Piano Room

Piano Room

I moved as a new student in this school. By the way, my name is Park Jae In. In a short time, I already have friends in this new school. They’re very friendly though. One of my new friends, Sun Mi, told me about this school. It says that everytime we have recess, the piano room near the library got locked from the inside and a song will be played. Some friends ever heard Fur Elise, Clair de Lune and so many more. But no one has ever seen who’s in it and playing it. And at the same time, Kim Ryeowook, the president of the class, will never be found. Some of the students guess that it’s Ryeowook sunbae that play the piano. But he always denies it. I kinda scared with the story. No one knows the answer until now.

“Okay, class. Let’s start the lesson.” Kim sunsaengnim said. He teaches biology, but I never listen to him. No offense, but biology is easy for me. So today, I’m thinking about the mystery in the piano room. Is it ghost? Or just some students that made up the story?

RINGGGG!! Recess time. Finally I want to know the answer about the piano room. I’m so curious with it. I decided to hide behind the wall near the piano room. 5 minutes, 10 minutes. I see no one. I started to feel sleepy. Aigoo. This is only a made up story. I stood up. But when I wanted to go, I heard a footstep. So I keep hiding. It’s getting closer and closer. And stopped. I peeked a little. It’s… Kim Ryeowook. Ryeowook sunbae is the one that always play the piano?

I see him taking out a key, open it, he went in and lock it from inside. Ah. That makes sense. Our homeroom teacher is music teacher. Since Ryeowook sunbae is the class president, Choi Sunsaengnim must have give him the piano room’s key.

Ahaha, I’m so smart!  I peeked to the piano room. No wonder we can't see who plays in it. The wall kinda blocked the piano. So we only can see the tiny side of the piano and we won’t be able to see who play it. Okay. I’m gonna tell Sun Mi about this. As I wanted to go, I heard him playing the piano. He’s playing the piece that I always listen in my favorite book store. Everytime I go there, the song always played from the speaker. I love that that song. My mom played it for me when she’s still alive. I want to learn it.

I ended up leaning on the door and enjoy the piece. He played it without any fault. Daebak. Ryeowook sunbae is really talented. I must ask him the name of the piece.

Author’s POV

Ryeowook opened the door and Jae In fell. Both of them shouted after see each other faces.


Jae In’s POV

“Ommo! Apeudayo!” I hold my head. “Mianhaeyo, sunbae.” I bowed to him and still holding my head.

“Aigoo. Mianhae. Gwenchanayo, Jae In-ssi?” he asked me

“Ne, sunbae. Eh, how do you know my name?

“I know you. I’m the class president. I have to know all the students. Hehehe.”

Omg. He’s so cute. I never look at him this close. I feel like he’s the one for me. Oh, I must’ve been crazy.

“Sunbae, are you the one that always play in the piano room?”

“Ne. you’re the first person that knows it. Don’t tell anyone okay?” he raised his pinky. I smiled. “Arasso.”

“Let’s go Jae In-ssi!” he pulled my hand

“oh wait, sunbae.” He stopped and look at me weirdy.

“Call me oppa, Jae in-ah.” I nodded.

“Oppa, what song did you play in the piano room?” I asked him when we’re walking to the cafeteria. He’s still holding my hand.


“I want to learn it.”

“It’s the piece that made by Song Kwang Sik called Reflection I”

“Is it hard, oppa?”

“Aniyo. I’ll teach you. Only the two of us.” I stopped walking. Only the two of us? I feel my heart want to explode. My cheek is burning. “Why only the two of us?”

“Because, one. You’re the person that knows that I’m the one who plays the piano every recess. Two. I’ve been putting my attention to you. I want to know you more.” He stared at me and hold both of my hands. “I like you, Jae In-ah.”

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Chapter 1: sequel!!!!!!!!!!!!!
carolina #2
I like it.

please make it sequel.
Cute <3 please do write a sequel
digital-love #4
sweet ~ <3 i like it ^^

please write a sequel ~~
cute ... ^^
StringsandHoneys9 #6
Awww! <3 cute~ >w<
sequel! sequel! sequel! kekeke
-katya #8
aww, i love this story. you should continue writing it. im sure it would be an incredible story!