♣︎— krp opinions { got a secret to spill?


♣︎— hello kroleplayers!

we are a brand new k-pop roleplay opinions group! we share our opinions, thoughts and so forth about the k-pop roleplay community, the roleplays actively running and any drama that comes from within the community itself.

need a venting space? wanna spill some secrets anonymously? send us a message.
or, feel free to follow our tumblr here to send asks or submission posts.

and don’t hold back either! you’re well within your right to express yourself and talk about whatever you like, as long as the information is true to a t.

we’re also taking roleplays to review! it’s hard to come by roleplay review tumblrs to see what roleplay is best fit, so we decided to do that as well! reach out to us sometime!

♣︎ from admin clover + admin lucky 


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