Because You Are Mine



"Tsk tsk" hands crossed his chest and shook his head, seeing your sleeping posture.You were deep asleep in your comfortable heaven-like bed.

 He got an idea and bend down. Slowly, he enclosed the distance between his lips to your ear.
He started to whisper something, "Yah, you know that you are mine right? You are forever mine and don't you dare to look other guy or I will definitely kill you!"
You thought you were dreaming about what he had said. Your lips slowly curled and shape into a sweet smile on your face.
He tried not to laugh, so he bite his lips. 
You thought that was just a dream because you had asked him before, did he still remember what he said when both of you still a little kid. But his answer was, "did I ever stated anything before?" you were sad but instead of showing off your reaction, you turned your head to the opposite side of him.
Yes, he actually memorized it. 
He whispered another sentences to you, "If you love me, open your eyes and you will be smiling when you wake up"
Quickly he stood there and started acting. With his hands crossed his chest and he made a face.
You opened your eyes slowly and you saw a figure standing in front of you. You couldn't tell who was it because your vision were still blurry but a smile on your face never faded away. 
*Was that Woohyun? Or am I still dreaming?* When you were almost closed your eyes again, "Yah! _____, wake up!! We're getting late because of you!!!"
Still half awake, you rubbed your eyes. *Damn, why she must be so innocent and bubbly?*
You looked at him with your innocent face and you gave him the sweetest smile in this world even you were still half asleep. *I know right, this is just a dream. Woohyun in my room? That's impossible*
He swallowed hard, *Please stop giving me that smile!!* He sat next to you and shook your shoulders back and forth, "Yah! We're getting laaaaate!!!" he shouted at you.
Shocked at his manly voice, finally you woke up. Still, you saw Woohyun's face in front of you.
Your hands planted on his cheeks and pinched it. "Ahh! What are you doing huh? Anything but please not my face okay!"
*Okay, THIS is Woohyun. But, what did he do in my room?!* Realizing that, you pushed him and his kissed the floor.
"Aahhh! What's wrong with you?!" You pointed him, "Yah! You, what are you doing here? In my room?!"
He stood up and looked at you annoyingly, "I am you alarm clock, my dear. So now get ready because we are getting late because of you!!!"
You blinked your eyes couples time, "Oh! Hehe, excuse me" Embarrassed with yourself, quickly you grabbed your towel and showered.
And yea, he is your lovely alarm clock. He will always woke you up in the morning. It's almost become his daily routine.
You walked to college together with him side to side. Shoulders kept hitting each other, that was how closed both of you walked together.
And, now it's time for all the colleges going back home.
You went to the ladies and finish up a little business.
He waited for you at the main gate of the college but he got bored. He decided to go to the nearest ice cream stall.
While he was busied enjoying his ice cream, he got a call from you, asking where in the world was he.
"Ice cream?! Yah, you need to treat me okay?" giggled, you hung up the phone.
You saw him and called out his name. He heard it and turned to your direction while smiling at how cute were you. 
But, before you want to go to his side, you have to cross the road first.
You were too excited and didn't realized there was a car going to knock you down. You crossed the road while waving your hand out to his direction then, BAAM!
Yes, he witnessed the incident. "Nooooo!!" an innocent ice cream was fall and left forgotten on the ground. 
He run to your side and leaned your head on his lap. "_____, please don't leave me" His vision became blurry because of the tears.
Others started to surround you. Some of them automatically called the ambulance. 
Soon, the ambulance arrived. He followed you and sat next to you while he holding your small hand tightly.
"_____, you must be strong. Yah, don't you dare to leave me alone! I won't forgive you forever!!" tears kept flowing down through his cheeks.
You tried to grasped his hand and tried to make a signal for him to come closer. Luckily he got it and leaned closer to you. 
With your weak voice, you whispered something to him, "D-do you remem-ber what you had s-said to me when--" he couldn't stand seeing you like this and quickly he cut off your sentences.
"Yes _____, I'm still remember about it" he your hair and you still managed to give him your sweetest smile before you collapsed and closed your eyes.
Before he could scream, they arrived at the hospital.
The doctor and nurses were busied pushing your bed to the emergency room.
Woohyun tried to follow you some more but the doctor stopped him. 
He was miserable. Walking back and forth in front the emergency room. He sat on the chair tried to calm himself but, his tears kept flowing from his eyes.
He couldn't imagine what will happen if you left him.
Finally, the doctor came out from the emergency room. Quickly he tried to get inside the room to see you but the doctor have to stop him again.
"Doctor, how was she? Is there anything bad that could effect her? Is she already wake up? Doctor, please..." he stopped showering the doctor with questions and burst out crying.
"Please calm yourself down first. I have to tell you something" he lifted his head up in a blinked of eyes.
The doctor started to tell him about your condition. But he couldn't concentrated at what the doctor said, but he heard the last words, "... maybe she will lost her memories"
The doctor left and he covered his face with both of his hands. 
Will you still be able to remember all the words he had stated before? 
After he get ready to see you, slowly he entered the room. Looking at your weak body, tears started flowing again.
He lifted his head up and looked at the ceiling, couldn't believe his eyes.
He sat next to you and held your hand. "Is that really you, _____? What are you doing here? A _____ I know, she is a happy-go-lucky girl. Not a weak girl who is laying on this bed now"
Tired of crying, he fall asleep next to your side.
The next morning, when he woke up, the first thing he did  was check if there anything had changed.
Doctor came in and approached him, "I'm sorry to interrupt you, but I think you should go back and rest yourself. Don't worry, if there is any change, we will immediately call you" tapping his shoulder and gave him and encourage smile. 
Woohyun let out a long sighed before he nodded and left.
He had tried to sleep but he can't. His mind was still at the hospital , busy thinking about you.
But, his puffy eyes need to rest too after he cried for a long period.
When he woke up, he get ready to leave to the hospital.
He get in your room but the nurses said, "We're sorry but time to visit the patient has just ended"
But no way he will leave you alone. "I'm here to accompany her" he smiled, hope he will passed. The nurses replied the smile and nodded.
Before the nurses leave your room, he asked them, "Was there any changes?" he showed his concerned and worried face.
They shook their head and smile again before leave. Your weak and pale face approached him as he sat next to you.
His hand moved and your hair and down to your cheek. 
"If you lost your memories, please don't put me at your lost memories part. You can't forget about me. Do you know why? Because we've already bonded together since we were 6. I was actually really mean it when I said to you back then even I don't really know what is love" he giggled.
Slowly he took and kissed at the back of your hand. 
He took your phone and recorded himself, "You are actually official my girlfriend that time. I have something important to tell you. Actually, you made me fall for you when we first met. When were we first met? Yes, it was when we were 6. Your sweet smile never failed to melt me. You are my one and only one best friend. But I rather to say, you are my one and only one girlfriend. Our love are infinity. We started become a lover almost past 12 years ago. I promise you, we will never separate. I will never leave you alone and you must do the same things too. Just remember this sentences, if you look for other guy, I will definitely kill you!" he still managed to let out a soft laugh but inside, he was hoping for you to open your eyes and fooling around with him. 
Done, he saved it and placed it on the table next to your bed. Yes, he is actually confessed to you.
Finally you woke up after 4 days you were 'deep asleep'. You felt like your head was hit by something hard, it was so hurt.
You blinked your eyes couples time as your vision were still blurred. But then you realized there was something warm wrapped around your hand.
You turned and saw a familiar guy was sleeping next to you while holding your hand. 
"Who is he? Why did he sleep while holding my hand? Wait!! He must be someone who has a relationship with me. So that means, he must know how I ended up here" smiling at your idea, you tried to wake him up. 
Slowly he opened his eyes. 
His eyes widened and hugged you tightly, "_____, finally you're awake!! I missed you soooo much" he broke off the hug and held your shoulders. "I was so worried about you!!" he couldn't stop smiling from ear to ear.
But, you gave him a questionable face. "Can I ask you something?" he nodded eagerly with that smiles still stuck on his face.
But then, it faded away as you asked him, "Who are you? Do I know you? Do we have any relationship? If you know me, do you know how I ended up here?" 
His nightmare has just begun. Only if he could shout at you that time but he controlled himself. 
He asked you carefully, "You.. don't remember me?" innocently you shook your head, "but! You are so familiar to me.." he was getting excited, maybe you could remember who is he in your life.
"Yes, you are so so sooo familiar but I couldn't remember.. argh!!" you shrieked as you held your painful head.
"Nam Woohyun" you lifted your head up and met his eyes. "Nam Woohyun. That's my name" he smiled, helping you to recall your memories.
Slightly you titled your head, "Nam Woohyun? Woohyun? Woohyun.." you closed your eyes, trying to recall everything about anyone named 'Nam Woohyun'.
It was a miracle, some of your moments with him just hit your head.
You opened your eyes and looked at him with your teary eyes. "You.." Smile on his face never faded away, "you..?" he repeated after you.
You threw yourself to him and cried,"You.. Yah! NamGrease!" Both of you broke off the hug, "Yah! What with the NamGrease huh?" both of you shared the tears of happiness.
You were too excited and hugged him once again tightly. "If it was not because of your greasiness, I won't be able to remember who are you" you stuck out your tongue.
This is what he wanted. As soon you opened your eyes, both of you were busied fooling around.
You were sit on a wheel chair and he was the one who pushed you, to the park.
"_____, did you still remember about what did I said to you when we were 6?" confused, you asked him, "Hmm? What did you said?"
This time he was really shocked but he know, he shouldn't pushed you to remember all things in one day. "Never mind, sooner or later you will remember. Just don't force yourself too much"
Both of you have already arrived at the park. He choose a place where it was almost nobody around.
After a few minutes inhaling the fresh air, he left you with your phone. He was actually went to bring some drinks for you and him.
You opened the gallery file and review again all the pictures. 
Smiling, you slide the screen with your fingers till it stopped at a video. "Eh?" you were confused but you played it instead.
It was a video when he actually confessed to you. You could saw his puffy eyes and you softened *He must be so worried about me. Oh wait! Did he just.. confessed to me?* 
There were mixed of feelings. Till the last past of the video where he says, "If you look for other guy, I will definitely kill you!"
Suddenly all of your memories hit you. You could remember all of it, thanks to Woohyun. This is like a dream. *Yes Woohyun, you are always mine and you are forever mine*
Tears blurred your vision and you covered your face with both of your hands. He came with bottles in his hands.
He saw you were crying and he knelled in front of you, "Y-yah, are you alright?" worried, he tried to pulled your hands slowly so he could see your face.
You jumped on him without hesitated. Both of you landed on the ground and you were on top of him.
"Woohyun..." you looked into his eyes deeply, "Y-yes?" he still couldn't resisted anything from you.
But before you could opened you mouth and says something, he cut off, "But, before you say anything, I-I think you should get up from me first"
You rolled to the side and he helped you to sit on the wheel chair but you were so stubborn. 
You want to stand too but you don't have enough energy so you slung your hand and wrapped it around his muscular body.
He was confused with your sudden changed attitude but he didn't say anything.
"Woohyunnie ~" he could felt your hot breath on his neck. You moved slowly and hugged him. He wrapped his hands around you and you felt safe in his strong arms. 
"I have something to tell you. Actually, I recalled my memories again when I watched the video and you were.. confessing to me" he started to feel his face became hot and he looked to the other direction.
"But.." he turned and faced you in a blinked of eyes, if one of you lost balance or tripped, both of you would kiss.
"But what?!" Smiling, you continued, "but I want to hear it again. Straight from your lips" He made some disagree sound.
The next thing you know, his lips was attacking yours with full of passionate. You were shocked at first but then you closed your eyes and just enjoyed the precious moment.
He moved his hands and placed it around your waist while the other one at the back of your head, make it deeper.
Then he broke off the kissed, "That was straight from my lips" showing off his eye smile.
You were still want to hear he confess in front of you, "But I want to hear--" "I love you" he cut off your sentences and attacked your lips again.
When he broke off again, you pushed him and crossed your arms, "Greasy" He rest his arm around your shoulders, "Well, I have to or you will forget about me"
You looked at him and tapped his nose, "Babo! I won't easily forget about you!!" 
He narrowed his eyes and enclosed the distance between his face and yours, "Hmm, proof it then"
You were just wanted to peck his lips but he could read your mind and cupped your face and gave you a fully passionate kiss.
"Because you are mine! I love you" he finally mentioned it between the kiss.


I'm sorry, it may a bit longer ^^' well, that was what has crossed my mind :p Thank you for spending your time and read my fanfic :)

love, puppydinojjong88


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awwwww, it's soooo cute! I love it!!
weeheeeeee , thanks for liking my story :DD
*spazzing* awww, thanks for reading my story :) *bow 90 degree*
So cute
I like how she actually remembered him unlike other stories where they forget completely
So sweet! :') Jeez, I just love Woohyun too much! *fangirl spazz*