rose-tinted cheeks.

rose-tinted cheeks.
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Lee Chaeyoung was never too into sports. She preferred to spend her time after school singing and dancing instead. 

But, when she started to gain a liking for the girls' volleyball team captain, Kim Jimin, she started to come around to the sport.

Chaeyoung has gone to every home volleyball game this season. Her friends like to about it, knowing she is only going because she probably has a crush on one of the girls on the team. They're not wrong.

She quickly went from spending her time after school singing, dancing, and songwriting to making sure to go watch Jimin in her element every week. Some might call her obsessed, but she's convinced she isn't.

Chaeyoung sits on the bleachers and watches closely as Jimin plays. She begins to admire Jimin's strong, toned body. As expected from an athlete. Not only that, but Jimin is a tall girl, definitely among some of the tallest girls in school, standing at 173 centimeters. Perfect for a sport like volleyball. That makes Jimin all but more admirable to Chaeyoung. Chaeyoung herself is only 160 centimeters tall and she wishes that she could have had a height like Jimin's. But if she can't be someone with that kind of height, she might as well date someone with that kind of height.

As for volleyball, Chaeyoung has no idea what is going on half of the time. But, she thinks she's starting to pick some things up over time. All thanks to Jimin.

Chaeyoung watches with pride as Jimin scores the winning point for their team, taking the lead only seconds before the timer ends. The crowd cheers, the team cheers and gathers around Jimin. Chaeyoung thinks she's the loudest one cheering in the crowd. That's her girl!

After the game was over and some people begin leaving, Jimin spots Chaeyoung still on the bleachers. She raises a brow with intrigue and approaches her same-aged classmate. She has noticed that she has showed up to the past few games, despite not showing interest in the sport previously. So she figured it might be a good idea to talk to her.

"Hey Chaeyoung," Jimin greets her, lifting one leg and resting it on the bottom bleacher. "I had no idea you liked  volleyball."

Chaeyoung can feel herself panicking inside. She cannot believe that Jimin actually came over to talk to her. She tries to keep her composure, but she can feel her cheeks burning up as soon as she makes eye contact with the older girl.

"Y-Yeah," Chaeyoung responds, stuttering a little. "I've never been really into sports but... volleyball is really interesting," she saves herself, fiddling with her fingers nervously.

"Well, do you want to join the team? We just had someone quit and we will be holding emergency auditons to try to fill their place. It would be great if you gave it a shot! You seemed really interested, I kept looking over at you as I was playing," Jimin responds. Chaeyoung is a bit shocked by the quick offer, but she also wonders if Jimin is this bad at reading people. Her cheeks feel like they're going to burn up, she must be blushing like

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