Is it friendship or is it love?

Between Friendship and Love


A/N: This is NOT a fiction/story. This is like a blog of what I think about Kyu and Wookie.
When I saw KRY's Between Love and Friendship, I remembered what I saw at wikiHow about "How to differentiate Love and Friendship." 
1. True friendship is when even during the biggest fights, you'll still be friends. When you won't ignore each other over some stupid argument. You'll think that you hate each other, but really find yourself knowing that life isn't the same without a great friend to be by your side.
Love is basically the same thing. Even when you two fight, you'll sit alone and wish that they were by your side. You'll miss them more than words can say. You'll feel like even if you have nothing, you'd still have a reason to live if they were with you.
* ALL KYUWOOK SHIPPERS OUT THERE are very much aware about the huge fight that happened years ago between KyuWook. It was before Kyuhyun got into an accident that nearly killed him. Ryeowook said that he had a big argument with Kyuhyun before that, and he felt guilty for it.
* At Sukira, can you count how many times Ryeowook mentioned about him and Kyuhyun having small fights over small things like their age? They've been fighting since day one, but LOOK AT THEM.. Still friends, and their friendship is going stronger.
* "You'll miss them more than words can say." Remember when Wook said that he misses Kyuhyun @ Sukira? XD And during Hello Chat (2005), when they are to end the conversation, Ryeowook suddenly said "Come back to the dorm quickly." Seems like he misses Kyuhyun so much? Kkkk
2. Realize that true friendship is when you can do anything together with the other person. You feel comfortable around them. You can talk to them and tell them secrets that you otherwise wouldn't tell people.
* "when you can do anything together with the other person." Well, they basically do everything together. They've been together for almost 6 ing years. They eat together (reminds me of Ryeowook's tweets and some fanaccounts)
- this video contains one fanaccount ^^
- and since they're from same subgroups (KRY and SJM) they probably do everything together like taking pictures together, practicing together, going to rehearsals together, etc.
3. Realize that love is when you have a problem, you can go to your partner and talk to them about it. You know that they will listen to you and give you advice back. That they won't say "I don't have time right now." or "I don't care about your stupid problems!" They will care about you and what you have to say.
The "Leeteuk-hyung" issue. Ryeowook said that one time, during U promotions, Kyuhyun went to his room, drunk. Kyuhyun said that Leeteuk doesn't like him and he's having a hard time. Ryeowook said that Kyuhyun cried that time. Ryeowook listened to Kyuhyun's problem that time. 
4. Understand that love is when someone makes fun of you or bullies you, your partner will stand up for you, then tell you that the bully was wrong. That there's nothing wrong with you. That you're as perfect as a human can possibly be
* Shindong incident. Shindong said that Ryeowook is being disrespectful to hyungs.. but Kyuhyun cleared the situation by saying that Ryeowook was talking to him, not to their hyungs.
- This video speaks for itself.
5. Learn that love is when your partner and you are rarely apart. You don't have to be with them every second of the day, but when you need to be apart, you'll stay in touch. If your partner gets a job offer in another country, they'll either turn it down or take you with them.
* Remember Ryeowook's tweet when Kyuhyun went to Spain.. they still keep in touch even though the other is far away.
6. Note that love is when someone flirts with the one you love, you feel jealous, but then realize that your lover loves you and only you.
* DO I NEED TO EXPLAIN THIS? LMAO.. I've seen videos of jealous Kyu. This and this
7. Understand that love is when you feel like you found another part of yourself. Like you're complete.
* WELL?? What else can I say. Kyuhyun and Ryeowook look complete and perfect whenever they're together. 
8. Accept that both true friendship and love are similar in the way that for either one, you'll do anything for the person in question. True Friendship and Love are also similar because when the person in question is happy, whether they're a true friend or your lover, you feel happy too.
* HAHA YEA. I don't know how to post all moments, but I know KyuWook shippers out there have better knowledge than I am. I just wanted to point out that Kyuhyun and Ryeowook are PERFECT TOGETHER whether as friends or as...... lovers? Kkk. 
cr to all the owners of the posts/videos that i linked here :)))
I know there are still lots of moments out there, but if I'm going to put them all in.... one or two or three chapters aren't enough. I just want to point some things out. To be honest.... Well. I don't like some shippers in this fandom 3 Sorry, but yes. There was a forum which I joined to, and there are some shippers  of /this particular pairing/ (i dont want to mention what pairing) and they are seriously annoying. They only know how to bash, and how to whine as to why people is like this or that. Sorry, but I seriously hate those kinds of people. How worse can these people get? Having guts to bash one SJ member bcos of some certain pairing? So childish. Can they not be some kind of realist and just accept the things that their eyes see? haha Sorry about this but..... yea. KyuWook! I love KyuWook
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Chapter 1: I love kyuw0ok t0o! ^__^ pe0ple sh0uldnt bash because of pairing.c0z suju is suju n0 matter what pairing they are in.
Chapter 1: ohmygosh all the kyuwook ♥
KyuWook is REAL!!! Bwahahaha!! :DD

love Kyuwook much!!
chiibiiluna #4
Me loves KYUWOOK :))
hehehe08 #5

>o< *Squeeeeeeee*

I looove this XD
i ♥ kyuwook too!
Kyuwook is, obviously, my favorite Super Junior 'pairing', whether it be as best friends or more than that C:
Originally, I was a KyuMin fan, mostly because it seemed like it was one of the most shipped couples and because I had watched SuJu's Mini Drama in which they were a 'pair' in Dangerous Friendship.
However, the more that I watched Super Junior, the more I realized how perfectly Kyuhyun and Ryeowook seem to fit together x3 They act like best friends should, I think~ There are so many perfect moments that make you say, "Yeah. This is real~". They just have such a close friendship that it's so absolutely beautiful!
Also, as I grew to love KyuWook more, I began to hold a bit of a grudge against KyuMin because of the fans :\ I don't dislike /all/ of the fans... just the ones that freak out about any other person being paired with Kyuhyun or Sungmin :I
Actually i did saw someone post in Ryeowook tumblr that kyumin fans are bashing on Ryeowook although i don't know is which forum. Can tell me? >.<
I think fans should not take the pairing so seriously. =.=
Super Junior are close with each other that why there a lot of different pairing.
Yeah i love Kyuwook too! :)
Welcome to Kyuwook fandom! Honestly I;m not sure which fandom haz the bishes (someone plz tell me! >_<) but I think Kyuwook shippers are all pretty cool! I totes agree, Kyuwook really seem genuine to me that's why I love them so much. Even if it's just friendship it's beautiful because there's still love in friendship. Anyway I'll shut up now... thx for writind this! ^^
Jeeezee #10
I super agree agree with you!!!!