What The Heart Needs


And they'll tell you that you're lhe lucky one

-Taylor Swift


 Have you ever wonder what it feels like to be incredibly famous that you need a bodyguard to walk? Hyejin never wonders actually nor does she cares enough well, not until she actually needs one in order for her to be 'safe' in an event and not physically hurt. Perhaps this part of popularity skips her mind when she decided to enter to the industry.

Flashes of camera's lights hits her eyes and she poses for them. Turning her body to every angle that they need. She steps aside when her turn is done and give a few smiles and thanks. She safely walks inside the place and sit at the table where she assigned to. Right when she sits on her chair, a breathe that she doesn't know she's holding is release. 

"Hi, nice to meet you," a voice next to her says. 

She turns and smoothly falls into a conversation with the person next to her. Camera flashes again to capture the interaction she has. Every words that escape her lips is elegance and polite. Not once a she slips up and make a mistake. She smiles brightly at every compliment thrown at her and flatter the owner of the praises. This usually happen at every event she attends anyway, so she suppose to get used with this.


She's travelling again, she's in a plane again, she's in another empty hotel room again, she's far away from Korea again because she needs to be in another event. Apparently this one is quite a huge one and she needs to look red carpet ready to attend the event. On the plane, Cho Hei have been on her side and went through pages after pages of dresses that the team had prepared beforehand.

Hyejin almost let out a laugh at her comical movement but she held it in because she knows the women is stressing. Well, her entire team is stressing. They want her to be the best, they want her name to be on the front-page of a magazine, they want her to be everywhere, and she feels grateful everyday that she has such an amazing team with her. 

Hyejin is sitting in front of the makeup table, getting ready for the event. "Do you think this one looks better or the other one?" Jin Ae show her two lip stick colour, one being maroon and one being chatteu wine color. Hyejin carefully inspect the colour and try to see which one look best on her and her dress. 

"Are we highlighting my lips or my eyes?" 


Hyejin look at Jin Ae, "Then, use the maroon one,"

Jin Ae nod at her choice and start applying it to Hyejin's lip. "Have you seen what they've been saying about you?" Choi Hei walk in the room with her phone on her hand. Hyejin take a glance at her from the mirror in front, "No, why?"

Hyejin try her best to remain calm and compose, almost coy even although her heart is a bit nervous. "They love your appearance! Oh my god, some Hollywood pages have been posting your picture on the red carpet on their account!" Choi Hei say almost shrieking in near tears. Hyejin should have guess it's a good thing since the moment the stylist walk in, her face is so bright actually. 

"Really?!" now its time for Jin Ae to scream. Hyejin laugh at the disbelief of Jin Ae face when she snatches Choi Hei's phone from her. "They love you Hyejin!"

"Okay, okay they love me! but guys we have an event to attend," Hyejin remind them sternly although her smile says otherwise. It's not the first time that she was posted on the hollywood news portal but each time she did the team always been happy. It might not be a huge news outlet but still to be posted is a huge honour.

 Her team always say that she made it big, she carves her name here on the hollywood when she's still a rookie. Such a supportive team really, she so thankful for them. Not once they complaint about the constant travelling and not once they fail to encourage her. She thinks the reason her sanity is still in tact is during her whole schedule is due to them. 

"10 minutes and we're leaving! Is Hyejin ready?" Woomin shout. They need to be on time to make sure they manage to be on the red carpet on the right time and there will be traffic. Woomin need to always remind the girls about the time or else, they will not be letting go Hyejin. They uhm.. a bit obsess wth her face. Woomin walk in the room to see if Hyejin is ready, his foot stop on his way. Woomin can feel his jaw actually drop from his face and he swears he can hear someone laughing in the background. 

The girls are smirking and giggling to themselves with a clear proud expression on their face. "Isn't she's pretty?" Jin Ae say while elbowing the manager. 

"Very, Hyejin-ah you look really beautiful," Hyejin smile at the compliment.

"Thank you, hyung,"

"You going to blow up the internet with your look," Choi Hei say while putting her hand on Hyejin's shoulder with a wide smile.

Hyejin look at the mirror near her, trying to take in her appearance, Her black hair have been tied into a braid with two soft curls strands come out. A long maroon dress with a spaghetti strap and golden metal laces that covers her side look so elegent on her; screaming expensive. She has to admit that the dress also has done an amazing job at hiding her figure because well, she doesn't have an amazing body that you see in the magazine. 

A clap resonate in the room, "Well, we have to go now!" 

Hyejin walk away, leaving the hotel room. She manages to grab her oversive white cardigan and wear it on her way out. In the van, she sits carefully to make sure that her looks is not ruin, "Wear this," Hyejin turn her head to see Choi Hei handing her a necklace.

A golden necklace. To be specific, Hyejin's family heirloom necklace. They of course have no idea the significance meaning of the necklace, they thought it just a necklace that she bought. She also is not bother to explain the necklance existance meaning to anyone. 

Quietly, Hyejin show her back to Choi Hei to wear it on her. She can feel the necklace clasp and look at the necklace. It's a golden necklace with a pendant. A flower-shaped pendant; the middle of it is a huge red stone surrounded with 5 small white stone. She never take off the necklace except on an official schedule. She wears it awfully a lot but never out in the open. The necklace is actually well hidden in her clothes when she wears it so, one have to truly look at her to see the necklace. Even then, the pendant usually not visible and people pass it off as a regular golden necklace. 

Hyejin sigh softly as she sees the necklace settling on her neck. She turn her head to look outside and see flashes of cameras, Oh crap. so many cameras. An idea slip into Hyejin and she knows she has to do it. 

"Unnie, hurry up take a pic of me," she takes her phone in the small black purse and give it to Choi Hei. 

"Right now?!" 

"Right now!" 

She sees flashes of white light outside of the van, a white light that brights enough to lighten up the van. Hyejin make her body turn sideways facing the lights and she turn her head to her left; only showing her side profile. She uses her white cardigan to pose again this time and after that she manages to do 6 poses before stopping right in front of the red carpet to walk out. 

"Thank you, unnie!" Hyejin open the cardigan and throw it to the backseat. She gives a cheeky smile to the Choi Hei and walk to the carpet. 

"Miss Kwon!"

"Look this way, please!"

"Miss Kwon, smile this way!"

Hyejin poses on the red carpet and for her final one, she shows off her back. Camera flashes go crazy at her pose, multiple lights goes off at once and shuttering noises increase. She discreetly smile at herself, 'Oh, I did that.'

She walks away to leave the red carpet but of course, they still call our her name. What do you do in this situation? If you wanna be iconic then follow Hyejin's steps.

First, you pause,

Second, you turn your head back but not fully.

Third, raise your shoulder a bit.

Then, the last step is give a cheeky smile.

Only for a second to give the right amount of attention and that's how Hyejin name really blow up the internet. 


Hyejin lay her back on her bed. She doesn't stay long at the event actually with an excuse of having a flight to catch. It's not a total lie but the management had managed to get her flight a bit later so, she can sleeps in a bit before going to the airport. Estimation time of sleeping is around 4 hours. Everyone is probably is sleeping but Hyejin never does well in sleep when she needs to. She scrolls open her social media and oh my god, her name is everywhere on twitter. 

The comments on her pictures are thousands. Everyone loves her look and her name is the headlines including those big hollywood news accounts. 

'A New Beauty Face In Hollywood; Hyejin Kwon Turns Head On Her Appearance'

'The Mysterious Girl, Who Is She? Find Out About Hyejin Kwon'

'Hyejin Kwon Is The Beauty Unmatch'

'Kpop Sensation; Hyejin Kwon Outfit Is Crazy And We Love It!'

'Kpop Star, Hyejin Kwon Is The Headline'

'Liam Grey Stun Face At Seeing A Beauty'

Hyejin frown at the post and click on the video. The video started with Liam Grey having a small interview on the side and then the interviewer suddenly goes oh my gosh, and that made him turn his head. While the interviewer snap out of it pretty quick, Liam did not instead he continue to stare with his jaw drop a bit. When he snaps out of it though the interviewer is fast to , "Makes your head turn, huh?" Liam laugh but then he keeps on turning his head to take a glance at her. Then, when she turns back at the very last minute, Liam face is priceless. He looks like he is in awe.

Hyejin turn to read the comments:  

@Username1- Heartthrob boy got starstruck so bad

@Username2- She so beautiful of course, he's going to stare

@Username3- He looks he's about to drop on his knees in the middle of the interview

@Username4- Hyejin is so beautiful woah, I want to see her with my eyes

@Username5- Liam is about to drool and I understand

@Username6- Anyone has her username? I become a fan

@Username7- Liam I'm usually jealous when you with other girls but this..I get it


Hyejin laugh at the comments and feel a sense of proud in herself. Her name being trending in social media is very fascinating. It's not the first time her name is trending but having the big accounts finally posting about her and having her as a headline is different. Having a whole article just writte about youself is huge.  She opens her instagram account and gasp in amusement. She gains hundreds thousands of followers in just one night. A smirk appear on Hyejin face, 'Should we make some noise?'

She look for the picture that she took before walk in the red carpet and choose her top3. She posts them one by one with a caption light then camera and for the last picture she write action. In a span of 5 minutes the three photos gain 1 million likes and thousands of comments. She smiles at the post and turn off her phone. She feels completely satisfied by her action. 

'I need to check if I miss anything,'

As she left her phone by itself, she is left unaware that she is once again, making headlines and trends. 



"Have you seen your instagram?"

Woomin ask her while eating his food next to her. They're currently in a plane on their way to go to Malaysia . Hyejin barely could catch up a sleep when they have to leave for the airport and surprise, reporters were everywhere. They were taking pictures at every possible angle and Hyejin is very thankful that she still concious enough to dress herself in a fashionably outift or else she gets roast by the media. 

"Why?" she looks up from the script in her hands to look for a brief second her manager. 

"Its literally blowing up and you currently have like 35 million followers," 

Hyejin gasp in shock at the words, "That many?" 

Woomin nod, "That many."

"What about the group?" she asks in wonder, if perhaps the group popularity also increase. 

"This year alone we gain like 10 million followers and last night we gain another 500k, sajangnim is very please," Woomin say as he shoves his food into his mouth. Hyejin turn to look again at her script. She is very please like super please by the improvement. The group achievement is uncomparable to her solo career. She starts with them and it feels incredibly nice for the group to become so successful. Even with the endless touring, she never complains because she loves that she can do it with girls. 

"I'm sure people going to be shock when I post the picture of today's concert and they're going to be like 'girl is a singer?" she mutters those words to herself and silently laugh in her head. She focus back on the script on her hand, and start to memorise it again. 

"By the way, Liam Grey follow you on the instagram," Hyejin hum, not knowing what to say.

She knows multiple pop stars follow her on instagram and actors or actress. She doesn't let it get to her head and continue to post like usual but Liam Grey is a bit different. A very popular upcoming actors that had several award nominations on his belt. He is quite a pretty face in the industry as far as she can remember and he also has a huge fanbase if she's not mistaken. He's quite a sensation in the industry currently. Oh, did she mention that the guy doesn't follow any girls on IG. Was because now he follows her.  

"You're stealing people's hearts again," Woomin say and Hyejin can't help but to burst into a laugh. 'What can I do? Hide my face?' She shakes her head at the silly thoughts and turn back to the script. 




Hyejin is laughing on stage with the girls. They have come to an end of the concert and is doing their closing. The girls have been teasing her nonstop during the whole show by imitating her pose on the events. The fans are loving it too. She feels so happy and bless seing them goofing around with each other. Hyejin stand next to Hyojung and Ellyn to take picture of today's concert. Just when they're about to pose, Jaehee stop them, "Let's turn our head, guys,"

Hyejin laugh at the obvious attempt of teasing her and the fans cheers at the imitation. Hyejin could barely hold in her laugh and continue smiling at every picture because oh god, they really eating up the pose. They walk away while saying their bye to the fans as they sing their last song play for the night. 



The fans and even the girls are cheering her name; an obvious attempt to make her do the pose. She, of course entertains the crowds and turn her head while shrugging her shoulder. The fans goes screaming and the girls are laughing as Hyejin fasten her step to the stage lift in embarassment. The sudden hits of shyness hits her a bit too hard because she kinda wish that the whole floor will eat her up. As the stage lift goes downward and they wave the crowds, she can sees from her peripheral vision that the members are cackling; perhaps amuse at her reaction. 

"Good job, everyone!"

The girls start to bow and thank everyone for their hardwork. They also start to clap and high-five with each dancer that they work with for this tour. They have only around 6 shows left before the closing in Seoul, Korea. She feels the bitterness of an ending show coming to an end. She walks in to the waiting room and see the members already taking off the makeup. Hyejin take a seat in front of the mirror and start to take the makeup wipes on the table. 

"Have you seen the hashtag?" Ellyn say with her phone on her hand while sitting on the sofa. "The LCA Hashtag?" Hyojung ask. 

"What does that mean?" Jaehee ask while still cleaning her face. She's a bit further from the internet so, she relies a lot on the others to tell her what's trending.

"It's people posing with flashlights at the front and posing, kind of like Hyejin unnie post on instagram," Ellyn say while showing them the hashtag. Hyejin can see that all the pictures under the hashtag are similiar to her poses from her latest post. The one before she steps on the red carpet. 

"Oh my god, you got even the kardahsians following the trend," Hyojung gasp and immediately show them her phone. It's true and people commenting like that Hyejin Kwon is trendsetter, Hyejin Kwon is the original girl, and so many people mention her name. Hyejin silently take her phone and open her instagram, only for the apps to become hang. She can't open it. 

"Oh my god, unnie I gain followers!" Ellyn slide next to Hyejin, eagerly showing the increase in the followers number. It continue to rise and rise. 

"It's not only you though, all of your followers are increasing and the group account gain another 500k followers tonight," Woomin walk in with his phone on his hand, "That's a lot,"

Hyejin nod at the words that comes out from Rina's mouth, "Well, hurry up to the van so that you can go to the hotel and rest,"

The girls are chattering among themselves as they make their way to the van. Hyejin sneakily comes up from behind Rina and link their hands together. Rina jokingly pull Hyejin closer to her until they bump into each other which cause laugh to echoes between them, "So, how's the filming going?" Rina ask as the both of them sit at the back. 

"We're still preparing for the test shot but I hear that they started testing already and they going to shoot some scenes tomorrow to see the angle for the fight scenes," Hyejin not excatly sure either but from reading the group chat between the actors they are currently try to test shot and see the camera angle to work the best on the scenes. Most of them are fight scenes though, and she is sure that they have their first filming next Tuesday. 

Rina nod at Hyejin's answer and lay her head on the seat to rest, "You going to hang with me tonight?" Rina ask with her eyes close. 

"Of course," Hyejin say and close her eyes too. Just close but never asleep. 




"Oh my god, I'll dump that into a pool if I was her," Hyejin and Rina decided to open the local TV, right at the moment when some series is starting. Hyejin have a slight clue what's the series is about because well, she speaks Malay but Rina does not, so it ended up with her trying to make up some stories on the scene that she sees and Hyejin entertain her. 

"I bet you that he's going to cheat on her," the scene then show the man walking into a hotel with other women. 

"See? This man ain't it," Hyejin laugh at the comment. Rina is perhaps is the calmest in the group and a bit docile but she is the loudest when she laughs and say something completely random sometimes, like out of nowhere. She's also one of the longest people that have been in Hyejin's life. They were school friends first before it turn into training together. 

"By the way, do you know about this actress?" ah, she's also quick on gossip. She knows stories left and right. There's two people like her in the group which is Rina and Ellyn. They keep the group chat fires with the gossips and Hyejin love the gossips. Always manage to entertain her. They talk and talk all night nonstop. 

"What do you think Ellyn doing?" Rina ask as she put on her skincare. 

"Recording? Isn't it suppose to be her turn?" Hyejin reply while trying to remember about the youngest task. 

"Hmm, she's definitely bothering the eldest," Rina say while coming out from the bathroom. Hyejin doesn't respond anything instead she is busy focusing on her instagram.

"You posted our concert pic?" Rina ask as she lays beside Hyejin on the bed. She notices Hyejin posting picture on instagram. Her head tilt to look at her friend. Hyejin nod and smirk, "I post the head turn post too and guess what? my caption is iconic pose for iconic girls," 

Rina laugh and open her own phone to like the picture. She closes the phone and sigh, "We're really living the dream life, huh,"

Hyejin take a glance at Rina. The girl is already closing her eyes which prompt Hyejin to turn off her phone and close her eyes too. She opens her eyes and stare at the ceiling. Lately, she stares a lot at the ceiling and she doesn't even know why. 



The next day, they fly back to Korea. Jaehee is releasing a solo soon so, she has to be back in Korea. The rest of the members have some solo schedule like photoshoot and events to attend. They walk through the sea of crowds with bodyguards surrounding them. Apparently, there are lots of people in the airport so, they send more people to protect them. They have to walk fast so, that they wont get mob by the people. Everyone is shouting and screaming at a point.

They go to the studio first at the company to have small discussion regarding their comeback. It's quite a miracle in her opinion that they're having a comeback actually. They released only 1 song this year and start a tour after that. When they arrives at the studio, they start discussing which songs need to be cut off from the album and what concept should they use this time. 

"This comeback have to be time perfectly though, because of the collaboration with SM. We maybe need to comeback when their promotion end or before they start," Teddy say as he swirls the pen on his hand. 

"Who is their?" Hyojung ask. 

"EXO," he replies,

"For what? What's with them?" Jaehee ask

"The PR department say something about more impact or something, maybe to draw more attention to the public to both of the groups, you guys will have an overlap time of schedule together for at least 1 week at music shows," Teddy sound like he's not happy with any of those suggestions at all. "It sounds like they want to sell stories of Hyejin,"

Jaehee words cause a tiny smile on Hyejin's face. It does sounds like they try to milk out every single thing about EXO and Blaze together. Just 1 week of seeing each other while promoting at music shows..what can you possibly gain from that other than stories of interaction with each others? 'They going to pull a huge PR movement from this collaboration, huh,' Hyejin think to herself. 'Scratch that, everyone is going to be thinking like that.' 

"Okay, so..how's the song, do you like it?" Hyejin ask to divert the attention from the issue. 



When the discussion is over, Ellyn is curling on the sofa with eyes barely open and a hot pack on her stomach. Cramps, she suppose. The rest of the members are joking around and fooling around with each other. Hyejin smile fondly at them. Hyojung is wondering what will happen if she puts some glue on a chair will someone really stuck and for some reasons, serious opinions are thrown out. She can't understands how you can actually make a full depth of this conversation but hey, nothing new. She is entertaining the conversation when someone knock on the door.

Woomin step into the room, "Hyejin, you have to go."

"Go where?" Hyejin eyebrows furrow in confusion because she's pretty sure she doesn't have any other scheduled today unless they just added a new one, "Home,"

Woomin say and start to get her bags to leave. Hyejin stand up in confusion, "Hmm, okay? Bye?" she says, unsure of what to do in this situation. Never ever in her life that she is force to go back home. Teddy clap his hand all of a sudden and shout, "You're ban from entering the studio this week!"

Hyejin whip her head so fast that it feel dizzy, "What do you mean I'm ban?" she's glaring at the famous producer in front of her. The members are staring at the interaction in amusement while Teddy shrug his shoulder, "Sajangnim order, he says please rest and don't come in until next week," 

Hyejin scoff in disbelief and before she could refutes, the members cut off, "They should make this a regular order, you really need to go back home and rest," 

Hyejin gap at them; feeling betrayal running through this scenario, "You guys betray me," she says sadly with a sad expression. 

"Just go back home, and rest. We're wrapping up and going back home too," Hyojung say while basically shoving her out of the place, "Yah! you really forcing me out?" she turn her head to look at them. 

"Yes!" they say in union, "Please make sure she is at home, Woomin hyung!" Jaehee say as the manager finish gathering Hyejin's stuff. "Of course," he jokingly salute to the leader and drag Hyejin outside to send her back home. Hyejin whine as loud as she can when her feet finally have to step out of the room. Finally, she gives up and just walk following Woomin at the front. A sigh escape her lips as she remembers the looks of the members. It so obvious that they're a part of this scheming. 'I can't believe this they betray me,' she's a bit dramatic but it's okay. Life is a drama itself. 

The ride on the way to her home is very silence save for the radio. She doesn't really have anything to say but she's been wondering for a while and who else could answer her question if its not the team main manager? "Whose idea was it? The comeback and promotion thing," 

Woomin take a glance at Hyejin from the mirror. He is surprise at the question that break the silence. He contemplates for a while, but what would he gains by lying anyway? "It's SM that suggest it and the PR had a meeting with everyone so, we kinda have a vote on this whole thing too but well, SM is persistant,"

Woomin take a glance at Hyejin; wanting to see her reaction. Surprisingly or maybe not, she remains stoic as if the information doesn't faze her. Woomin want to say something, to get her to speak but at the end, he just close his mouth. Once again, silence envalopes them. 




They arrive in front of her house. She opens the door to walk out but Woomin roll down the window before she could walk further, "Hyejin, you have to go home, sleep and you have strict restriction from working, any sort of working, got it?" his stern tone almost make Hyejin burst into laugh but she holds it in instead she lets out a small chuckle. He means well and she knows it.

Even though, he's probably joking with her a bit she is in fact aware that there had been laces of truth there, "Okay, okay. I'll be sleeping,"

She walks to her house and punch in her passcode. She's lazily walking upstairs to the second floor, to the place where her entire house suppose to be. She opens her shoes and put them in the aisle of shoe rack at the entrance door of the second floor. She opens the door and put her bag on the countertop on the kutchen and left her suitcase on the door. She walks to the living room and lay on the sofa. For a short period of time, she just lay there and doesn't move. She isn't sleeping but her eyes are close. 

She stands up and walk to her bedroom. She go to the bathroom and turn on the faucet of the bathtub. In the meantime, she starts to strip off her clothes and search for a scents. Her scents. Lavander scents. She puts in a few drop in the water and soak herself in the tub. She isn't sure how long she's in the tub either but when she steps out her fingers have wrinkles on them. She walks to her dressing room and take out a pajama to wear. 

Putting her old clothes in the hamper, Hyejin kind of realise on how many clothes she hasn't wash yet. Her suitcase that is left on the door is open and she takes out all her used clothes in these past few days overseas. She puts all the clothes in the washing machine and turn on the machine to wash. She walks back to her dressing room and start to do her skincare. She takes out some small bottles from her suitcase and start to fill them up with her skincare products. 

"This is what you call restocking your travel necessity," she mutters to herself. 

Once she's done, she puts them back in her skincare case for travelling and place it back in the suitcase. She takes out the sneakers and slippers she brought with her to the overseas and put them back in the shoe rack. She takes a black sneaker and one blue slippers out from the aisle and place them in the former shoes place.

After some time of arranging and packing her items, she walks back to the laundry room. She starts to hang the clothes with hanger in silence. She opens the curtain of the room once she's done hanging the clothes. It's late at night which mean the clothes will be dry tomorrow maybe at morning or noon. 

She walks to her kitchen and open the fridge. Some eggs and kimchi. She just settled for scrambled egg and eat it with Kimchi. She doubts she has some rice at home. She can't remember going out to refill her groceries actually. Looking back almost all the foods in her house has been eaten or thrown out because it exceed the expiration date. 'The perks of living alone and constantly travelling, I guess', she isn't sure either if it's a blessing or a curse. She saves money so, it's good. 

She washes her dishes when she's done and look around her place. Someone has been cleaning her house atleast once every two weeks so, it is clean. She step into her bedroom and lay on the bed. She stares at the ceiling and stare and stare, absolutely nothing makes her want to sleep. She turns her head to look at the animal plushie that she got. Her whale doll. She even named the doll '8'. To this day, she never sure why she named him that. She usually brings the doll with her when she travels but she accidenly forget to pack it with her last time. So, it left all alone by itself on this cold house. 

She stare at the doll and take it in her arms. God, she loves the doll. It so soft and fluffy, it makes her feel so nice when she hugs it. She tries again to close her eyes and sleep. 

She can't.

She isn't sure how long the time has pass but she can't sleep. Her mind stay concious and continue to think. Till she's overthinking all her actions today. Recalling all the tiny details she did. She lets out a frustated breathe and get up from the bed. She go into her work room and open her PC. She opens her thesis and start to reading it.

She's been through her thesis for so many times and even add so many details but hey, you can still make mistakes. She's not even sure why she opens the thesis when she has consulted them with her professor. She's pretty sure her professor is sick of her and pray that she graduates quickly. Whenever she has free time, she'll do her assignments and now? She have no assignment left to complete. The fact that she's graduating next year is also disturbing. 

'Should I get a Phd after this?' she wonders. She's not even sure either why she's pursuing her studies but she seems good at it.

She sighs and take a book out of her shelves. Her shelves is never empty, why? It fills with books. The shelves look like it need some extra life support by how many books she have in the shelves. She takes out one, open it and read a few pages. She decides that she won't be sleeping if she's reading this. She sets the book down on the table. She stares at the keyboard across the room. She's heavily tempted to compose something, to write some lyrics, to open apps and do some beats but she can't. She can't stop once she starts. 

She is aware herself, she needs to sleep because how many time had passed that she's not sleeping less than 2 hours? Abesent-mindedly she run through her hair in frustration. She looks at the clock and oh god, its 2 am and she's not sleeping. She opens her work phone to check anything, nothing interesting. Her schedule for tomorrow morning is empty and have some practice session in the evening for 'Hunter'. 

She hits with a wave of uncertainty on what she can do in the morning. How can she fills up her time? She sighs frustratingly and walks out. She grabs her cap and mask along with her car key. She drives, unknowingly just drive to whatever road she can remembers. She isn't sure either what's been on her mind because it feel empty but before she knows it, she's in front of her parents's house. A grand house. She hesistates for a while, if she should comes in or not. The clock show that its 3 in the morning. She continue to stay in the car for while before going inside the house. 

She walks upstairs and try to make as less noise as possible. She walks to her room, her old room but stop midway. She opens another bedroom door instead, and walk in. She watches the small figure sleeping on the bed and her heart feels like it's about to burst. She slips into the bed next to the small kid and pull her into her embrace. The movement must cause the little girl to startle becaus she stirs a bit, "Unnie?"

Hyejin hum in answer and start to gently patting the girl to go back to sleep, "Will you be here in the morning?" 

Hyejin hand stop for a while. Smoothly she proceeds her action and answer her, "I'll be here,"

The little girl seems to be satisfy and snuggle closer to her. Naturally, Hyejin start humming a small lullaby for the girl. A lullaby also gently welcome Hyejin into the darkness.



The breeze and the light coming in through the curtain shines into an eyes. Hyejin's eyes. She squints in irritation at the interuption of her beauty sleep. She slowly opens her eyes and look around her. Her memory is still in tact because she knows how she gets there and whose room she's sleeping in. She reluctantly get up from the bed and walk downstairs to where she's sure her family is. She can see her mother watching the TV while braiding a little girl hair, "You wake up?" her mom say.

Hyejin sits next to her mother on the sofa and look at the TV in front, "There's some kimchi jigae in the kitchen, go and eat it," Hyejin hum in answer, not having a proper energy to respond. Hyejin look at the little girl that sit patiently on the floor as her hair is getting braid, slightly in awe while staring at her. 

"What time did you come home?" she hears her mother asking, "I don't know". She's definitely not telling her that she comes home at 3 in the morning. Her mother will go berserk if she realise that. 

"Unnie, look at me!" the little girl spins around in front of her and start showing off her hair. Her braided hair. Hyejin smiles and start to compliment her, "Aigoo, our Mijoo look so pretty!" the girl start giggling at the words and comfortably place herself on her lap. Hyejin touch her hair and gently her hair. Mijoo is telling her stories about some friends that she meets on a recent gathering. They apparently had a long fight on which princess in better and the little girl is grumbling in disatisfaction, "I still think that Elsa is the best because she's a queen and she has power but do you know Anna is so annoying?" 

The irritation on the kid's face make her laugh because oh god, how can a 3 year old speak so well? The way she carefully arrange her sentence before she speaks is adorable. Lately it seems like the girl is speaking like a bullet train though. Mijoo start to walk away to grab her toy to play with, and Hyejin ask her mom, "Where's others?"

"It's monday so, Hyejun has school and your father go to the company," Hyejin nod at the answer. 

"I hear you made some noise lately in the news," her mother words make her startle and look at the older women in shock. 

"Everywhere I go, your name is mention aigoo, even the news mention your name-" her mother point out to the TV, It was some midday news and it mention her name saying how she had create a trend and marked her life in the hollywood. Hyejin look back at her mother who smiles fondly "- it seems like my daughter is really famous, huh" her mother bump her shoulders with Hyejin playfully.

She laughs at the remark, "Well, thanks to the genetics," that make her mother laugh out loud. She feels a gentle hand start her head and it almost make her freeze. Almost. 

Mijoo walk in again and these time she's showing off her new sunglass. That morning Hyejin play with Mijoo with all her hearts. They did fashion shows, playing with the pets in the house, and bake some cookies together. 




"Can you send this to your sister after picking up Hyejun? I pack some for Hyejun as well so he can eat it with Hyein" her mother give her a pack box which she takes without saying anything. Mijoo is taking a nap after sending Hyejin off to the front, clearly exhausted after playing all morning. She drives to the primary school and wait outside of the school. She's wearing a mask and a new set of outfit but just to be safe she doesn't step outside of the car. She settles to wait inside and only come out once she sees her little brother walk out. 

She notices a little boy walk out in the middle of the crowd and step out of the car to call him out, "Kwon Hyejun!" the boy turn and immediately see his sister waiting. Hyejin excitedly wave her hand to him, not caring at all if anyone notice her.

"Noona!" Hyejun walk toward the car and step inside. 

"What are you doing here? Aren't you busy?" Hyejun ask as he looks at his sister with a wide smile on his face although his voice sounds a bit chill and cold. 

"I have time to spare so, I'm picking you up," Hyejin say and ruffle the boy's hair. Maybe he's no longer a boy anymore. The boy had grown so much. He turned 12 last month and his height is around 148cm already. She can't help but to stare at her little brother. 'Time really flies,'

She starts driving to the hospital to meet up with her sister, "Noona, you really famous! Everyone in my class mention your name and the girls try to follow your pose in class, it's strange," 

"Why is it strange?" she asks,

"Well, you're my sister. It's weird that everyone is following my sister but it's very amusing too," he replies in English.

Hyejin take a glance at her little brother, a glimpse of delight in her eyes, "Your english has British accent on it,"  

"I've been watching too many movies in English," he says so naturally without a hint of accent, "It helps too that everyone in the family has the same accent,"

Hyejin hum in agreement, "but I still have a bit of american accent though," he scrunches his nose, a sign that he feels displeases.  

"It's okay, I have that accent too sometimes. I mix them up pretty badly too," she tries to cheer the boy although, she can't really see what's the problem, "I know, I saw your interviews,"

Before Hyejin can response to his revealation, the boy start to look around and see the familiar place from the car's window, "Are we meeting with Hyein noona?" he looks back at her, waiting for explaination, "Yeah, we're meeting her to give some foods. Maybe we can hang out together for a bit,"

She drives the car a bit further in the back of the hospital and goes down to a private basement. A reserve basement for importat people only. They both step out of the car and wait at the elevator. They greet the security at the door and walk in together. Hyejun hold the food pack on both of his hand after he insisting that he carries them, "Does Hyein noona know we're meeting her?" he asks her. 

"Mom probably inform her already and she suppose to be in her office around this time. Let's hope she won't have any emergency" Hyejin answer as the lift door open. They both step inside and push the highest button floor. 

"I think you and dad going to win the bet," Hyejun say so softly that she can misses it if its not because of her paying attention, "What? Why?" She stares at Hyejun, demanding an answer. 

"Hyein noona come home one day, and Woojin hyung is the one that sent her home," Hyejin swear her eyeballs about to pop out from her socket when she hears that, "and then she lies and say that she comes by taxi when mom ask her in the morning but I saw them from the windows," oh god, and her sister lies? Oh my god, she's winning this bet. It seems like Hyejun has so many teas to spill because that boy is dropping secrets like hot pancakes.  

"And the other day, I saw her texting with someone when she picks me up and I saw that the user is Woojin hyung," By that information, Hyejin already start calculating the money she'll earn. 

"Oh and I also saw that she's smiling when he texts her," Oh, Hyejin is going to be rich by the end of this betting. 

"Oh, they are so getting back together!" she exclaims in excitement as Hyejun chuckle at her sister enthusiasm. 

"I'm splitting the money with you if they're getting married," Hyejin tell her little informer, "How much will you get anyway?" Hyejun ask as he close his eyes trying to imagine the amount of money.

 "The bet has been going on for 5 years and each year we raise the bet by 100," she says casually. 

"What?!" Hyejun gap at the amount and start calculating in his head. They are a total of 10 people or 11? betting against Hyejin and their father so, if all add up they get around $5000. Hyejun gulp at the amount and suddenly it dawn on him that, this people that betting is their family members whose bet is made about his oldest sister, "I'll still have to split with appa so, maybe I get a half of it? But I'll devide my win with you," she winks at him. 

"Does Hyein noona even know about this bet?" he shudders at the thought of the oldest sister rage if she hears about this, "I think she has a clue about it but, well as long as her happiness is not jeorpodise it's not really worth mentioning," she says. 

"None of us ever push them to be together you know? All those bickering and annoyance is all them. None of us force them to be together or even work together, we make that rule clear when we make the bet," she explains as the little boy eyeing her, "Then, what's with the bet?"

"It wasn't serious at first and we thought we'll end it after a year but then they start bickering when they saw each other and all of a sudden the bet become quite a main focus," Hyejin shrug her shoulders and Hyejun just nod in understanding. The lift open revealing the top floor and both of them walk out. They both walk to the end of the hallway until they reach a door that reads 'Dr, Hyein Kwon'. 

They knock on the door first, "Come in!" they hear from the other side. Hyejun walk inside with the bag food first. 

"Woah, to what honour do I have to recieve a visit from one of the hottest celebrity in South Korea," Hyein raise her eyebrows teasingly, Hyejin just roll her eyes playfully and take a seat at the couch in the office. Hyein walk to the both of them and open the food on the table, "My god, mom cooks a lot!" 

"It's not only for you, there's some for Hyejun as well to eat," Hyein just nod. Both of the siblings start to gobble up the foods in front of them. Hyejin just silently watching them eating, while silently thinking 'should she says it or not', "You really create a sensation this time," Hyein say as she slurps the soup. starting a conversation. 

"I know, so many people tag me in their post just cause they pose like me," Hyejin remember opening her phone this morning, her instagram once again hang. She is heavily considering deleting the apps due to the hanging. Her phone is not functioning properly due to that too.

"Even my collegues post those picture and I'm not sure how to feel them following my sister," she frowns at the reminder the post. Hyejin feel like she wants to laugh but at the same time she understands the sentiment. Some of her senior post a picture doing the pose and it feel so awkward. Hyejin not even sure how exactly that the pose is trending like? She just pose? This is not what she had in mind when but oh, well just goes along the with ride she suppose. 

"Me too, the girls in my class keep on doing those pose when they have time and the boys keep on talking on how pretty you are," Hyejun say, totally relating on how the eldest feel. 

"Aww, don't you feel proud that you have a pretty sister?" Hyejin tease the boy, wanting to see his reaction.

He rolls his eyes at the question, "Noona, I think everyone know how pretty you are, it's pretty much a genetic," the two sister gap at the youngest words. The boy just stare at them, "What? Our family genetic is good, you can't deny that," 

The two sister just look at each other; neither of them can't really refute the statements. Their entire family does have a really good genetic. Even their cousin looks good, so how can they refute? "Oh, and someone confess to me today," the sisters whip their head so fast to stare their brother, a clear utterly shock expression display on their face but Hyejun look so nonchalant about it.

"I rejected them," he continues. Their young brother although, have a really good face and sweet toward them is not really interested in conversing with people. Both of them had a talk before about his characteristic because he is just so bizzare. He at the age of 7, sweet talk his way to get a free dalgona from a stall in front of his primary school because he doesn't have money. He at the age of 8, manage to coax his strict teacher to send his homework tomorrow because he forgot them. That boy is a real smooth talker and the entire family had no idea from whose that he learned this little tricks. He also is smart, way too smart that he can actually skip his grades but decides to fail one test because he doesn't want to move up. He's a bit of every perfect male character you see in a drama except that he has friends. 

According to him however, they're not friends but just benificiary for his future. God, the first time that he said that Hyejin swear her jaw drop. He still play with them though, in the evening so she's assuming that he still have a social life and maybe grow more open with the conept of friends. However, there's this one little girl that Hyejun befriended with since he's young. She's not sure how the story truly goes but the girl apparently just stick with him for long and Hyejun just let her. She even invites him to her house if she's not mistaken. Hyejun complaint at first but then secretly, he plays with her and even walk to the class together. 

"I don't give them any hope," he says and the sisters look at each other before laughing, "Good, you should always be polite to someone even you reject them. You know that, right?" Hyein say as she the boy's hair, Hyejun scoff, "of course, I know. I even thank them before rejected them. I know how to treat girls, okay?" a little pout form on his lips and Hyejin just fondly look at him, 'Well, he still learning about life.'



Hyejun left for the bathroom to clean himself after eating, leaving the two sister by themselves to clean up. Hyejin stare at Hyein for a while and decide to just open , "How's your life lately?" 

"All of a sudden?" Hyein raise her eyebrows at the sudden question. Hyejin shrug her shoulder, trying to play it cool, "Just wondering,"

Hyejin should have known by this point that her sister know her well enough to understand her expression, "You should practice your acting again before you act in another movie, you so bad at it gosh, what did you hear this time?" Hyejin sheepishly look at her sister. 

"Your love life..?" she says slowly, unsure of what her sister reaction will be. She hears a groan comes out from the other women, "Ugh, Hyejun must see something!"

Hyejin doesn't really think too much of it at first but seeing her sister reaction, there must be something going on, "So..?" 

Hyein glare at the singer which cause her to grin, "I was walking down the streets and I passed a bar, then some guy start to you know, bothering me and like some kind of miracle he was there and help me," the small flush and the rush in the oldest words just add more to her assumption but she still need that confirmation, "He is?"

"Woojin. Na Woojin,"

A squeal accidently left in excitement, "Unnie!"

"We just texting with each other you know? Just becoming friends again, although we still bicker a lot but yeah we talk peacefully for a few minutes," Hyejin eyes couldn't help but to feel soft hearing those words coming out. Hyein look like she glows when talking about him. Talking about Woojin. Her first boyfriend, her first heartbreak, and her first love. She looks delightful and Hyejin love that expression her sister's face. In the end, who care about a bet as long she's happy? 

"As long as you happy, I'm okay with whatever decision you make even if you're not with him," she's not one with corny words but god, she just wants to say that. 

"Oh my god, that so cheesy! And for your information I know you and dad will be the happiest if I marry Woojin, you think I don't know about the bet?" Hyein doesn't look slightly offended though when she says it, in fact she says it with a smile on her lips. 

"Whatever my words still stand but you'll be giving your family a huge money if you marry him, just saying," Hyejin wink and the two sisters laugh, "Is it really a lot?" Hyein say softly. 

"Around $5000?" Hyein gasp and put her hand on , in disbelief at the amount, "That many?!" she shrieks and Hyejin nod while give a small smile, 

She get hits on the shoulder by the doctor, "Are you guys addicted to gambling or something?! Who made bet that many?" she gets hit again on the shoulder and Hyejin walk backward trying to get away from the hitting.

"Aww, it's not my fault that everyone is betting against me and dad," Hyejin huff at the words but she can't exactly blame her father and sister either. Is this family is crazy or something? oh gosh, "You better give me some money if you ended up winning," 

"Sure but I'll split my part with Hyejun, if you want the money ask dad for his part, although I think he just give his part to you as a wedding gift," both of them look at each other, "yeah, he'll probably do that and be like 'I don't have use for this money' " they both burst out laughing. 

Hyejun who just come back from the bathroom after getting lost a bit look at his sisters whose laughing their off, "What happen?"


Hyejin send off Hyejun back to their parents house and meet up with Mijoo for a while before promising to call her frequently and an often visit. She puts on speaker as she calls Woomin, "Hyung, will you be there for the practice session or not?"

"I'll be there, I'm picking you up in 5 minute?"

"No, you don't have to. I'm already on my way, I'm driving," Woomin hum from the other line, "Okay, I'll see you there," she ends the call and focus back on her driving. About 30 minutes later, she finally arrives at the location. She sees a few car already arrive and step putside of the car after locking it. 'Most of them arrive with their manager,' she thinks to herself. 

She greets the staff that she bumps into as she walks in. She's bowing and greeting to everyone before she sees the director with the rest of the cast, "Oh, our superstar is here!" she hears Inguk shout which cause her to be slightly shy. The others are clapping when she enters and cheering for her so loud that Hyejin just shake her head. She laughs though, because of how hype they are.

She quickly stand next to Soohyuk and greet her, "How are you?" 

"I've been good, Haven't gone to a club lately," Hyejin widen her eyes, in bewilderment at reveal. 

"Woah, I never imagine," Soohyuk just laugh at her remarks and wink at her. 

They start to practice some fight scenes after stretching for a few hours. Hyejin is not necessarily needed in any of the big fight scenes because well, her character is not the pirate. She instead practice her scene by herself at the corner with Baekhyun's double stunt. She is so glad that she watched her practice video plenty of times because she is sure that she fell flat to the floor if she can't recall the movement. 

After a lot of directing and looking at camera angle, they finally have a short break. They sit on the floor together, scattering around. There are some that still practicing in the background. 

"I saw you on the news the other day, you've become really famous," Gongmyung tell her while drinking water. 

"Ahh," she says, unsure on how to respond. Then all of a sudden Jungmin start to turn around and look back at them from his shoulder, copying the pose. 

"Is this how you do the pose?" he says and all of them burst out laughing, "Tilt your head more!" Soohyuk say and he obediently follow which cause more laughter to errupt. The director come to them and also start to fooling around with them too. 

"The pose is really famous, my sns is fill with those photos," Gongmyung say and Hyejin nod in agreement. The rest also start to try doing the pose in front of her which make Hyejin keep on laughing. She knows they are teasing her and she gladly just let them be. Being the only girl in the set, it's nice that they always make sure she feels included in their conversation. 

"Why don't you show us how to properly do it?" Soohyuk shove her jokingly with his shoulder. The cast is quick to cheer and encourage her by chanting her name. She just laugh and hasitately start to standing up; they start to clap when she stands. She turn around and do the pose which make them clap, while Hyejin cover her face in embarassment. She feels heat start to creeping up from her neck to her face and start to fanning herself with her hands. 

"You really make an impact, Hyejin-ah," Soohyuk whisper to her from the side. 

"No, I'm not," she denies the statement, and Soohyuk just shrug his shoulder. 

"Believe what you want but you making marks on the industry," she doesn't say anything to that and just stay quiet. Her name have been mentioned left and right this year, now with the whole trend thing, is she that famous? She doesn't know and she doesn't want to know. 




Woomin come up to her during the rest time and start to briefing her on her latest schedule, "After the concert this weekend you have to fly again to overseas for some show because we're receive some invitation and then we fly back to Korea for the filming. Then, you fly again for concert and right after we finish it, you have to fly to Greece for some photoshoots-"

"For who?" she cuts off Woomin briefing. 

"LV, and then filming again. You schedule will be full of filming only on november and december while other times is yet to be filled, I'm thinking maybe the comeback will filled those free times but under sajangnim order we'll start rejecting offer in October so, that you can focus on the filming, any question?" Hyejin just shake her head, completely understand her schedule. 

"Just send me soft copy of my schedule so, I can remember," she tells him.

"Already on it," Woomin audibly sigh, feeling tired looking at the schedule even though, he's not the one that have to go through it all. Of course, being a staff is hard since he has to follow her and travel with her. He also wait for her during filming during those times and it can be really exhausting not doing anything but he's not the one that has to entertain and pose for the camera. He also doesn't have to memorise a dance move or belting notes on weekend during concert while also practising script. He wonders if the girl in front of him, even sleep at night. 

Hyejin stare at Woomin, obviously hearing the sigh. She's not sure if the sound meant his tiredness of the pack schedule or his pity for her pack schedule though, it most likely the latter. Hyejin look upward and ask, "Do you think I'm famous?"

Woomin gap at the question and scoff, "Hyejin-ah you're making impact on this industry. You are changing the industry," 

Hyejin seal her lips at the exclaimation. For some reason, she can't believe it and somehow, her heart is not happy hearing the words either. Has she really climb that high in the industry? She once again, doesn't want to know. 









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11 streak #1
Chapter 7: Aaahh am loving their adlibs hehehe theyre getting closer ☺️☺️ah hyejin-ah your chemistry with baek is fantastic and lets hope it’ll be going stronger ☺️
11 streak #2
Chapter 6: Now they're already makes a joke to each other 😍
11 streak #3
Chapter 4: Ooh 🥹🥹🥹 they’re getting closer thru training. Yes HBD to Baekhyunee. I hope the same 🥹
11 streak #4
Chapter 3: Excited with how their relationship will be progressing as they become the main cast
11 streak #5
Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Oh they met and its navy hunter, I havent read it >_<
11 streak #6
Chapter 2: Looking promising authornim!