it from a CCTV. Jinjja ______-ah. I’m not lying.” Donghae explained to ______ nervously. Afraid if she won’t believe him.

“Aniyo. I know that you never lie, oppa. But I was just shocked about the pictures. And is it true that the First Love song is for her?” she replied it with smiling. But her heart hurts and torn to pieces.

Donghae didn’t answer her. He only looked down. ______ knew it. She kissed Donghae and then she left. Donghae only remain silent and also cried. Ottoke? Will she leave me? What does the meaning of the kiss? Did she say goodbye?


______ cried and run. She pressed the elevator button. She wanted to reach the first floor and get out from Super Junior dorm. TING! The elevator door opened. There’s Kyuhyun.

“Eh? ______, why are you crying?” he panicked. ______ still crying and shaking her head.

“Ya, I know something’s happened. He pressed the highest floor, level 30, the rooftop. Soon, they reached the rooftop. Kyuhyun pulled ______’s hand and sit on the bench. He keeps silent until ______ stopped crying.

“Are you done?” he asked. ______ smiled at Kyuhyun, it means yes.


“Donghae oppa, Jessica. Joneun neomu neomu baboya.”

“I don’t understand, ______-ah.”

Then ______ told about the site and everything. Kyuhyun didn’t seem to surprised.

“Aigoo ______-ah. Don’t worry. They’re not dating anymore. Well, I know the kiss was too much. And I know that you never kiss Donghae like that.” Kyuhyun hugged his dongsaeng.

“Gomapta, oppa. Thankyou for being here for me. If we weren’t met in the elevator, I didn’t know what I would do.”

“But listen to me ______-ah. You act so childish. You should’ve known if they ever dated. And it’s your risk to open that site. It’s none of Donghae’s fault. I know Donghae hyung would never take pictures like that. He’s very innocent just like you. Past is past ______-ah” Kyuhyun scolded ______

“Mianhaeyo, oppa. I know. I’m acing very childish. I should say sorry to Donghae oppa.” She stood up and hugged Kyuhyun. “Thankyou so much oppa.”

“Come on. I’ll take you to Donghae’s room.” then both of them go back.

Kyuhyun left ______ after they reached Donghae’s room. She knocked the door and go in. Donghae who was still crying is surprised to see ______. He stood up and hug ______. “Je..jebal. Don’t leave me. I can explain to you.” he stuttered because he’s still crying.

______ cried too because she thinks that she’s selfish and hug Donghae tighter.

“I would never leave you, oppa. I’m sorry that I was so selfish and didn’t think of you. Mianhae oppa. Mianhae.” She cried. Yeah. Past is past. We don’t cry for it, but we learn from it.

Then both of them ended up kissing.

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carolina #1
aww, so cute and awsome story.
Awww~ So sweet! Kyuhyun doesn't show his evil side though.. But it's awesome! Perfect story! Love it! <3
anto_1296 #3