Muri's Leader! Lee ChungSang!

Aero and Muri [Apply Closed] (Story has begun)


Name: Lee Chung Sang
Nickname: quack quack, or duckie . Her friend call her that cause one she start to talk about
something she will go on and on. And when she give someone a lesson she would sound like a
thirty woman. So her friend call her duckie cause she will quack quack the whole day
Birthdate: 12 june 1992
Age : 19 nearly 20
Birthplace: she was born in Australia
Where Raised?: she was raised in Australia
Nationality: she is full Korean
Personality :She is a kind, nice and bright girl. She like and always bring sunshine to people
life. She likes to make people feel comfortable around her, so she always makes nice jokes and
make people laughing when they are with her. She is a stubborn, annoying. Once she is curious
at something she will doing anything to get what she want. She is y sometime but she is
not blind to see what is right and what is wrong. She doesn't like to give up on anything, she
always said NEVER SAY NEVER. "You never know what gonna happen unless you try". She
is young an annoying, stubborn little but she is a good listener and adviser. She doesn't
like the feeling when her family or friends is in bad condition. People knows her as the mood-
maker, at first if you met her you will thought she is scary or y.  But she actually really crazy
when you know her. She doesn't look like a leader cause she is crazy and annoying at time but
behind those smile are hell to everybody. She can be rude and really strict when people not
working or they don't pay attention. She doesn't like shouting at them in front of everybody so
she always talk to them alone. She also the peace-maker of every fight, she always stand in the
middle to solve problems. She extremely hate violent, cause she thinks violent is useless.  She
is kind of people who never mess with anyone cause she doesn’t like to get to trouble but don’t
mess with her cause she will scare the out of you.
Bio :
Chung sang was born in Australia, and she was raised in Melbourne one of Australia capital
city. She is not intro dancing or singing. But she always end up in a singing group. In her
secondary school she was choose to study to music. And perform when they have assembly or
any occasion time. She was studied in a catholic school and it a girl school. She used to go to
a public school. And hang out with all boys and girls and most year levels no her. But because
she got some problem with her guy friend so she move school and go to a private school. She
even got bully in that school cause she act like a naughty kids, she likes jumping and swearing
to people cause theat is the way she is. Her friends know her as the joker but her new
friend they thought her as some Korean freak who only listen to Korean music. But she is okay
with it and stay there for 2 years.
So at the age 15, she went to China. And learn about their traditional and their musics. After find
out her passion in composing musics she went to many places to listen to their music and learn
how to composing it. Her brother Kevin Kim ZE:A, Who is a member of ZE:A actually ask her
parents to bring her to Korea. Cause from the days she was born she never know about Korea.
She only know about kpop but she doesn't care about the country. So her brother and her went
to Korean when she was 17 years old. At first she went to empire kids ent but she was eliminate
cause she doesnt know how to dance. And always got intro trouble by fighting and arguing with
the teacher cause she thinks they are to strict and they dont respect the others .
She actually go out and find a new ent which is NegaNetwork, in there she actually meet
people who understand her and teacher her in a polite ways. At first she could communicate
with others member cause she can not speak Korean like others, but she always bring a Korean
book which for year 3 or 4. And studied it to improve her Korean
Position in group? Muri 's leader
Describe facial features :she has long curly hair, she dye her hair when she got the emotion to
do it. She her hair change a lot. She has a dark brow eyes but she always wears glasses so
people couple see her eyes properly
Related to any idols/famous people? Her biology brother is Kevin Kim, her best friends is Kim
kibum from ukiss, her sundae in her old school is Alexander. Lee gikwang is her mother side
cousin. Lee joon is her real brother but the loss contact after their parent divorce
Your Own Fanbase Name: 3S( shine, shooting, starts)
A/N: I just put a pic there so I can get an idea of her just for a bit ^^ The creator of this chracter, Sara_luvzea_wannie, may request a different pic if need. You just didn't give me one so I just picked it out of the blue to give myself a visual ^^
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On up to Muri's song. Posting it in a few minutes Sorry for the anticipated wait >


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1ll1ll9oo #1
Chapter 15: Heyyyy long time no see :P
Hahaha busy? ^^
Chapter 15: :3
Unnie...Update more^^
You can make me the co-author....-u-
1ll1ll9oo #3
Lol I'd do it, but I'm too lazy xD
hehe Yeah I made the lyrics and I was thinking of doing that actually.. Thanks for the idea ^_^ I'm just finding other translators other than Google Translator because people tell me it's not good so I'm finding others to use and possibly getting my friend who's taking Korean in college XD
1ll1ll9oo #5
You made the lyrics right? :O
I think it might sound good if translated correctly into Korean as well...
soo2k_ #6
Nice nice nice !!! This is Chung sang btw
I'm glad! ^_^ I thought you guys would like it because it's just... amazing! This person is helping me with creating instrumentals like this so I'm excited when I make later songs I can create them as good as this or maybe up to his level! ^^
1ll1ll9oo #8
That instrumental... I LOVE IT.