Chapter 36

A Place in My Heart

Moses saw Charmaine sitting on the park bench with her head bent. He advanced towards her and announced his arrival with the clearing of his throat. He was about to about not paying attention to her surroundings when he saw her tear streaked face, “What’s wrong?” he asked with concern as he sat down beside her.

Charmaine sniffled and wiped at her tears, “Nothing. I’m just having a bad morning.”

“Sounds like a very bad morning,” he joked in an attempt to get her to smile. When she didn’t, he asked in a soothing voice, “Would you like to tell me about it?”

“It’s nothing,” Charmaine said and leaned back against the bench staring straight ahead.

Moses felt a tug seeing her looking so forlorn. He was used to seeing her smile and this side of her he didn’t like. Clapping his hands together, he said, “If you don’t want to tell me about it, why don’t we take a stroll around the harbor. The place is very soothing and you can sit and enjoy the peace without having the noise of these rowdy kids stressing you out.”

Charmaine looked at him thankfully, “That sounds like a good idea.” She got up to walk alongside of him. Peering up at his face, with his eyes hidden behind large black aviator sunglasses, she asked, “Every time I see you you’re always wearing sunglasses, even at night, why? Are you a fugitive and cannot be seen?” she teased, a hint of her humor back.

Moses chuckled and bluntly said, “Yes I am. You mean you don’t know? I was convicted of murder and have just recently escaped from prison. That’s why I have to cover my face up all the time.” He glanced around him then leaned in and whispered, “I don’t want to be recognized.”

Charmaine laughed, “No you’re not but thanks for the joke.”

Moses stopped and looked at her curiously, “Why do you think I was joking? Don’t I look like a murderer to you?”

Charmaine pretended to study him, her expression serious. Then she giggled, “You don’t.” She surveyed him from head to toe then made the analysis, “You may look cool on the outside but deep down you have a heart of gold.”

Nobody has ever said anything nice about him and Moses was warmed by her compliment. Looking deeply into her eyes, he whispered, “You’re the one with the heart of gold, not me.”

“Thanks for saying that,” Charmaine replied sincerely.

Moses only nodded and they continued with their walk. At the harbor, Charmaine leaned forward against the rail, her eyes closed as she inhaled the pungent saltiness of the sea. She stood listening to the overlapping sounds of the wave crashing against the shore beneath. There was a slight breeze in the air and it gave her a carefree feeling. With her eyes still closed, she said, “This is really nice. I should come here more often.”

Looking out at the open sea Moses said, “I come here all the time, especially when I’m unhappy.” He saw the smile breaking on her face and decided to ask again, “What to tell me what’s bothering you? Maybe I can help.”

Charmaine turned to him and shook her head, “It’s really nothing and besides nobody can help me with it.”

Moses gave her a knowing smile, “It has something to do with a guy isn’t it?”

With her unhappiness fading away, Charmaine asked with surprise, “Why would you think my mood has something to do with a guy?”

Moses looked at her and sternly said, “Because women only stress out over relationship problems and nothing else. And for you to be crying the way you did, it definitely told me it was over a guy.”

Charmaine was about to argue and defend herself when she saw the curve of his lips lifting into a grin. She smiled at him instead and softly said, “Thanks for making me feel better.”

Moses stared at her and tenderly said, “Anytime. Come on now, I’ll walk you home.”


Raymond sat across from Linda waiting for her to finish stirring her coffee. He had to tell her of his relationship with Charmaine. He wasn’t being fair to Charmaine. Although she had insisted that he stayed with Linda and comfort her, he knew she was hurting inside. When Linda finally looked up at him, he said, “I have something to tell you.”

“Can I speak first?” Linda asked softly, her eyes pleading.

“Sure,” Raymond said. He could tell her after she said all she had to say to him.

Taking a breath Linda looked earnestly at Raymond, “First, I want to say how sorry I am for the way I treated you. I shouldn’t have done what I did. Can you forgive me?”

Raymond saw the hope in her eyes and knew that she desperately wanted to hear him say yes. But it didn’t matter because he had forgiven her a long time ago, “I already did.”

Linda relaxed a bit and continued, “At that time you asked me whether I have ever loved you and I said yes.”

Raymond nodded and waited for her to continue.

“I still love you,” Linda blurted out. She took his hands across the table and swallowing a lump in said, “I know I shouldn’t be asking you this and I have no right to but can we be together again?”

Raymond saw the tears welling in her eyes and in a shaky breath. He didn’t know what to say at this moment. “Linda, I…”

Linda shook her head, “We don’t have to immediately jump back to where we left off. All I need to know is whether there can ever be anything between us again? Can there?” she repeated as she waiting expectantly for his answer.

With their hands still entwined, Raymond stared at her and he said the word that he knew he shouldn’t but couldn’t help himself, “Yes.”  

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Chapter 47: yay a happy ending! i hope you would write a story for moses where moses find happiness of his own as well but i love the story! sad how i found it so late and i don't think you write charray stories anymore ;;
Chapter 33: i swear? no comments yet?

this story is wonderful... even though it lacks a description, it's well written. i love how moses is going soft and once you get to know that guy, he's not as bad as what the society makes him out as. i hope he won't die or go back to jail or it will be a boring story. he should really just leave the country already. such a sweet guy :-)

lol i got a feeling that linda is totally gonna run back to raymond near the end of the story and hold back raymond and charmaine's relationship