Moving In With MBLAQ,

I'll give you my love, 엠블랙


Mir slammed our dorm's door open, running inside exhausted as everyone followed. Rain-Hyung had driven us home and brought Ha Na along to make us dinner after the performance was over. We were drenched, exhausted, barely managed to put our casual gear on and take the heavy clothing from the set off. We became to lazy to wipe the makeup off our bodies and decided once home we'd adjust there, in the shower. We just had to get out that studio. As we stepped inside, everyone started to strip their thin hooded shirts off, as Ha Na, immediately giggled and went into the kitchen to make dinner.

"I'm going into the shower first", Thunder cooed.

"No, Hyung's first", G.O, insisted.

"you mean Leader's first", Seungho referred getting between them. Suddenly we realized, we all were going to attack the bathroom as we all stripped towards the door way, seeing who could get in first. Squeezing through the door frame all at once, grunts and groans were heard from the pain we were enduring on each other. Suddenly Seungho pulls us away as we all collapse on the ground.

"rock, paper scissor?", Thunder suggested.

"actually Ha Na, need's to shower first", Seungho declared, as everyone began to look at each other.

"why?! we're the one that went off to a 13 hour shift, sweating to the core", I yelled in irriation.

"Changsun's right", I heard Rain-Hyung approach us, with his hands in his pocket, as he wore his neat suit. I suddenly blushed, embarrassed on what I just said. Rain-Hyung, however, laughed hearty, as he began his farewell to us, we all bowed, wishing him well on the interview that would probably last two months or so. As Rain-Hyung left, we were back into the bitter engagement, on who would shower first.

"Aish, I'll just go to my pigeon folder and fall asleep", G.O, suggested as he got up, cracking his lower back and walking towards his room. Thunder immediately got up and followed, "you said a curse", as we heard their fading conversation leaving the hall towards their room. "no, I said 'I see' Cheondung", G.O, dully said.

"don't use that lie with me, Hyung", Thunder taunted. As G.O, merely "uhm" at the young boy.

"I know what's in that pigeon folder's of yours Hyung...", Thunder insisted,

as G.O, merely responded, "no you don't",

"yes, I do", the conversation had officially faded and the door closed behind the two. Two down, I thought.

Mir sighs after 10 minutes of staring, pouting he cooed, "Hyung-isms, I'll just take it later", he got up and went towards my room, well our room,

One left, I thought as I glanced towards SeunghHyung, who merely fail-aegyo-like smiled. tch, I said under my breathe; never understanding why we were also up against each other. To settle this finally, we began, rock paper scissors again. one, two, three.

"Aish!", I grunted, pushing my head back against the wall, realizing I had just lost my shower to Seungho, my paper against his scissor. Seungho laughed heartily at his victory and stood up, going inside the bathroom, shutting the door behind him as I sat cursing under my breath. I felt disgusting and full of exhaustion, I had to shower. I went towards our large outdoor balcony and removed my jeans, standing in my short's under the dawning sun, I brought out the hose and drenched myself in cool water, as I felt heat escape my body.

Ha Na's P.O.V, in first person.

I had began to brew some tea and hot waffles dipped in chocolate for MBLAQ. I could hear them bicker over the shower usage. I had already embraced my Oppa, upon his departure who informed me of my luggage arriving in an hour. I nodded and knew Seungho and MBLAQ, were comfortable enough for me to stay at their dorm. Placing two cups of tea on the tray along with a glass-lidded bowel containing small pieces of waffles. I went into the hall which was amazingly empty, they all showered or settled so quickly? I thought, glancing around. I approached first, G.O's, and Thunder's room, slightly knocking before entering. No response but I still entered. Sleeping in their bunks, I glanced towards the ceiling the time reading the time, it was only 7:14 P.M.; poor babies are tired. I placed the tray regardless on their coffee table, in case and before leaving I saw G.O, had fallen asleep with his laptop on his lap. I giggle and without seeing the context of the screen, closed the lid shut and placed it also on the table, exiting the room. I went into the kitchen again, getting two trays this time. First I went into Seungho's room, who was showered and smelt like the refresh breezy of ocean.

"Ha Na, is your luggage delivered yet?"

"No Seungho-Oppa, but if it does, I'll manage", I smiled, wanting him to also sleep and rest after today's exhaustion. He curiously asked again, "are you sure, if not, just call me up, and I'll pick it ---",

"Seungho-Oppa..", I began in my aegyo tone, "don't worry, I already know and I'll be placed in the guest room", I said smiled assuringly.

I approached for my exit and headed towards the last room. Lee Joon's, and it instantly caused me to "tch", under my breath. At least Mir is there, I thought and entered the room, regaining my confidences. I glanced and saw a sleeping Mir, on his bed, on his stomach, deep into his baby-like sleep. I placed the tray on top of the cabinet. I bent beside Mir and caressed the back of my hand against his cheek, soothing the baby. I was suddenly disrupted as I heard the door shut behind me, I closed my eyes and instantly figured, Lee Joon. Scratching my nose slightly, I hushly scolded,

"don't cause a scene, he might wake up",

and expecting him to do just that, I was slightly surprised as he passed his usual timing to retaliate. Confirming if it was Lee Joon behind me, I look over my shoulder. It was Lee Joon, his facial wasn't so detested anymore, rather he was bland. The towel behind his head, he wore a loose white full sleeved shirt and black sweatpants. I never expected Lee Joon to cover his showoff-able body; but the silences was irritating me now. So I stood up and left the room, without turning back. I closed the door behind me.

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Chapter 14: I miss this story.. Please update soon~ >.<
Naviky #2
Chapter 14: Please update soon!
Chapter 14: You should really update this story. It's sooo cute! \*0*/
I ♥ it
Chapter 14: i love the part where lee joon fell asleep on me SO MUCH!!! it was so romantic and cute!
Chapter 8: my bad i meant acrophobic and joonie
Chapter 8: THIS IS SO AWESOME!!! i really am acropohbic so YEAH!!! THIS IS SO AWESOME!!!! and i really can imagine jonie acting like this because he' s so sensitive.
Chapter 9: oh my word....this story is amazing ;) you've got me hook, line, and sinker. I love your writing style and the way how you use so much detail. it seems so real. just wanted to let you know that i love reading this story :D
omnomnomcereal #10
Chapter 14: Author-nim I really like this story. Will you be updating soon?