My Everything

My Everything


YOONA'S P.O.V.-->>
"Grow up Donghae!" I shouted.
"Me? You're the one who needs to grow up!" He shouted back.
"We've been through this a million times!"
"Exactly! You're so immature Yoona!"
"Now I'm immature?!? WHAT THE HELL!" I shouted, really angry now. "Whenever I call you 
because I need you to pick me up, you will tell me that you are busy practicing with your 
members, then I will see you with-"
"She's just a friend!" He shouted, interrupting me.
"Then I will see you with Jessica! WHAT THE --"
"WHAT THE HELL LEE DONGHAE! You still expect me to believe your lies! SHE'S YOUR 
EX!" I shouted, ignoring him.
"Babe, we can talk this through, right?" He said in a hushed voice.
"Yeah Right! Look, Lee Donghae, It's either me or her. call me when you made your choice" I 
said as tears start forming into my eyes.
I rushed towards my car, I sat there for almost 10 minutes, crying my heart out. I know his 
looking at me, He's looking straight at me. He's cyring, also crying for what happened. I 
started my engine and drove towards my apartment. While driving, I can't see clearly, my 
eyes still full of tears. My vision is blurred from the tears that are building up in my eyes. I 
finally reached home. TaeYeon unnie was there, she was at the living room, sitting at the 
couch with her boyfriend, JungSu oppa.
I ran towards my room, I don't want Taengoo unnie and JungSu oppa to see me like this.
"Yoong, are you alright?" I heard Taengoo unnie said, while knocking at my door.
"Yea" I said in my best bright tone, I don't want them to worry.
"We're gonna be here if you need someone to talk to okay?" JungSu oppa said.
"Sure" I said.
"We won't force you to say anything but if you like we're here to listen, okay?" Unnie said.
"Sure" I said.
I love DongHae so much. We've been a couple for 9 months now, and for the last few days 
we've been into fights involving Jessica. I can't seem to understand why Hae can't avoid her. 
Surely they've been a couple for 2 years and and it's like months before we become a real 
couple. I hate seeing them together. I hate seeing Hae with Jessica. I cried myself to sleep that 
Three days passed without him calling me. And let me tell you, each day passed painfully. 
Each day is filled with tears, tears that explains my true feelings for DongHae. I cried myself 
every night.
Cause I can't stop thinking bout you girl. . .
I reached for my phone and wondered who would texted me this early.
From: Hae Oppa <3
Yoong, come at the cafe at 4. See you there.
The message read. I wonder what would it be.
At 3 o'clock, I fixed myself. I was so happy that he wants to talk to me now. I can smile 
"Unnie, I have to go. I'll see DongHae at the cafe" I said while smiling. As usual, Unnie is with 
her boyfriend again.
"Sure, just be home before 9 okay?" She said and smiled back at me.
I grabbed my jacket and car keys and dashed to my car. I drove to the cafe and got there 
at exactly 4:05. Oppa was already sitting at a table.
"Hey" I said as I sit down.
The waitress approached us and asked for our orders. DongHae ordered for the both of us.
"You told me that. . ." He started "You said that I should call you if ever I had made my 
desicion right?" He asked.
"Yes I do" I said, sitting up straight. I felt uneasy about the tone of his voice, It seems like. . .
No YoonA, he loves you. I thought.
"Well. . ." He said. I know he couldn't continue what he is trying to say.
The meal arrived and we ate with dead silence. We finished our meals.
"Yoona." He said in a low voice, almost whispering.
"Yes?" I said.
"I've made my decision." He said.
"Just tell it to me." I said looking directly at his eyes as tears start forming at my eyes.
"I'm sorry" He said crying. I know he's avoiding my stares. "I love you, but I love her more" He 
continued in between sobs.
I can't say anything. I can't manage to think of a word that describes my feeling. . .hurt. . 
.anger. . .everything! I stood up, drop some cash and headed towards the exit. DongHae 
dropped some money and followed me. I rushed to my car and drove to the Han river, he 
was still following me. I parked my car and got out. I pretended not seeing him. But surely I 
want him to see me, so down, so lonely, so crashed. For him to realize what he had lost.
I felt someone hugged me from behind. It was Hae. Why?
"I'm so sorry, Yoona" He whispered to my ear. "I love Jessica" He continued.
Just then, in a snap, I realized what I am feeling. Betrayed. . .lost. . .hurt. . .scared. . .anger. . 
.that's what it is. ANGER.
"You know what! " I shouted at him. "Go, leave me. I don't need you." I shouted at him.
"Yoona please. . ." He pleaded with tears on his eyes.
"Leave, I don't freaking care. I hate you! I hate you! I hate you so much." I said slapping him 
on his chest.
He hugged me.
"Yoona, don't do this." He said.
I pushed him away from me.
"I knew it DongHae." I said
"Knew what?" He answered.
"Its just a rebound right?" I said.
"Ani. I loved you"
"SHUT UP! I don't believe you. Now, go. Go and leave me alone. I don't care. I hate you. I 
hate you for using me!" I shouted as I raced to my car and drove home.
When I reached home, I stormed to my room and and banged the door. I know that unnie 
wants to know why I was like that. But I don't have the strenght to tell her, to her that I lost 
the one I truly love. I can't. . .
I came to my room and and sit at the edge of my bed. I was crying, it hurts, it hurts like hell. I 
feel so alone. Like I'm the only person in this whole damn world. I hate this day. Surely, there 
are boys who wants me but it's different with Hae. He's the only one I love, the only one I 
need. . .he's. . .he's my everything.
"Yoong. . ."
I was awaken by a voice, calling me and heading towards me.
Then she brushed my hair with her hand.
"Unnie" I said. TaeYeon unnie was beside me.
"You can tell me what happen." She said smiling.
"I can't" i said as I began to cry.
"Whatever that is, I know that it's his lost okay. You deserve someone better" She said.
"What if. . ." I said weakly.
"Remember when I was like that. You told me to stay strong. And I did. I found someone 
better, JungSu. So now, I'm gonna tell you to stay strong and maybe he's not for you. You 
deserve someone better"
I smiled and unnie stood up. She left me inside my room. Those words made me feel better.
Weeks passed and slowly I'm moving on. And honestly, I'm starting to like this guy. We've 
been spending time together. He's KiBum, a friend. . .a close friend. . .a special friend.
"KiBum!" I heard unnie called.
I ran outside my room.
"Bummie! Why are you here?" I asked him.
"You forgot something on my house." He said handing me my english book.
"Gee, thanks." I said.
"Why don't you stay  for dinner?" Unnie asked.
"Oh, no thanks Unnie." He said.
"I insist. You sill stay here."
That night, after KiBum left. I talked to TaeYeon Unnie.
"Unnie. . ." I said my voice trailing off.
"Yes Yoong?"
"I think. . ." I can't seem to finish up my sentence.
"What is it?" Her voice became serious.
"I think i'm falling for him" I said almost whispering.
"That's great!" She said.
I expected that she will say to me that I shouldn't. That I should not fall in love with someone 
after with what happened with DongHae. But instead she became happy.
"That's great! Finally, someone better for you." She said, hugging me.
Time went by and I must say, KiBum always visits my house. He started courting me but 
then, I'm still not ready for a commitment. But I assured him that I love him.
"Kids, get your snacks here." JungSu oppa called to me and KiBum.
We stood up and walked straight to the kitchen, I was getting my ramen. Then someone 
knocked at the door.
"I'll get it." I said.
I was walking merrily to the door, wondering who was knocking. KiBum oppa, JungSu oppa 
and TaeYeon unnie was in the kitchen. I opened the door.
"Annyeong~ what do you want?" I asked while bowing down. I didn't looked at the guy in 
front of me.
"Annyeong Yoong." He said. The voice, it sounded so familiar.
"Hae. . .DongHae-ssi?" I asked.
"Why are you so shocked to see me? Aren't you happy I'm here?" He asked. I'm still  
my mind if it is really happening.
"Yoongie, who's there?" KiBum oppa said while putting his hand on my shoulder. "Noona 
and Hyung are calling us." Then he glanced at the person on the door.
"DongHae hyung?" He said, shocked as me.
"Oh, annyeong KiBum-ah"
"uhmm, DongHae-ssi my boyfriend, KiBum oppa."
"Oh." What? Did I just sensed sadness in his voice? No. YoonA, how pathetic! He's probably in 
a relationship with unnie.
"Come in." I said.
"Who's there?" Unnie said.
"Uhm, just DongHae-ssi" I said.
"DongHae??" JungSu oppa asked, shocked.
"Aniyo. I'd better not get inside. I just walked past through your apartment and I thought of 
asking how are you." DongHae explained.
"Well, I'm all better now. I'm better, so much better." Great Yoong, you sounded so bitter. So 
full of bitterness. I felt KiBum squeezing my shoulder.
"Come on in." KiBum said.
"Aniyo. I'll go now." He said.
"Yeah, say hi to Jessica for me." KiBum said.
"Oh, I'll just text her about it." DongHae said.
"Aren't you gonna see her now?" KiBum asked.
"Why would I? I'd go now. Bye." He said and trailed off.
What did he said? "Why would I?" Echoing on my head. Why? Aren't their together? Oh, 
Yoong, You don't care.
After KiBum left. I lay awake on my bed. Why? Yoong, why? Why are you thinking about 
that bastard that broke your heart. Your poor little heart. That man who left you because of 
his ex. That guy that didn't loved you at all. REBOUND YOONA ! I shouted at my head. For 
me to remember that I was just a rebound for him. A rebound.
Cause I can't stop thinking bout you girl....
I reached for my phone. Someone texted me.
From: DongHae
Yoong! :) Nice to see you again.
Why would he text me? No. Yoona. Stop.
To: DongHae
Yeah~ :)
I replied. I was trying to make my reply as short as possible. I don't want him to think that I 
still have feelings for him.
From: DongHae
Meet you tomorrow at cafe. 12 noon. See ya. :) Night. :**
What? What does he need? But anyway, I should see him. For him to think that I don't love 
him anymore. No bitterness. I texted KiBum oppa.
To: KiBum oppa~
Oppa, :) can't see you tomorrow at 12 noon. Sorry, I know we already have our 
From: KiBum oppa~
oh. Why?
To: KiBum oppa~
just because. :) can't tell. I Love you. :**
I left home at 11:45. I arrived at 12:17. I saw Hae, sitting. Just like the day we broke up. I 
remembered everything. Yes, this. I walked in.
"Heyy." I said, as I look into him and smile.
"Hey. Have a sit." He offered. I sit beside him. He ordered for the both of us. Still, he knows 
everything I want.
"So why do you want to meet me all of a sudden?" I asked.
"I have something to tell you. Something important." He said.
"Okay, so?" I asked, feeling nervous.
"You know what..." He began. So now he will teel me a story huh? I thought. I just nodded 
and listened to him.
"It didn't worked out Yoong." He told me, as tears start forming on his eyes.
"What?" I asked, my heart beating. What? What didn't worked out for him?
"Us. Jessica and me. It didn't worked out." He said in between sobs.
"Oh, what happened? You seemed to love each other so much." I said. Right YoonA, that 
totally helped him. Right. babo.
"Well, Yoong." he held my hand. "Yoong, when we were together I only think of you, only 
you." He said. I pulled back my hand.
"Donghae, please." I said, my voice shaking, I can tell I'm gonna cry. "Just because your 
relationship with Jessica didn't work, doesn't give you the permission to come back and 
break my heart all over again. I have moved on." I said. He looked at me.
"Then tell me you don't love me anymore." He said.
"I don't Donghae. I don't love you anymore." I said as I looked down.
"Tell to me Yoona. Look at me." He tugged at my wrist.
I stood up and dropped some cash. Heading out of the door, I realized, this was like the time 
we broke up. Same place. Same scenario. I got inside and car and cried, Yes, like that time. 
De javu. I saw him looking at me. I drove fast, to the Han River. The only place I go when I 
want to find peace. I don't even know why I'm crying. Why am I  like this. I have KiBum, yes. 
KiBum. The guy who loves me so much.
Then someone hugged me from behind, DongHae. Why? Why is he hugging me?
"Yoong." He whispered.
I pulled away from him, knowing that he can trick me again, that he can fool me again.
"KiBum, i'm sorry." I said as tears ran down my face.
"Why are you doing this YoonA?" He asked.
"I'm sorry."
"Do You still love me?" He asked.
"Bummie" I can't answer his question.
"Me, I still love you. But, if this will make you happy, then. Goodbye Yoona." He said and 
started to walk away.
I can't believe I did that. I set KiBum free, Kibum, the one who truly loves me, for a bastard 
named Lee DongHae. After he said that he still loves me, something inside me told me to 
break up with KiBum.
"Yoong, what will I do?" hae asked.
"Prove it, that you're not gonna fool me anymore." I said. Even though I still love him, which 
by the way he didn't know, I still want him to prove himself to me.
"Okay, I will." He said then walked away.
7 days passed without any sign of DongHae. I was  entering our apartment when I saw rose 
petals leading to our balcony. I walked towards it and as I was nearing the balcony, I saw a 
heart shaped balloon with my name on it. A balloon that reaches the third floor? What is 
this? I looked down and saw DongHae holding a mic.
"You are my everything, nothing your love won't bring, my life is yours alone~" He sang.
"What are you doing?!?" I asked, I can't help but smile.
Then suddenly people crowded behind him. Each person holding a letter, it read WILL YOU 
BE MINE AGAIN. The last letter I, there stood LeeTeuk oppa, smiling at me. and at the last 
letter there holding the letter N, is my sister TaeYeon, smiling while noding at me. I rushed 
down. I can't help myself from the joy it gives me, I hugged DongHae when I reached the 
ground floor.
"So is that a yes?" He asked.
"All this for me?" I asked.
"Hey! I asked you first right?" He said.
"Yes, all this for you. So will you be mine? Again?" I didn't answer anything. "I promise to love 
you YoonA forever."
"Yes." I whispered to him.
"i heard you." He teased me.
"Huh?" I said, acting innocently.
"I love you more than you'll ever know."
"I love you too."
"I promise you Yoong, this is the start of our forver." He said and he kissed me.
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Chapter 1: wow it is good
please write more
i thought this would be a YOONBUM!! i love yoonhae but i love YOONBUM MORE!!! HAHA!! what a coincidence.... BUMMIE IS HERE XDD
devilyoong #4
as much as i love YoonHae, i actually wished YoonBum ended up together... T_T
:') nice story.
janaapril #6
sweet love story..