Secret Love

Secret Love


It’s been two years since you and Daehyun were dating. Nothing really changed., the fact that you guys pretend to not know each other in school, or the fact that he recently debuted as an idol. At home he was still the Daehyun you knew, the loving and sweet guy that would make breakfast for you when you’re still asleep. The one who gets up in the middle of the night just to make sure you’re tucked in tight and kisses you on the forehead. All these little things he did for you that you didn’t know of. He loved you. From the bottom of his heart he did and he was so happy that he could have died the day he made you his. But the fact that it can’t be portrayed to the public always broke his heart. He wanted to tell the world that the most beautiful girl was his and only his to love. He wanted to kick every guy that approached you or tried to hit on you, and that scarf you made him that he treasure so much he can’t even use he was so mad when Himchan started using it he almost sent him to the hospital. But you didn’t know this at all... He loved you so much… but he could never say it out right.

You on the other hand saw differently. Ever since he became an idol, he changed. He no longer wakes me up like he use to and leaves in the middle of the night for a schedule without saying goodbye. When he comes home he would only go to shower and head off to bed because he was so tired ignoring the dinner you made for him. You loved him so much you even took time off your study to make him a scarf and mittens for the winter but instead of using it, he left it around the studio allowing Himchan and the others to use it. It was specially made for him! He was being a jerk to you when you specially visited him during practice and he only sent you home after some guys asked you for help, it wasn’t like they were trying to hit on you. At least from your point of view they weren’t.

That’s it I can’t take it anymoreyou thought staring at the Daehyun who was watching TV in the living room while playing with his phone.

B.A.P all knows of your relationship and they were happy about it but the media doesn’t need to know yet. Or else it would be harmful for you and Daehyun.

He doesn’t care about me at all… doesn’t he know what day it is todayyou screamed in your head mentally then looked at the calendar next to you.

The calendar marked December 29th, your birthday. It was your birthday and all your boyfriend can do is sit there and watch TV.

“Hyunie.” You called out to him

“Yeah?” He replied not taking his eyes off the TV

“Do you know what day it is today?” you asked standing by the door. This was the last strike. If he doesn’t know you’ll take the suitcase you already packed that was placed next to the door and would leave this home you two shared. Ever since he became an idol the distance just grew more between the two of you

“Oh right! Thanks for reminding me” he smiled while looking at you

He remembers!You lightened up as you were about to smile

“I have a schedule today. I almost forgot” he laughed and was going to head to the room you two shared to changed

“JUNG DAEHYUN. You really don’t know” you asked on the verge of crying

“What’s wrong?” he asked approaching you

“I’m sick and tired of this. The Daehyun I use to know cared about me and loved me. You would celebrate everyday with me like it was our anniversary. You use to shower me with kisses and surprise. You use to tell me how special I am and will never forget anything about me… and now, you forgot what today was.” You cried and headed for the door

“Deep in you heart. I probably don’t exist anymore.” You looked at him one last time.

“Let’s break up. It’s too much for me to handle. You telling everyone you don’t have a girlfriend when I exist.  I understand that you’re an idol which is why I am willing to let you go. Let’s end this once in for all.” You told him and headed out the door with your luggage.

You guys lived together for the past year after entering your senior year in high school. But little did you know, he begged to differ. He didn’t chase after you when you left. That was because he had another plan in mind.

“I promise that I will get you back. I just need a plan” Daehyun told himself watching you leave the house…


There was nowhere you can head off to. You went to the only place that you can think of. Zelo’s house. Zelo was the closest with you out of all the B.A.P members other than your now ex-boyfriend. He was like the best friend you never had. A dongsaeng you trusted. You would share secrets with him, he was the younger brother you never had after you family died in a fire accident 6 years back.

“Zelo-ah. It’s noona. Can you open the door?” you called him

“NOONA HAPPY BIRTH--!” he opened the door but was greeted with your tears

“THAT BASTARD DAEHYUN!” he was about to run out of the house to find Daehyun to settle things with him but you stopped him.

“It’s not his fault. I...I… I wanted to break up with him.” You told Zelo as you slowly dropped onto your knees.

“Noona…” Zelo bent down and picked up you by the arm.

“Come on lets go inside first” and closed the door behind him.

“Why noona? I thought you love hyung. What did he do?” Zelo asked passing you a box of tissues

“At least you remember my birthday” you informed Zelo.

“Hyung forgot!” you just nodded

“That bastard!” he continued

“It’s okay. I mean. We’re done now.” You forced a smile

“Noona…” he said and hugged you tight, in Zelo’s warm embrace all you can do is cry. So you cried and cried and cried until there was no more tears left to fall from your eyes.

“Noona. Stay here as long as you want. I won’t tell hyung” he said.

“Sorry noona, but I have a schedule right now. But I’ll be back as soon as possible.” He said while patting your head and headed for the door.

That bastard Jung Daehyun better have a good explanation for this. He thought as he headed for the van that was already outside his house

“YOU!” Zelo pointed at Daehyun shocking everyone in the car

“WHAT DID YOU DO. HOW CAN YOU FORGET!” and Zelo’s anger exploded as he landed a punch on Daehyun’s face.

“ZELO!” Yongguk stopped the youngest one before he could do more damage


“YOU FORGOT ~~~~~’S BIRTHDAY?” the rest of the members questioned and Daehyun just sat there not replying

“You bastard” Himchan commented

“She’s such a nice girl. Always there for you. she suffered so much just to be with you. If I were her I’d break up with you.” he continued

Suddenly Daehyun bursted out in tears…

“That’s what she did” Daehyun cried as the others just sat there and watched him

“Hyung…” Zelo softened up. He never saw his hyung cry. Daehyun wasn’t the type to show his emotions of sadness easily in front of others. But for the first time he cried like a baby.

“I’m so sorry. I don’t know what to do. I want her back. I don’t know what to do” he continued to sob as yongguk patted his back.

“Kid. We’ll help you.” Himchan told him

“How?” Daehyun questioned still tearing

“Well. You have to show her that you do love her that’s a first” Zelo suggested

Everyone was shocked that they innocent youngling would know so much.

“You have to make it  up to her.” They all suggested

And so the planning began….


It’s been 2 months since you broke up with Daehyun and nothing seemed to fit right. The idea that you were now sleeping alone with no one hugging you was weird. You had no one to fight for the remote control with because Zelo would always let you watch what you want. No one complained how salty your food was anymore and no one to kiss or simply hug you. You missed that voice, the voice that you loved, fell in love with and still love, Daehyun’s voice.

*amudo mollae saranghae
amudo mollae saenggakhae
sesange neowa naman algo inneun sarang*

Your phone rang. You still kept his song as your ringtone because you couldn’t make yourself change it.

To: Noona

Noona! Come meet me at your school! I have a surprise for you! <3

From: Your favorite dongsaeng

“This kid” haha you chuckled and went to school.

Every day you dreaded coming to school. Not because you didn’t like school or found it hard but because of the memories it would remind you of the times where you and Daehyun secretly hung out.

Then you saw a sticky note near the gate and read it

When I first entered high school I thought it was going to be boring. But you made it all the different. Remember we first meet here? When you bumped into me suddenly and ran straight ahead without taking a glimpse of who I was? Remember where you went next?

“What is this kid Zelo talking about! Haha he he’s still in middle school!” you laughed out loud

“But… this was a memory I shared with Daehyun. I was late on the first day and ran to school while bumping into him and didn’t even notice…” I said while heading for the second place after I bumped into him

Could you believe that our lockers were next to each others? Coincident much, No, more like fate. You were the most stunning girl I have ever met and still is.

You smiled at the note

“Himchan. What the heck, the locker next to mine is Daehyun’s not yours” you laughed and opened the lockers and saw that the content inside was taken outside but instead it was replaced with the scarf you made and a note on it too

Remember where you gave this to me? I’m there waiting for youthe note read and you knew where you needed to go. The back staircase where people usually don’t hang out, that was the only place you can be with Daehyun without people saying things.

When you reached the staircase you noticed the mittens on the floor with another note

How foolish I was to not notice how much effort and time you put into making these for me. I loved it but never told you. Remember when I received them I told you that with these gloves that keeps my hands warm I will hold onto yours forever to keep them warm? I’m sorry I broke that promise… but, do you remember where we officially started?

You started to tear up.

“YongUp, I never made you this mitten it was for stupid Daehyunie. Stupid Daehyun. This isn’t going to work. I’m not going to forgive you so easily” you shed a tear and headed up to the roof.

The roof was like it always was, peaceful. But today I was decorated with bears all around.

Here was where I gathered all my courage to make you mine. Remember? It was Valentine’s Day and instead of chocolate I got you a bear? And every year after that I would always buy you a bear… This marks the third bear that I will give you and continue to give you year after year. I haven’t stopped loving you even though you might have stopped loving me. ~~~~~, remember where we went for our first date? Come. I’ll be there waiting.

“YoungJae, are you in on this too?” I laughed and headed out the school

The first date we had was very normal. It was like a stroll but it took place near the Han River. No one really care about anything in that place so we went there to be alone.

When I arrived a huge red arrow pointed near the bench where Daehyun and I shared our first kiss.

Remember this bench? I seriously wanted to take it home. It was after all where we made a very important memory. Our first kiss. I was so nervous that you would reject me but you didn’t. You didn’t understand how happy I was. Even though I may not have showed it I was so happy I could have died. Here we made a promise to be together forever. I’m sorry I broke that promise but I’ll do anything to make it up. Do you still remember the way home?

At this point, you were crying out like no tomorrow.

“That’s right, you broke the promise you’d love me forever. Stupid Daehyun. Why is Yongguk oppa helping you anyway” I said while wiping my tears away and headed home.

The home that we shared, or use to. The home that I waited for him to return to countless days. The home that we shared many wonderful memories in.

As you was about to turn the doorknob, you noticed another note, this time it wasn’t in Zelo, Himchan-oppa, YongUp, YoungJae or Yongguk-oppa’s handwriting but in his…

You don’t understand how hard it was to past the day when you were gone. A part of me was missing. I had no one to wake up to in the middle of the night to tuck in bed. The spot where you slept in was always cold. Your smell almost vanished completely from the room. I could no longer argue with you for the channel to watch. I couldn’t make comment at the food you made anymore. I couldn’t stare at your beautiful face while you were asleep anymore. I had no one to hold at night. I missed you terribly and would do anything to make it up. I love you ~~~~~. Please. Please give me one more chance to prove it to you

“Daehyun….” you sobbed a little before heading inside

“~~~~~~….” He said with his head hanging low and flowers in his hands

“I… I’m so sorry.” He said

You closed the door behind you and walked closer to him

“That’s all you want to say?” you said looking at him “then I’ll leave” you were about to turn around when he pulled you

“No! Don’t.” with you back still facing him a little you let out a smile

“Okay. Then what?” you turned to him with your hidden smile

“I missed you” he said

“And?” you made it sound like you didn’t care anymore

“I’m so stupid for forgetting. You know I love you. You know that I’d do anything just to make conversation with you. Remember how I caught your attention out of everyone in school? I can be a fool just to make you laugh. I don’t mind anything” he continued and pulled you into the living room.

The couch that you missed while you two use to cuddle in while watching TV and fighting for the remote. The counter where you shared kisses with as he helped you around. Everything just seems so in placed.

Daehyun suddenly sat you on the couch as he bent down in front of you

“What-“before you could finish he placed his finger in front of your mouth

“Listen to me first” he smiled and continued

“You were the first girl that I ever loved and will be the last one. I know I have done stupid things that hurt you just to save myself but I won’t do it anymore. I’ll announce to everyone that you’re my girl and we wouldn’t have to hide anymore. I want to tell you that I love you more than anything else. I am willing to throw away this fame I obtained. At first I wanted to do it so you can be more jealous of girls chasing after my but after some time I was so lost in my own track I was ignoring you. I was in a happy situation but I was stupid enough to turn it upside down. Here…” he said and took out a box

“It’s my promise to you that I’ll love you forever” he continued and opened the box

“Marry me ~~~~~~. Not right now. I’ll wait until you’re ready. But it’s a promise from me that I want to take care of you from now on.” He said staring into your eyes

At this point you couldn’t help but cry and smile at the same time

“Stupid Daehyun. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you.” you said as you buried you face in between his chest. “I know, I know” he said while patting you head and pulling you closer to him.

“If you break this promise. I really won’t forgive you a second time” you said looking up at him.

“Never” he said and kissed you. It was a soft and gentle kiss. One that can stop time, one that told you everything was going to be okay. One that melted your heart all over again.

“So is that a yes?” he asked

“What else Stupid Daehyunie!” you said hitting his forehead with mine.

“YES!” he said while picking you up and spinning you around

CONGRATULATION DAEHYUN!” people started to scream out of nowhere

You turned around and noticed that all of B.A.P members were there including his manager and president of the company.

“I asked their help to plan all this. I already told the president about us and he was okay with it. Actually before I told you all this, I already notified the media that I was in a blissful relationship of two years. I didn’t want to hide you anymore” he said pulling you closer to him for a second kiss

“Pabo. What if I said no?” you said interrupting this kiss

“Then I would have thought of all possible ideas to change that no to a yes” and he kissed you again, this time passionately to make up for all this kisses you didn’t have in these past 2 months being apart.

“Don’t leave again. I can’t live without you” Daehyun whispered in your ears

“I love you” you smiled and hugged him tight. This time I won’t give up on you, it’s my promise to you.


It’s been about 2 years since the news went out that you and Daehyun were dating and happily married for a year now.

“~~~~~~, I’m hungry” he said while hugging you from behind

“I’m almost done” you said kissing him on the forehead

“No there” he pouted and pointed at his lips

“Jez.” And you tiptoed and kissed him

“Good” he smiled and continued to hug you

“You know, I miss it when we had to sneak around in public” you mentioned

“Why? Now I can tell the whole world I love you when I want. I can kiss you in public and not care. I can hold your hands and swing it around like an idiot and not worry about people catching us” he said kissing you neck

“Yeah, but it was more fun when we had to hide.” You laughed and remembered the memories of him having to mask himself all the time to hide his identity

“But the nation gave us their blessings” he said rubbing you belly

“Hey don’t do that!” you said while you felt a kick

“See!” you said rubbing you now big belly

You were 7 months into your pregnancy and well loved by your husband. You held a small wedding and loved the fact that he didn’t care what others thought of him when he let out the public that you were dating.

“Jagiya. Did you think of a name yet?” he asked and looked at you

“Jung Hyunwoo.” You replied

“hmm Hyunwoo. Hyunwoo-ah, daddy is waiting for you to come into the world and is so excited!” he talked to your belly

“haha.” You laughed and rubbed your belly as Daehyun placed his hands around you

“Thank you. I can’t be any happier than I am now.” He kissed you again and again..



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ScrappyCoco #1
congrats babe
stromata #2
congrats on getting featured
yellowranger #3
congrats sweetie, keep up the good work.
princess-frog #5
congrats to you.
congrats, xo. <3
i_am_the_mockingjay #7
congrats hun. <3
nikacho #9
congrats to you
FancyPixie #10
Congrats on getting the featured