lf : friends and maybe a *possible* oomf? :Lip_bite:


you click this? i know you want to. :Nsa_smirk: okno jk but yea :hands_cupping: spare me some friends that i could ramble with and an oomf that i could pamper??



you're interested? :Lip_bite: nothing much abt me because wbk i'm *bored* but yea, we continue embarrassing myself let’S GO :-

• on the plus side of the world but my sleeping schedule is kinda fcked up now, so pluses and minuses, yes i'm looking at you.

• looking for a partner that i can pamper with gm gn texts, i give good cuddles (you can ask my exes. jk) also bcs most of my friends are already taken so i'm feeling Fomo frfr. 

• fr looking for one, movie dates, gaming dates, streaming for each other, all that kind of stuffs, just let me hold your hand

• friends are welcomed too bcs ykyk to expand my chingus list more, my dc is looking extra Lonely too we can make a server where we scream, cry and throwing up together. (keyword: Besties)

• my platform right now is only dc, but who knows i'll come back to twt? we never know.

• i also genshin like 25/8 bcs we know i'm very lonely atp, ar57 asia, so if you need a gamer bf / bestie to carry you, This Is It. but also i wouldn’t mind to try new things with you if you're up for it. just name it, i’ll try make some times with you (currently Desperat)

• movie dates or double dates, or any kind of date so  sign me up. we could make up our own movie list if you want.

• replies can be sporadic because i'm a full time working person (yea im Hag but not Too hag, )mm so minors pls look away) but i'll find little mins or secs to slide in for you, make time for you

• if we do click like very well, we can take to the next step?? i'm a very diff person if you know me inside out :Blooshes:

• i'm fcing males right now, currently txt, enha, skz and sometimes ateez so if you wanna cpdp, let's gaur? i dont mind about yours, as long as we click, then why not <3

• i'm The friend that you couldn't trade for anything :Smirk: bcs i barely ghost ppl, man it when you get ghosted i Feel you. 

• do tell me if you feel we didn't click or smtg, if im makig you uncomfortable or such, just give me a heads up before ghosting me bcs it's neomu neomu pain when i find out you're not in my friend list anymore 


uh.. i think that's it?? you can comment below your dc id and i'll get back to you or pm me if you're shy :Wiggles: 


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aha hey
uyubabie #2
oppar me
oh hey 👁🫦👁