The Beginning of the End - No Matter What

Stay with Me (No Matter What)

A/N: Hey, it's been a very, very long time since I last wrote or posted something here. Life hasn't been kind at all but hopefully, I'll be able to rearrange my time and write more. I'm not too sure if anyone would still be following or reading this one here, but to those who have been so patiently waiting for this, thank you so much for waiting and I'm so sorry for taking so long. Again, because I did take a break, I don't know if I'm completely satisfied with what's written here. I've been going back - writing and rewriting bits and pieces of various scenes because I wasn't really happy with how it turned out, causing me to take such a long time. I hope those who are reading will enjoy this chapter! Again, I'm still trying to learn and improve so any comments and/or feedbacks are greatly appreciated. Feel free to follow me on twitter (@burntbraincell) and let me know about your thoughts through there too! CC is also welcomed! English is not my first language, so sorry for any grammatical errors! This chapter is probably even longer than the first one so I hope those who are reading will enjoy it despite being a long read, and even though it might not be up to par with my other works.








You couldn’t really believe the nonsense you were hearing. While Jihoon loves pranking the class, the expression on his face and the panicked yelling doesn’t seem like a joke. People may want to argue that it could be because Jihoon was in the theatre club and was acting really well. But you know for a fact that Jihoon can’t act to save his life - he was literally the lighting guy for the plays. 


You pushed your chair back as you stood up slowly, eyes never leaving the panicking figures of Jihoon and Sungchan. 


‘Guys…are you…sure?’ 


‘Yes, Yuu! Why would we lie to you about that?! You can even check with Seoyoon - she was literally near them when Mr Im attacked!’


Oh god, if what Jihoon was saying is true - we HAVE to get out of here!


‘Jihoon, where were they?’ asked Gaeul, all traces of annoyance gone. You turned to look at the girl and she had an uncharacteristic frown on her face - brows furrowed as an air of seriousness surrounded her. 


‘The t-teachers are n-near the l-library,’ Jihoon stuttered, face still pale and eyes still shaking. 


Gaeul turned to face you, the air of seriousness enveloped you as well. The two of you didn’t need words. You nodded to Gaeul as you grabbed your backpack and quickly made your way out of the classroom towards the classroom two doors away from yours. You flung the door open, eyes scanning for your friends. It was only after spotting the blonde head of hair in the far corner of the classroom with another familiar head of brown hair that you could let out the breath you were holding. 


Good. It seems like nothing has happened yet. 


Rushing over, you quickly pulled them both to their feet.


‘Y-Yujin? What a-are you doing?’ stuttered a surprised Liz, eyes wide as she stared at you. 


‘There’s no time to explain. Put everything you need into your bag and come with me.’ you replied, all while trying to put the pencil cases and things that were strewn on the messy table into the bags that were on the floor closest to the two girls. 


Despite their confusion, you (somehow) managed to pull the two out of the classroom and hurriedly moved them along the hallways towards your own classroom. You’ve got to meet up with Gaeul and Rei first before heading off together as a group. 


‘Yujin, can you tell me what’s going on?’ asked Wonyoung once you managed to usher the two out of the classroom and towards your own. 


‘I’ll fill you in, but first we need to get Rei and Gaeul,’ you said as you turned to face the two who were walking behind you, your expression uncharacteristically serious. It was a serious situation despite the uncertainty surrounding this whole…thing. Was it really just a joke? Or is it really just as Jihoon had said? Either way, you’re not about to risk anyone’s lives if you can help it. 


Halfway towards your own classroom, you felt your phone vibrate in your pocket. Pulling it out, you read the text message that was sent form the person you were supposed to meet up with. 


Gel: Yuj, we’re gonna get the small ones. Go to the nurse’s office and collect as much supplies as you can. I’m not about to risk anyone’s lives. We’ll meet at the home economics rooms. I trust you.


Trusting Gaeul with everything you have, you turned towards the two and hurried them towards the way you guys came from. After all, the class President is reliable and trustworthy. 




‘Nurses office to collect everything. We’re gonna go to home economics rooms right after and meet up with the others.’


Following along with quick steps, the two rushed to keep up with your own hurried steps. You knew the two had so many questions and you promised you’d answer. But you’re glad they aren’t wasting their breath asking. You’ll definitely explain to them, but there is a dire situation at hand. 




Bursting into the nurse’s office was something you’d never imagine you’d ever do in your school life, but here you are. 


When the three of you bursted into the otherwise pristine white room, you quickly instructed the other two to take as many bandages, bandaids, first-aid materials and other useful items and put them in their bag. You saw the way the two of them froze on their spot, unsure and unwillingly to ‘steal’. 


‘We’re just….borrowing, okay? When this zombie apocalypse is over, we’re gonna return them.’ you said, hoping that would somehow kick them into action. 


Liz’s eyes widened once again, mouth agape as she tried to voice out the millions upon millions of questions. You shook your head. 


‘Gaeul and I will answer. Let’s grab the supplies and meet up with them. It’ll be easier that way and we can work out what to do next.’ 


Watching the way Wonyoung had softly nudged Liz in the side, the two proceeded to quickly pick whatever they think is useful and put them into their bags. 


When the three of you had fit as much as you guys could carry in bags and pockets, you carefully made your way towards the door. Poking your head out cautiously, you take in your surroundings. 


It’s surprisingly quiet in this area. Perhaps it was because this was where most of the teachers' offices are located and classes were supposedly in session. You quickly ushered the two behind you and proceeded to run up the stairs to the third level and arrive at the home economics rooms. 


Knocking on the door, you quietly called out - hoping that your friends were on the other side of the door. 




No response. So you tried again. 


‘Gaeul, it’s me - Yujin. I have Liz and Wonyo with me.’


The door opened just a crack and cautious eyes looked at you. Recognition washed over the figure’s eyes as they opened the door wider. 


‘Guys, come in quick.’ 


‘Thanks, Garam. Where’s-’ you stopped yourself when your eyes landed on Gaeul. 


A gasp could be heard from behind you - no doubt either Liz or Wonyoung’s reaction to the sight they were seeing. 


You don’t think you’ve ever seen your friend in such bad shape before. She was always so well put together, proudly wearing her uniform and you’d even go as far as to say she has her uniform ironed before she wears it. So to see the unkempt clothes and her slightly dishevelled hair made you frown in worry. 




‘O-oh…hey guys…glad you guys could…make it. Did you happen to uh…pick up some painkillers?’ Gaeul said, a small smile on her face. It was honestly a futile attempt to reassure you. 


Liz wordlessly reached into her bag to pull out some white pills. You could see that the poor girl had some tears in her eyes as she watched the class president look as though she had been through a war. Her head was bleeding and the poor girl looked almost as bad as that one time Liz had accidentally tipped over the bottle of fake blood that one Halloween. 


‘Gaeul, what happened?’ you asked tentatively, worried that if your voice was any louder, she might wince in pain. You knew the volume of your voice shouldn’t be a direct cause of her pain, but it’s better to be safe than sorry, right?


You watched as Hyunseo handed the girl a bottle of water. Taking a mouthful of water and the painkillers, Gaeul took her time to swallow those pills, in hopes of alleviating the pain a little. Her face turned solemn, the previous grimace of a smile now replaced with furrowed brows. 


‘It’s real, Yujin. I saw them with my eyes. It’s…real…’


You breathe in, and exhale shakily. Your mind didn’t process the words that tumbled out of Gaeul’s lips. 


‘Yujin…They’re real…’




Life is so damn hard and you don’t even know how many days it's been. All you knew was that there was some sort of national lockdown with the school being secured and tightly locked in. You’ve seen no one enter, nor have you seen anyone leave. That was all the information you had before all the phone signals and internet connections had been cut. There was no way to contact the outside world, nor can anyone reach the remaining students trapped in here. 


It was literally hell on Earth. 


You could hear gunshots every now and then - probably signalling the death of either people or zombies. At this point, you honestly weren’t too sure. But you’ve seen it with your own eyes. You’ve seen how it was at the beginning - with the way those who weren’t infected slowly turned into one of them after having an open wound came in contact with those who were infected. You’ve also found out that those beings are as blind as a bat and have purely relied on their hearing as their way to locate the living.    


There was always a risk whenever any of you tried to steal supplies for the rest of the group. As you were one of the more athletic ones in the group along with Chaewon whom you had picked up along the way, meant that the two of you were the ones who went out for supplies while the others helped keep guard and protect the younger ones. 


You hated seeing how worried Wonyoung was everytime you were about to leave the safe haven. She would always pull you aside and like a habit, she’d repeat the same words. Yet you couldn’t find it in yourself to give her false hope because you weren’t sure if you could stick to your words. 


‘Jinnie, you’ll stay with me right?’


I will. I’ll do everything I can to stay with you.


‘Jinnie, you’ll come back…right?’


You hate the uncertainty in her voice. The girl that has captured your heart has never been (at least, as far as you can remember) unsure about anything. If she was, she never showed you. 


Everytime, all you could do was to repeat the same sentence back to her hoping it would prepare her for the worst because you couldn’t promise her anything.


‘Nyeong-ah…promise me that you won’t give up, no matter what happens.’


On one of the many instances that you offered to go out to scout a bit when the group was still in the broadcasting room, you managed to find the two other survivors. While looking for extra supplies, you ran into Chaewon who was looking around cautiously - one hand holding onto Minjoo’s hand while wearing a quiver of arrows on her back and another quiver of arrows attached to her hip. Her other hand was gripping a bow tightly. You were cautious at first but after making sure the two were okay, you had invited them back to the broadcasting room to join the rest of the group. When you asked Chaewon about the arrows, she shrugged and said that she had picked it up from one of the girls who was in the archery team. She said that she had read enough books to know how it works so you let her be. It was good to have another person who can help fight off the mindless beings so that the others can keep moving. 


And it was absolutely horrifying whenever you remember the faces of those zombies that you had encountered. There were even a few close calls with how many of them there were. You always feel conflicted when you see them. Your heart would clench when you see them because of the pained groans they let out and the fact that they were students just like you - some you recognize and know, some you don’t. But on the other hand, their blood covered bodies and soulless eyes that stare right into you, the same groans that would creep you out and the absolute terror that goes through you when they run towards you in speeds you’ve never seen before, makes you want to both throw up and scream in fear. While your body was too shell shocked to know which to do first, luckily for you, you had good reflexes. Able to think quickly on your feet, you narrowly escaped those mindless beings a few times. Thank god for your previous training and experiences. Being an ex-athlete really has its perks in this situation - though that was another story for another day.  




Sh*t. Sh*t. Sh*t. 


Running into an empty classroom, your group of friends had stacked chairs against the door and covered as much as the windows as much as you all could. Your breathing was labored and your heart was pounding. You were worried and couldn’t help but replay what had happened before this fiasco. 


Your group tried escaping by leaving from behind the gym storage room, only to realize that it was absolutely swarmed with the zombified athletes and classes that were having their sport lesson near it. So a change of plan happened. After talking it through with the rest of the group, the new plan was to make it to the roof of the tallest building - the staircase that led to it located on the other side of the school near the music rooms. There were three ways to get to that area - one via the science block, one via the general classrooms and one via the corridor that houses the music and art rooms. 


Though there was one bad news. 


Your group had only just reached the science block; exactly one third of the way there.   


While everyone did a great job holding out for this long, you could see the way that the younger ones are starting to lose hope. All of us were covered in dirt and grime, tattered hair and torn uniforms. Arms and legs wrapped in multiple layers of bandages that were ‘borrowed’ from the clinic while Gaeul sported a bandage around her head. Everyone looked exhausted and roughened up. Even Gaeul who is usually so well put together looked just as bad as - in fact, she probably looked worse out of everyone in the group. 


But who knew trying to reach for the rooftop would end up being both the move that would make and break the little group? 


The first wrong move happened when the group was moving from the gym storage room and towards the main school building. The group had already taken precautions and tried to go through an alternative route which involved a lower probability of running into those mindless beings. After all, no one during school hours would go towards the still-being-built block where the new creative arts building was supposed to be. So after climbing out of the storage room in a make-shift cart (which worked surprisingly well), everyone climbed the stairs to the second floor of the gym hall and you locked the gate once everyone had gone past. Using the leftover equipment and the table tennis paddles that were left behind, both Gaeul and yourself helped break the windows while Chaewon kept watch with her arrows ready to shoot. You thank whoever was watching over you all because there was a makeshift bridge made of metal plates that bridged the gap between the gym and the hollow building. As the more athletic one between Gaeul and yourself, you climbed out of the window frame first - surveying the surroundings and making sure the structure wasn’t going to break before helping the others across.    


As you helped Minjoo across the bridge, you could hear the sound of an arrow flying through the air. 


Sh*t, they’re here but Chaewon still needs to cross!


Your heart started to race and while you tried to calm yourself down, you tried to think of a quick solution to help the other girl out. However, the loud grunting sounds that came from the direction of the gym window was enough of a confirmation for you. They were catching up fast. 


You don’t have much time. 


So you grabbed the closest short metal pipe and turned around, intending to help Chaewon. But when you turned, the sight before you froze you on the spot temporarily. You could see the way Chaewon used some arrows to fight off the zombies that were threatening to climb out the window frame but there was a visible scrunch on her face. She was sweating and panicking as the zombies kept reaching out in a clawing motion. Thank god for Gaeul’s insistence on arming ourselves with layers of bandages that wrapped around both the forearms and legs. You quickly scrambled over and used the pipe to help fight them off. 


When the two of you made it to the other side of the bridge, the two of you slumped onto the dirty floor. Adrenaline was still rushing through your body and you were still shaking a little from the horrifying scene. As you feel a little bit of strength returning to you, you look to your right to check up on Chaewon. But the girl had a sad smile on her face and was already looking in your direction.


‘Yujin-ah…I’m sorry and don’t blame yourself okay?’


You don’t understand what was going on. Why was she smiling like that at you? Why is she saying that? And are those…tears shining in her eyes?


Now that’s concerning…from the short time I’ve known Chaewon, she is definitely not the type to cry…   


You contemplated as Chaewon turned to the group to speak, the same sad smile on her face, eyes starting to go red with the unshed tears. That’s when you caught sight of it - a nasty red gash that was bleeding, located just a little above the elbow joint. 


Suddenly everything made sense and you couldn’t help but curse in your mind as a flood of tears suddenly built up in your eyes. With a blink, those tears fell down your face.  


There’s no way in h*ll. There’s no way. Why is whoever’s watching up there, taking someone as precious as Chaewon away from us?!


‘Garam-ah, make sure both you and Joo make it home. Promise me okay? Aunty’s at home, waiting for you.’ 


You silently observed as the tall girl had also formed tears in her eyes. She nodded silently at her cousin’s words, promising her as she eyed the bleeding wound on Chaewon’s upper arm. Satisfied, she gave her cousin a smile before sniffling and turning towards Minjoo whose cheeks were already stained with tears.She slowly reached out to hold the girl’s hand while a teary smile made its way onto her face. 


‘Minmin…’ said Chaewon gently, clearly not wanting to scare the girl anymore than she was at that moment. 


‘C-chae-’ stuttered Minjoo as she tried to keep her sobs at bay. Minjoo was smart. She knew exactly what was happening even if she wanted to deny it.  


You could only watch while more tears formed in your eyes, blurring your vision once more. 


‘…Tell Minjeong she but her christmas present that I happened to buy early is in a white box with a snowflake sticker under my bed.’ said Chaewon, her voice wavering. She was clearly trying to keep herself from breaking down by throwing in a joke. Heck, you don’t even know who this Minjeong is but you just wished you could do something to comfort your favorite senior - to tell her this was all just a bad dream. 


‘I didn’t have the physical part of my present for you so you’ll have to ask Minjeong about it…but take this…’ Chaewon said while she ripped off the name tag attached to her uniform. ‘Remember me? Long enough to make it out of here alive, but do me one last favor…Let me go and give this tag to Minjeong when you get out of here, okay?’


‘What do you-’


‘We’ll be okay, Minmin. You’ll be okay,’ Chaewon said as she smiled gently at Minjoo - a hand out to cup her cheek. ‘I promise you. And you know I don’t break my promises right?’ 


Leaning in, Chaewon gave Minjoo a sweet kiss on the lips - a scene that would’ve made you jump around in joy because you could finally figure out who the mysterious person Chaewon mentioned in that one art class was. But now, you couldn’t help but frown while your heart felt as though it was dragging around something heavy; something uncomfortable. You didn’t want one of your favorite people’s happiness to end here.  


‘Make sure every single one of you gets out of here alive, okay?’ Chaewon said to you - a silent plea in her once bright eyes.


You nod. There was no way you would not promise Chaewon anything. 


‘You’re a big girl Yuj. I believe in you, okay?’ said Chaewon softly as she smiled one more time before reaching out to ruffle your already messy hair. 


The tears weren’t stopping as you watched Chaewon stand up abruptly, before running back across the bridge with arrows ready to fire. She was buying you all some more time so that everyone can make it out of here.


‘GO!’ yelled Chaewon, voice breaking at the end. 


You wiped the tears with your arm as you pushed the others to keep going. You understood the harsh reality of what was happening. Chaewon isn’t going to sacrifice herself for nothing. There was only one thought that was echoing in your mind as you made your way out of the building.


We’re supposed to go home together, damnit! 




Which brings us to the situation at hand. The second wrong move came in the form of an unwilling split between the group. There wasn’t a lot of time after they had split with Chaewon, nor will Ahn Yujin waste the precious time that Chaewon had managed to buy them with her sacrifice. 


You made a promise and you’re going to keep it.  


As the group scrambled from the new creative arts building (that was still under construction) and towards the main buildings, there were a few close calls and traumatic sights that greeted them. It was almost as if the stray beings could sense those who weren’t the same as them. All it took was one to groan and face towards the group and poor Hyunseo nearly screamed as she saw the state of the once-human.  


Horridly painful groans. Red eyes with white pupils. Blood dripped from various wounds and from the eyes, nose and mouth. An awful chunk of the right arm was missing. 


Despite looking so beat-up, the one that seemed to have sensed the little group had started to shuffle their way towards them, causing the group’s fight or flight instincts to kick in once more. Luckily everyone managed to make it somewhat close to the building before the group was met with another issue. 


As Hyunseo was holding onto Eunchae’s hand, when she had accidentally tripped over she had dragged Eunchae to a sudden stop. The pained yelp that came from Hyunseo was enough to attract some of the attention of the other nearby zombies, causing Eunchae to widen her eyes in fear. It was almost as if the world was at a sudden standstill.   


Everyone could only stare in fear as the zombies shuffled to face where they thought the sound had come from. They seemed unsure - which explained the delayed inhuman ‘running-to-pounce-on-a-person’ response. Not a single person dared to breathe any louder. While Liz and Rei had held onto each other tightly - hands grasping together in fear as they weren’t sure what to do, Gaeul seemed to be the only one to have her sh*t together in this situation. You watched as she quickly moved her two frozen friends aside, quickly pulling the two younger ones onto their feet. 




‘I know what you’re going to say. But don’t think like that,’ said Gaeul in a hurried yet hushed voice. She was dusting off the dust on both Eunchae and Hyunseo as she tried to quickly make sure the two were as okay as they could be. 


‘Don’t you dare think of anything like that, Hyunseo. We’re gonna go get out of here.’ continued Gaeul. ‘Every. One. Of. Us. Okay?’ 


Quickly pulling the two with her and urging the little group to hurry to the buildings that weren’t too far in front, Gauel quickly looked back to look at Hyunseo and tried her best to give the younger girl a little hope in this traumatic situation. 


‘Mom’s waiting for us…’ Gaeul said softly as she gave Hyunseo’s hand a reassuring squeeze. It was the best she could do to help her dear little sister.  


With how the zombies had started moving, the ones a little further away were showing signs that they will start running any time soon. Now that was not a good sign. There was no way in h*ll any of you could outrun them. There was really no choice and time was not on their side. You couldn’t help but look over at one of your most trusted friends, who in turn, gave you a reassuring smile before nodding determinedly. 


You’re not really sure what the class president is trying to do but you’d trust her with your life. 


Gaeul pointed to the building on the right where the general classrooms, art rooms and music rooms were located. 


‘We’ll see you upstairs Yuj!’ 


You couldn’t even do anything as you watched Gaeul hurriedly pull Liz, Rei and her sister with her towards the Science Block on the left. You were about to protest when you felt a rough tug pull you towards the right before the harsh slam of the doors could be heard. 


It took you a moment to regain your bearings. A concerned frown on Garam’s face had swimmed back into your line of sight as you looked at the girl who tugged you away, in shock. You didn’t even have time to process what just happened. 


‘No more daydreaming Yujin! We just have to trust Gaeul with her judgement,’ said Minjoo, voice more stern than you’ve ever heard from her before.  


Swallowing the lump in your throat, you couldn’t help but worry for your friends who disappeared in the building next door. You nodded and followed Minjoo further into the hallway. You weren’t really religious but you’d pray to whoever was listening to make sure every single one of the little group would be okay. 




The third wrong move came in the form of a panicked decision made by the eldest of what remained of the little group. While the remaining five of you had run into the buildings on the right, there were only so many pathways that would serve as a route to the rooftop. There was a backdoor access that can take you to the roof but at the cost of braving the outside a little bit, before climbing up the ladder located on the side of the building. The second pathway that could lead to the roof was going up the flights of stairs that passes through the general classrooms, all the way to the roof. The third and last way of reaching the roof was going up the first flight of stairs, then through the corridor that housed the music and art rooms, before going up the stairs on the other side. 


The doors that were slammed shut previously had been barricaded with a nearby display cabinet that you, Garam and Eunchae had managed to move. But even with the barricade in place, the zombies were drawing closer. There was only so much time before they would somehow climb their way over to the group.

You’re not too sure how it happened but you honestly wanted to blame it on your upbringing. Even in such a dire situation, you’re still stupid enough to let Minjoo win the argument. While you had been insisting on everyone going up the staircase that passes through the general classrooms, Minjoo had argued that there wasn’t enough time. 


‘I refuse to let anyone split again after that stunt Gaeul had pulled!’ you said, voice raising steadily as you tried to make Minjoo understand your point. ‘We still have time! We can run up the stairs and be able to make it!’


‘But splitting up is the only way to ensure all of us would be able to make it to the roof!’ said Minjoo hurriedly, a frown painted on her face. ‘We’re pressed for time and I don’t want to lose anyone!’


You’re starting to grow frustrated. With every glance back towards the barricaded door, you could see the bloodied, disfigured faces pushing harshly against the glass. With how hard they were pushing and hitting against it, there were even cracks starting to show.  


Time was not on your side. Not at all. 


‘Then, it’s more the reason as to why we should stay together!’ 


‘Your favorite senior and my girlfriend wouldn’t want to see no one making it out of here!’ said Minjoo, eyes burning with determination. Calming down her voice a little but knuckles turning white with how hard she was clenching her fist, Minjoo took a deep breath. ‘We’ll be okay. We will all make it home. There doesn’t seem to be anyone on the back end of the campus so I’ll be taking Garam and Eunchae through the side ladder. You and Wonyoung can go through the general classroom stairs.’


It’s clearly the easier option but why is Minjoo so determined on braving the harder option?!




‘No buts, Yujin. You listen to me. I’m the oldest here.’


God, not this.




‘Go Yujinnie. I trust you to take care of Wonyo. We’ll meet you on the roof!’  


You couldn’t even protest. With that, Minjoo had led Garam and Eunchae through the otherside of the hallway and you watched as the three ran out, towards where you vaguely remember the side ladder was located.  


If anything happens to them, you honestly wouldn’t be able to live with the guilt. You’re supposed to protect them in Chaewon’s place, damn it. Why the heck is everyone suddenly making decisions FOR you anyway!?




The tremble in Wonyoung’s voice pulled you out of your thoughts as you quickly turned your gaze towards what she was seeing. 




The glass didn’t look like it could hold on any longer as the zombies pushed. While terrified, you’ve got to give them credit with how persistent and strong they are with trying to break the glass. 


Quickly grabbing Wonyoung’s hand, you led her up the stairs that went through the general classrooms. The two of you only made it up the first flight of stairs when you could hear the distinct loud crash - the sound of the glass door shattering into a million little pieces and the groans suddenly sounding louder as the zombies started to make their way into the building.


You’ve got to think quickly as there wasn’t enough time for the both of you. But who were you kidding? If it was a choice between Wonyoung and you, there was no doubt about your answer. 


It would ALWAYS be Wonyoung.    




There were many occasions where you would say that you had managed to come up with a great idea, only for others to call you stupid or dumb. But this is one of the greatest ideas that you take great pride in noting that you had ever come up with. These zombies were blind but their hearing was almost on a super human level. Sound was the thing that drew them in like moths to flames. 


And you have just the idea.




‘Nyeong-ah, do you trust me?’


You stared into her eyes, hoping it would convey your feelings. The comfort you want her to feel. The reassurance that everything will be okay. That everyone will make it home despite being separated. 


Silently, Wonyoung tentatively nodded and that was enough for you. You reached out and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, thumb softly rubbed against her cheek. 


‘Promise me you’d wear it again once you’re on the roof, okay?’ 


She was confused, but nodded. Not even a second later, her eyes widened in surprise as you took off her hearing aids and put them in her hands.


You shot her a grin - one that was bright and dimples showing. And signed to her. 


I’ll meet you on the roof. 


Damn it. You didn’t want her to know in a situation like this. But you honestly aren’t sure if any of you can make it. You wanted to surprise her - to let her know that you learnt sign language just for her. And that missing something won’t affect how much you adore her.  


Giving her one last bright dimpled smile, you pushed her round the corner and towards the surprisingly empty staircase that led to the roof. You didn’t want her to hear what would transpire very soon - the possibility of pained screams was high. You didn’t want her last memory of you to be anything that would make her feel scared or worse - cry.   


Even if it costs you your life, you will make sure that the girl you love will be safe. It was the only promise you could make and keep. 


Wonyoung turned to look back at you, eyes clouded in worry but you only shot her another smile. Trying not to show her how worried and scared you were, you signed to her as you heard some grunting in the distance.   


Go first, I’ll be right behind you. I’ll be angry if you don’t start moving, okay?


When you made sure Wonyoung had gone up the stairs, you braced yourself with what was going to happen. Silently praying to whoever was listening up there for the safety of the friends that you’ve separated from and for the girl you love to be unharmed and waiting for rescue, your eyes spied the first rigid movement of the zombies that were grunting and coming up to this floor. 


The stairs could only delay the inevitable for so long. 


Taking a deep breath, you started running down the corridor that housed the music and art rooms. Legs burning, you ran as fast as your legs could carry you while occasionally looking back. You needed to make sure they would be following you and not stray away. None of these mindless beings are going to go anywhere near Wonyoung. You’re not going to allow them. 


Noting that they were slow but were generally following in your direction, you made a mad dash to your favorite room in the entire school - the place you found solace and the place you first met the girl you adore.


The music room. 


Quickly barricading the entrance to the music room with stacks of tables and chairs, you tried to buy some time. Once they locate you, you know just how fast they could make their way to you. Silently praying to whoever was watching, you hoped Wonyoung was safe up there. 


Forgive me Nyeong-ah…I hope you’ll make it out alive for the both of us. Please make it to the roof. I believe in you.


Taking a deep breath, you stilled yourself and took a moment to take in your surroundings. It was oddly quiet and comforting to see that this room wasn’t too far ruined yet. You smiled a little to yourself, eyes teary as you accepted what fate had in store for you in the next moment. 


I love you…and if we are lucky, maybe we can meet again in our next lives…    


You closed your eyes and let your fingers dance across the keys. The familiar tune of Chopin’s Waltz in A Minor floats in the still air of the music room. It was an oddly fitting piece for the situation at hand and just like how Wonyoung had described it, the piece was dark and melancholic. Yet it sang of hope and a certain longing. 


Exactly describing your feelings at this moment in time.    




You had followed Yujin’s instructions and ran all the way to the rooftop. As soon as you reached the other side of the rusted, heavy doors, your shaking hands desperately shoved the hearing aids into your ears. You swear you could’ve heard faint piano sounds, playing from one of the music rooms. 


It was stupid. Stupid how much faith you have in her.  


‘Please Yujin…please come up soon…’ you whispered desperately, hands clenched together as tears dripped down your face. Logically, you knew what was happening but you still didn’t want to believe it. Yujin has always been caring, unselfish almost to a fault. Your mind was telling yourself that she’d be okay. Repeating like a broken record, the phrase ‘there’s no way she would become one of them. She’s strong!’ kept echoing.  


But with each second passing, you knew the chances of her appearing were getting slimmer and slimmer. The faint yet familiar piano melody floated through the heavy atmosphere before a loud, dissonant smash of keys could be heard.  


That’s when you knew. And more tears poured from your eyes as you covered your mouth with your hands in an attempt to stop yourself from screaming for the girl you love. 


This can’t be happening. You can’t lose her.  


I’d rather be a zombie than be alone without you


Suddenly the loud sound of someone speaking in a microphone and the loud sound of whirring had distracted you as you briefly looked up, only to have a bright light shone in your eyes. Temporarily blinded, you lifted an arm to block it out.  


‘We have another one here, captain!’ said a mechanical voice from above your head, before a soldier dressed in heavy duty military gear had clambered to your side. They held you by the arms and hooked a harness around your waist before signalling the people in the helicopter to pull the two of you up. 


‘Please,’ you begged, energy completely drained and your mind overworking itself. Your body be damned. You needed to get those words out of you. If these people are here to get you out, everyone in the group should be rescued. Everyone deserves the chance to live.


‘My friends…are still there…Jinnie’s in there…’ you mumbled as your world fades into black.  



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ilovetakumiusui #1
Chapter 2: Please release another chapter. Really wamted to k ow what happens next. If their friends made it out alive and what happened to wonyoung after
Chapter 1: i already love this so much😭 i know it's going to hurt in the end but id. idc this is annyeongz I'll take whatever I'll get😭 i love you otornim
Chapter 1: i already love this so much😭 i know it's going to hurt in the end but id. idc this is annyeongz I'll take whatever I'll get😭 i love you otornim
jakiem #4
Chapter 1: I'm kinda torn how to feel about this: part, very loud part, of me is all "OH MY DEAR, YOU'RE BACK!!! And this is so good 🥰😭". But other part of me is scared because of the angst tag. And zombies. And stage break and its story 😭😭
I might end up reading this same way I watch horror films - one eye closed and from between my fingers, ready to flung poor pillow across the room if needed
Chapter 1: Ohhh interesting! I'll definitely be tunning in ALSO THE FLUFF IS SO OMG IM SOBBING