Distracted (Areum's POV)

She is My Moonlight

As I'm putting my scrubs on, I can't stop thinking about Yoongi. About the way his skin felt. The way the light refelcted off of his uniquely shaped eyes-

"Hey! Morais! Get to work! We need all hands on deck!" a surgeon above me yells. 

"S-sorry! What do we got?" I ask.

"7 car-pile up. Four are still at the site, unable to get out of their cars. Can you head over?" 

"Of course, I'm leaving now." I exclaim, excited that I finally get my own case to deal with. 


Arriving at the site, I see how horrible the damage really is. People stuck underneath cars, children screaming for their crying mothers. All the sudden, a loud crash breaks my thoughts. A car slams into the already destroyed ones. More screams. I run as fast as I can over to the new car, searching for the driver. Running my hands through the scraps of metal my hand finally grabs something. I feel a hand grab my wrist. 

"I need some help over here!" I yell to my fellow Jo Wilson. She rushes over and helps me pull. After pulling many, many times, we get the driver out. 

"Sir, what's your name? Do you know what happened to you?" Jo asks repeatedly. 

"Is she okay? Is she-" he responds, fractions of the sentence not understandble. Blood starts pouring out of his leg.

"HE'S BLEEDING OUT! We need to pack him!" I tell Wilson. She runs for the gauze. 

"Y-Your okay, right? Right, A-Areum?" the man says. 

"How do you know my name? W-wait....N-no. It can't be." I stutter as he grabs my hand in his. Jo runs over, concerned. 

"Do you know him?" she aks. I stay silent and I can feel the tears start to stream down my face. "AREUM ANSWER ME! Do you know this man?" Jo asks again. 

I nod, trying to contain my sobs. I feel Yoongi squeeze my hand tightly. "Hey hey...You have to pull it together ok?" she tries to comfort me. 

"We'll do everything we can."


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