

Katherine (Karina)​​​​​​ a memeber of the royal family of the Vespertine empire and Elizabeth (Winter) one of the most wanted criminal of the nation teams up in a coup d'etat against the current king of the empire.


Knowing myself, this is a manifestation of the things that I love, Taylor Swift, girls' love stories, and the Renaissance era. At first I was giving it a thought if I was going to title it “Folklore” or something else, which is the point of titling this as “Folklore” Taylor’s album that really has my heart. I am a person who likes to listen to songs that are poetic and has heavy emotions in it basically a surreal masterpiece of Ms. Alison which leads me to crediting her as my co-author. The story is based off on my perception of the album.

I was really fascinated by the time where queens, kings, empresses and emperors, and nobles ruled the world. I wanted the story to have the same theme as that. Karina and Winter were the ones that really caught my eye upon checking their group, they had that chemistry that just pairs them well. 

Basically, this story will weigh alot of emotions and intense scenes. My love for melancholy and melodramas manifested into this.


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Chapter 1: Interesting
alsoo love this kind of concept! can't waittt >.<