Aero and Muri [Apply Closed] (Story has begun)


NegaNetwork has finally decided to bring in two new groups, a 3 (or 5)-member girl group and a 6-member boy group, and they automatically get positive feedback by how well these new idols are. The question is: Will they be able to get to the top just like their seniors, Brown Eyed Girls?


Hey~ I decided to make an applying story with this because this has been bugging me since I joined AFF so now I'm going to do it! I hope their are some good applications out there that I get so I can be able to write amazingly as well, right?

Group Name: Aero (Meaning will be later explained in the story)

Members: 3 members (Possibly 5)

Fanbase: Aero Nation (for the moment. You guys get to choose your own fanbase and an idea for the groups one)

Fan colors: Black and White

Debut Date: July 9th, 2011

Debut Song: What About Love?

Mini Album Title: Bow and Aero


Group Name: Muri (Later Explained in the story)

Members: 6 members

Fanbase: Muricales (... probably will be changed. most determined to be change)

Fan Colors: Black and Blue

Debut Date: July 9th, 2011

Debut Song: Check Check. One, Two.

Mini Album Title: The Birth of Muri




Nickname (just give me a few, not a whole bunch plz~ ^^):


Age (minimum is 15. Max is at least... 30 (around JeA's age probably)):

Birthplace (Try out of South Korea, but you can if you want to):

Where Raised?:

Nationality (Mixed? White? African-American? I'm open to anything ^^. You don't have to be half Asian if you don't want to):

Personality (describe in 5 sentences or so.):

Bio (in about a paragraph. My paragraph length- 5 to 7 sentences.):

Position in group? (The Lead Dancer in Aero is taken by me, but there always can be two lead dancers ^^):

Describe facial features (hair color, eye color. I'm thinking of actually drawing out the characters. You can also give me a link to an ulzzang or a reference as well if you'd like):

Related to any idols/famous people? (Only pick up to... 4 and tell us your connection with them. Friends? Crush? Enemy? Cousins? Sisters? Brothers? School Buddies?):

Your Own Fanbase Name:

Aero (Or Muri- Depending on which you're going in) Fanbase Name (Just because I think I might change it based on what you guys think):

Now! Apply will be closed possibly at the end of March. I repeat. THE END OF MARCH because I am a senior in high school and i have a lot of work that I do and I feel that you as readers might need time to create your apps. Send your apps to my inbox or email it to me titled "Aero and Muri APP [which group your applying for and your character's name]" at [email protected] so I may review them! \O/

On up to Muri's song. Posting it in a few minutes Sorry for the anticipated wait >


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1ll1ll9oo #1
Chapter 15: Heyyyy long time no see :P
Hahaha busy? ^^
Chapter 15: :3
Unnie...Update more^^
You can make me the co-author....-u-
1ll1ll9oo #3
Lol I'd do it, but I'm too lazy xD
hehe Yeah I made the lyrics and I was thinking of doing that actually.. Thanks for the idea ^_^ I'm just finding other translators other than Google Translator because people tell me it's not good so I'm finding others to use and possibly getting my friend who's taking Korean in college XD
1ll1ll9oo #5
You made the lyrics right? :O
I think it might sound good if translated correctly into Korean as well...
soo2k_ #6
Nice nice nice !!! This is Chung sang btw
I'm glad! ^_^ I thought you guys would like it because it's just... amazing! This person is helping me with creating instrumentals like this so I'm excited when I make later songs I can create them as good as this or maybe up to his level! ^^
1ll1ll9oo #8
That instrumental... I LOVE IT.