Kai's obsession


I Ran out of ideas for kai sooooo yeah....To lazy to wright kai's thing :?






"No...I don't want to get uppp" said kai sleepy but her cat said otherwise yina meowed louder signing her to 'get up' kai threw a tiny pillow at yina, before kai's cat could react they hear a knock at the door "Kai come on you need to get up!" said a voice. Kai groaned in irritation not knowing sunati was on the other side of the door sunati sighed taking out her key and unlocking her door when sunati opened their door yina jumped into her arms catching her by surprise "Oh my hello to you to pretty kitty" sunati said while scratching her ear yina purred kai heard this and woke up in shock but didn't get up kai turned around in their bed and sighed "Suna what do you want?" said kai half asleep, sunati walked to kai's kitchen and fed yina then went back to kai's room and crossed her arms "Clearly you forgot what today is?" kai was confused 'what was today?' kai thought they looked at the calendar it was the 25th of february it took 2 minutes for kai to figure out what to day was, kai slowly got out of bed then walked up to sunati "Is today the day we fight the c-cryo regisvine" said kai in a despairful voice. Sunati looked away from Kai and laughed a little. That was all kai needed to panic and rush to get dressed "OH DEAR...OH MY...OH GOODNESS" kai said almost falling on the floor "W-WHERE IS MY VISION?!" kai said looking at sunati, she raised her hand then flicked her wrist then her vision appeared in her hand "Left it at liyue at the adventurers guild you never had it on"said sunati smiling kai snatched the light blue vision out of her hand and put it on making sure it was on for sure "I-I need to brush my teeth and fix my hair" kai said running to the bathroom sunati made a sandwiches for herself and kai "Ok i'm ready now" kai said combing their light blue hair. Sunati gave Kai the sandwich that she made. Kai smiled "Ooh an A.B sandwich my favorite" with a quick motion. Kai scarfed the sandwiches down and Sunati laughed. "Let's take one of the teleporters to get to the crew faster" "mhm..yeah..Esto es bueno" as they walked to one of the teleporters in Mondstadt Kai. "Hm?" Sunati said looking confused. Kai saw two little girls running with their parents behind them. Sunati noticed this and hugged them "Oh...that c'mon now be a sad flower we'll find your family" said sunati with a smile 'sigh' that was all kai said to sunati when they went to the teleporter. When sunati and kai teleported to the rest of the crew they were surprised with a hug from one of the crew members ``OMB YOU'RE HERE" Lisa said hugging them around their neck "Your late" said anako looking at magari then to sunati an kai before they could apologize she laughed "Don't worry we found food on the way here and thank barbatos we have a amazing cook on our team" said anako putting her arm around Myuri "Yeah yeah as a chef from liyue I try to make new things that come to mind that's why xiangling is my helper" myuri said fading out 'This is my second family I will protect them with my life it not I failed'. "Yo...trix you coming or..."said anako tapping kai's shoulder "huh...oh yes I am" said kai looking around "I know what you thinking...yes they did leave for the flower the had a race and I think Myuri won" said anako with a small laugh "C'mon trix race ya!" said Anako, having a head start. As they ran to the cryo regisvine only one word was stuck on kai's mind 'Mom' "Hey no fair you cheated" said kai out of breath "Eh you raced against a archon don't know how I got here but...yeah" before anako could say anything else myuri put an sunsettia in "Jeez you talk to much" "This..mhm..is...yummy" anako said walking to the edge of the cliff "H-HEY ANAKO WATCH OUT-" lisa and kai said, but it was to late she fell down the cliff everyone jumped down to catch her but the cryo flower in front of them noticed them all in one 'swoop' the flower took anako "NO" they all shouted "It's' q-quite cold in here guys" "D-don't worry Anako we'll save you!" As kai ran close to the icy flower in front of them kai used their floating circle then myuri jumped into the circle and used her flame bow to melt the flower.


~.Fast Forward.~


As the beat the cryo regisvine Anako tried to stand Lisa ran to her "OMB ANAKO" Lisa said running to anako knocking her back down "OOF...missed ya' to" "You need to be more careful" said myuri starting a fire kai felt sad that she didn't try to warn anako sooner "I'm sorry" everyone looked at kai and shook their heads "No it's not like that kai" magari and lisa said in unison "I don't feel so good.." says anako in a shaky breath then myuri picked up anako and disappeared."C'mon guys we need to go and check on anako" said Lisa "No I'll stay need to check the area for more loot" Kai said with a smile but deep down it was a lie magari opened a small circle to mandstadt then walked through it. "Ok then bye kai...You coming sunati?" said Lisa turning around "Yeah I am, give me a moment" sunati walked up to kai and hugged them and whispered "Don't be hard on yourself..ok?" before kai could respond sunati ran into the portal and disappeared.Kai didn't need a mirror to know they were crying they pulled their hair back into two puff balls while leaving the cold cave kai's eyes adjusted to the light outside "You can't get the crysital now daki" said a child-like voice. Kai looked around they were about to fly down the cliff when kai heared a soft thump land on the grass 'A ball?' kai thought, kai picked up the ball and stared at it the two girls apeared in front of kai and jumped happily "AN ANEMO USER" they squealed "Do you have a weapon?" kai polearm apears in their hands "Can you fly?" kai floats in the air "COOL" they screamed, kai tried to give the kids their ball when kai saw a figure come up to them "Kids! oh my I was so worried about you" said the mother. As the mother looked up at kai she smiled and walked up to them "Oh thank you for finding my girls" said the mother with a warm smile kai blushed in embarrassment "No no it's fine I just found them at the-" before kai could finish the mother and girls were gone 'Did I imagine them?' kai thought "I wish my parents did that" said kai with a sad chuckle




"Aw @!*^% look at kai" said the 'mother' the 'father' look at kai and smiled "Aw my beuatiful baby she's so cute" kai cooed reaching up at the sky "Oh &%#* what vision do you think kai will have?" said the 'father' holding kai "Oh I don't know maybe kai will have an anemo vision like us" "That would be amazing!" said the 'father' holding kai in the air.


~>~End Of FlashBack~>~


Kai didn't noticed but they were laying on the edge of the cliff half sleep and crying waiting for some sign that their family was still alive kai made a small tornado with their hands 'Maybe I should find the others' "Maybe I'll just stay here for a while" kai said aloud



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