
You, Me.. Less Than Perfect BUT Nearly Complete..


I am so happy today!!

I think I can even fly high up the sky...

Hehe.. Too much right...?

But its truth..

I can't believe that Dennis is such a good man.



"Dennis, I-.."

"I know... You wanna break up right?"He look at me.

"How... How did you know that?"

I am surprising.

"Lucky guess... I've been waited you to spill it out long ago Tiff but you.. Just didn't realize your true feeling towards your husband. I've seen his reaction when I come to see you at your place Tiff."

"Wait... Does he-...."

"He knew Tiff. He saw I am hugging you and his reaction too. That man sure love you so much until he's pretending to know nothing about us.."

I nodded my head while smiling.

"Listen Tiff.. I am an orphan and you didn't have to stuck with me because of that. I am never regretted any of this though. We once was lover but our love is just isn't strong enough.. Thats why we didn't even fight for it. The reason why I am insisted we're back together is that.. I wants to see whether it is worth to doing all those sacrificed back there. Now I got my answer.. Yes, it is worth Tiff and congratulation that you have such a wonderful husband."

I am teary and grab his hand tight.

"Hey, don't cry.. I might take back my words..."He tease.

I chuckled and release my grip.

"You dare!"I showed his my fist.

"Don't hit on the face okay.. Anyway else is fine..."He covered his face.

"Yah! So full of yourself now Dennis Oh?!"I slapped his arm.

"Of course.. This face still got 'market' you know....."He remarked proudly.

I am so not into mood to bickering with this poor man.

"Indeed...."I nodded in agreement.

We laugh and he treat me my last free dishes from him.


What a man isn't him?

I wish he did found his other half faster.

That girl is sure lucky one..

Now.. Back to me...

I walking around this mall to find something.

But... The problem is I didn't know what......

Aish..! God.... Help me out here!

I walk in frustrated...

Then... I SAW IT!


Thank you Lord!!

Em... Lets see what they got there....

A pink forever my bias...

A blue my hubby favorite...

A black iest seductive...

Should I take all three of it?

NO! My hubby will dying of nose bleed...

Its not like I am gonna give him a tiny lingerie fashion show right?

Well... Maybe in the future....... HAHA...

I am so ert! KYAAAA~~~~!!!!



I was preparing to pack up all my stuff when someone tapped my shoulder.

I turned around and look at the latter..

WHAT THE- Its him!

Calm down Tae.... Relax.. Lets hear what he wants.

"Yes.. Dennis-ssi?"I try my best to smile.

"Stop pretending already... I know that you knew."He sit on the couch nearby.

God... I hate this!

I inhale and exhale calmly. Took at seat in front of him and look at him.

"Chill... I come here for peace."He smile charmingly. 


"Drop the formality Taeyeon."He cut me off.

"Yes, Dennis.. So whats bring you here?"

"Tiff broke it all this morning. I am so heartbroken... But I am relieved at the same time."He smile.

I am just look at him confused. Does that means he is a bipolar?

"She love you Taeyeon.. I can see that and I know you love her too."

"Then.. Why did you court her at the first place?"

"I am just testing whether my decision back there are right or wrong... I am her ex. Her father force us to broke up."

"Oh.. I... I am sorry...."

I am really didn't know about this stuff. If only I knew... Wait... No wonder Fany treat me cruel.....

"Don't need to Taeyeon. I am glad exactly.. She is more happiest and talkative than before. Sometimes she's even act like a dork. New side of her I never see that before."He explain.

I look at him and I know this man is really a nice guy.

"I come here to clear out everything. I didn't want any trouble between you two in the future. And Taeyeon.. Please take care of her. If not... I will surely punch you to death!"

I chuckled.

"I will try my best to please the princess..."I bowed playfully.

He punch my arm slightly.

"Hey, you're such a dork and I like you..."He laugh.

"Err..... I am not gay....."I am teasing him.

"Eww.... Neither did I!"He pretending to shiver.

We burst out laughing and yeah... Dennis Oh is cool and we become friend.

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Chapter 50: Its great hope u update this author ssi kekeke
Chapter 50: It's really a great story author...
Please update soon
xolovestephi309 #3
Chapter 50: please update :) such a amazing story :) fighting!
Appel177 #4
Chapter 50: Update?????
Chapter 50: Update soon please :)
Updateeeee please.…
update soon!
EMT0304 #8
So lovely TaeNy
deeculary #9
awww TAENY so sweet! - dying frm smiling too much ><
its okay author! ur updates r jjang! i dun mind waiting :D
teeheehee update soon if u can ^^
thats ok auth. dont be so rush, take your time to update this story