It's Never As It Seems




"It's hard to say that I'd rather stay awake when I'm asleep

Because my dreams are bursting at the seams"


She's agitated. She can't seem to get into a deep enough slumber. She's baffled as to why this is happening to her. There are millions of images in her head, but no clear explanation.


She's not sure how she's expected to deal with her refusal to get enough sleep. It's most likely the delusions that intrigue something in her. The constant lighting of fireflies keeps her awake.


She fights back against the urge to sleep and decides to stay awake in the end. The buzzing of her phone doesn't seem to bother, nor bring an ounce of shock to her as she stares out her window at the night sky.


She chooses not to answer who is calling her. She feels like an insomniac, too exhausted to fall asleep. Can't let herself rise for a new day. Isn't interested to deal with the same people.


Yubin considers if she wants to keep staring at the disappearing stars in the night sky. She could simply lie down in her bed and hope to be whisked away to dreamland.


But honestly? There's something wrong that's bugging her. That's where a paradox comes to play with her head, threatening to mess her world.


Before she could begin to use her overworked and strained brain, wet drops appear on her hands all of a sudden. How long has she's been tearing up?


It doesn't matter; there's no point in trying to fix it. She rises from her seat, her gaze fixed on the moon and the completely dark sky lighted by millions of fireflies. Finds herself satisfied by it.


She wants to make this last longer. If only this could be her life to permanently live. Doesn't give a damn about the world, just wishes to witness how it feels like to be in her own world.


It's a daring challenge. It's difficult to not remember the nefarious moments she had. Perhaps, this is the price she must pay for wrecking the lives of so many others. She's nearly obliterated everything that stands in her way.


Thinks of dancing with the fireflies to keep herself from tragedy and trauma. The pandemonium of voices going back and forth undoubtedly vanish from her thoughts of lasting in the world just a little longer.


What if she did stay? Would her friends notice that she hasn't woken up from her delusions? Is she even hallucinating or is this a dream that she's stuck in? They wouldn't even care.


Screw it, she mumbles, senselessly placing her fingers on the cold surfaces of the window. It's temperature doesn't bother her. She attempts to open the lock, sliding the panes aside.


The beauty of the neighborhood under dark skies daze and fascinate her. It appears to be both surreal and vivid. It's far too vivid for her to believe she's in a dream.


It gives a sense of comfort to her, like it's worth snapping hundreds of pictures. For a split second, she thinks of capturing everything with her phone. But, everything's never as it seems.


Her thoughts are finally starting to settle down, but she doesn’t want to let them go because these give her such a euphoric feeling.


To all the things she sees, to all the objects she has interacted with, to the void of emptiness being the only human living in the world, she's more than happy enough to be the only person in there.


However, all good things must come to an end. Even in dreams like the one she's experiencing, she outright despises being reminded of reality.


She's starting to cry, and she's getting sentimental about finally falling asleep, since she doesn't want to let go of the euphoric sensation she got from these things.


She could escape this dreary atmosphere and make up a brighter world filled with her own fantasies, and enjoy the remaining time left that she has. 


Speaking of time, she uses it to bid everything the well-deserved farewell for being purposeful and a satisfaction that no one, except for her, would understand.


She knows she can't memorize whatever's in her sight once she falls asleep. But she could at least keep important pieces of information, even if she knows these are of no use.


It continues on bringing tears to her eyes, yet doesn't make a move. She tries to remember all the details of her dimly lit room alongside the view of the desolate neighborhood.


Yubin's uncertain if she'd be awake, knowing that she's dreaming. She would soon realize that her peaceful moments are just dreams. She wouldn’t want to know she's dreaming.


Yubin seems to finally feel dizzy and sleepy, yet she doesn’t wish to lose the euphoria she feels in this wonderful world she's living in. She senses that everything about this is lucid.


She reminds herself that she’ll experience the thrill of her own fantasies again, because she’s hopeful this insomnia she has will come back soon for another eventful day.


And so, she gives up, letting the sleeplessness get to her, lulling her into a state of peace, not knowing the next sequence of things that will happen to her.



A/N: This is totally not connected with my "All Night" story.

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