Challenge Accepted.

I missed you: A Collection [Minho X You]

"What the hell are you doing here, frog?" I said as I saw him from the doorstep of my apartment.
I woke up with a very painful headache a while ago and the first thing I did is to call unni to buy me a medicine. I was expecting her, but this guy showed up.
"I brought the medicine that you were asking for," he said while showing me a pack of tablets. He went to the kitchen to put down everything that he was holding.
"I called unni--"
"About that, she can't come because she had something to do today. She called me to do it for her."
Oh. I forgot to say this. That guy is Choi freaking Minho. A frog that can leap for about few feet high. He has eyes that are so big that I think I could be eaten alive. A weird tall guy with long neck. He's a friend of unni and I have to bear with it. I met him few years back and since then, I hate him. I know that hate is a strong word. I just can't think of any other word to describe my feelings for he is a heartbreaker. A certified one. Pssh. This guy thought he is hot. No freaking way.
I walked going to my kitchen and saw he was putting out everything he bought and placed it on the table. Is he making food? Oh no. I don't want to eat it.
"Yeah right. Actually, I can do it by myself. You can go now. Thanks for your h--ouch," I stopped talking when I felt the dizziness and the pain again. What is happening to me?
"Gwenchana?" he asked. I just nodded and sat by the table.
"As I said, I can do it--"
"Ani. Just rest there and I'll do this. Why did you drink in the first place, princess?" he asked while chopping the spring onions. I just looked at him. How did he knew that I was drunk last night?

Unni and I were invited to have a drink with our friends in a bar. It was a right time because I think this is the only answer to my problem--to remove him from my head.  I know that I can't even stand up after few drinks still, I want to drink. I just have the urge to do it.
"That frog. He always think of himself as a hot guy. He even kissed a girl that he don't even know! What a douche. Playboy," I said before drinking a shot of the alcohol. It stings in my throat but it feels good. And yes, I'm drunk.
"You know that he's our friend, right?" Kim Kibum said. I looked at him and nodded.
"I know. But I know you won't tell him, right?" I said to him. He just nodded also.
"Are you jealous?" Taemin asked. He is one of his friends also. His friends are also my friends. That's weird, right? I don't care.
"What the? Taem, me? Jealous? Pssh. Why would I? He's not even my type," I said before grabbing unni's glass.
"Yah! Stop drinking!" She shouted. I drank it with one gulp. No one can stop me. HOHOHO.
"Aish, you crazy woman. You didn't even touched your glass. You're wasting such delicious drink," I said to her while playing with my hair and with the glass. I can't remove Choi from my mind. What the heck.
"I'll call Minho to pick you up. You're seriously drunk now," she said.
"Don't bother him. Maybe they are making out right now," I said. The others looked shocked on what I have just said.
"Ah. ____-ssi, you're jealous," Taem said as if it was confirmed.
"I'm... not... JEALOUS!"I shouted. I pour another shot of alcohol and drank it. Then I pour some again then I drank it.
"Yah... Stop it. You're getting worse," Kibum said as he grabbed the bottle away from me.
"yah~  Give it back! I want to remove him from my head. It annoys me," I said while trying to reach the bottle. But it's so unreachable. I grabbed Taemin's bottle and continued to drink.
"Aish, chincha." That what he just said.
"You know, since... I don't know. I felt something different when he always come near me... I think that's the feeling when you hate a guy. He always... annoy me. The way he walks, he talks, he eats his food... Everything. Still, he always care for me. But at the same time... he flirts with other girls in front of me... in front of us..." I said after drinking a few more shots. What am I saying?
"Are you in love with hyung?" Taem asked.
"Why would I be in love with your HYUNG?" I drank a shot before talking again.
"Loving a douche is like loving a... drug perhaps?" I said.
"It's addictive?" Kibum asked.
"Yeah... Addictive..." I mumbled while playing with my empty glass. My eyes got bigger when I realized what I've said.
"I'm not saying I'm in love with him! What the hell..." I said while looking at him.
"Why are you so defensive? We're not saying anything here," He said. I mouthed "Huh" and continued to drink. After few minutes, the center of the topic came. I looked at him and gave him the face that I always give to him. The annoyed 'what-are-you-doing-here' face.
"____, stop drinking. We'll go home now," he said while he offered his hand. I rejected it and tried to stand up... but I failed. It's a good thing that he's fast. He held my waist to support me. Before we walked out, I looked at Kibum.
"I'm not defensive. I'm just saying that it's impossible for me to love this freak," I said to him then I looked at Minho.
"You know that I can't love you, right?" I said and he just shook his head and guided me out of the bar going to his car.

"It's none of your business, frog. And stop calling me princess 'cause I have a name," I said and drink the water that he gave to me. I looked at him. Why did I hate this guy? As I observed, his features looked great right now. And why my heartbeat became fast when I stared at him? Oh hell no.
"What are you looking at?" he asked. I was startled by his voice. He caught me. I just shook my head and looked away. And the awkward silence began.
"Why did unni called you? Aish. She could call the others but she picked you," I said in a soft voice. He came near me and put a bowl of my favorite noodle soup in front of me.
"It's because I've got the nearest home from yours," he said. I started eating so I can rest and this guy can leave me alone. After I finished the food, he removed the bowl in front of me and gave me my medicine.
"Why did you care for me?" I suddenly asked him while he's reading a book. He put down his book and looked at me.
"Is it bad?" he asked. I shook my head and looked away.
"uhh.. no? It's just that I hate you so much and you should hate me. If you know what I mean," I said.
"I don't hate you," he blurted out. I looked at him disbelievingly.
"I don't hate you. I don't know why you hated me since... your birth. But I know that I don't hate you. And I want you to feel it," he said while staring at me. This is creepy.
"You want me to feel it? I don't think I would becaus I feel the hatred, okay? It won't change," I said.
"I will change it," he said as if he was challenging me.
"How? How would you change it?"
"Just let me do my thing."
"What if I won't let you?"
"I'll still do it. Until you realized that you CAN love me." I think he's pertaining to what I had said last night.
"I-I can't love you," I said to him.
"You can. Because I... love you," he said. HUH?
"What? YOU LOVE ME? Is that some kind of sick joke of yours? Because it's not even funny."
"I'm not joking here, princess. I'm serious."
"Whoa. Don't say that. I'm not one of those girls who could fall in love with you just because you're looking like a god or something. And I don't look at you like that."
"And that's why I love you. You're different from--"
"all of them. HAHA. Yeah, right." I cut him off. What a common answer for a playboy like him.
"Just believe in me. I want to say this for a long time. I want to say that I love you. Ever since I met you, my world became different. I talked more. I became myself more. Those girls are the ones who's flirting me, not the other way around. I want to--"
"Yah. You're obviously flirting--"
"Let me finish first, okay?" He said, cutting me off. I nodded.
"As I was saying, I want to talk to you but you hate me. You always hate me because of everything. I don't know why but you ignore me. I always care about you but you don't even want to look at it. I tried everything to ignore my feelings but I failed. Now, I have a chance and I will do it. Please, let me take care of you. Let me show it to you and let me change that hatred of yours."
"That's it? What if it doesn't change?"
"I'll leave you in the peace that you want to have," he said. Hm. This is going to be fun.
"Okay. I accept--" I was cut off because he kissed my lips. My heart beats fast again. .
"Thank you. I'll go now. I'll be back later," he said and left me. I think I lost the challenge to him in seconds. Shocks.
This girl have a serious feelings for him. HAHA! How did I typed these things? And I observed myself that I'm so into my character because when I was typing the drunk scene, I was acting like I was drunk. And I don't know how am I if I'm drunk because I'm not a heavy drinker. And I just drank twice and I never repeat it again. I put a blank because I don't know what name would you like. What can you say about this one? Comments are appreciated.

Let's put a Minho gif for you:

Thank you for reading! :)

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sheilaayus #1
Chapter 7: cute oneshots~
hakimah23 #2
Chapter 3: i love it...don't 4get 2 update soon..i cant wait too see it..
Chapter 7: this so cool ! update soon ? HAHA!
i don't know what to say dongsaeng...
you made it...
i love it...
Short but sweet ^^