Memory 2

Lost Memories


I was too shocked to speak. It seemed like time had stopped, "You... like... ME?!"

He blushed further, fidgeting with his hair nervously, " Yeah, I like you a lot."

I felt my cheeks turn redder, "I-I like you too!" I smiled, Trying to regain my composer.

His warm smile appeared once again, " Y-you do?! But... I never noticed."

I smiled, finally regaining my composer, "I'm great at hifing my feelings."


He walked closer and grabbed my hands, " well I really wish you didn't! I would have confessed much sooner." His beautiful blue eyes sparkeled brightly with happiness. We continued walking. Our 'best friend day' turned into a 'date'. I was so happy, Jun will never believe me when I tell her. 

Suddenly, there was the sound of people screaming. We saw people running towards us fiercely. Aoi pulls us off into an alley. His blue eyes turning more fearful and dark, "Miyuki, stay here! Don't make a sound!"

He started to leave, but I grabbed his arm, "No! Wait! What if you get hurt?! Or worse... die..."

He smiled. A different smile then I'm used to. This smile was dark, " Don't worry." He took a sheathed sword fromhis bag. He partically unseathed it.

I stepped back a little, scared of this new side Aoi is showing me, "I-is that a-a.....S-sword?!"

He smile grew larger, "Yeah, I'll explain everything to you when I come back."


"I promise. Now I suggest letting me go.... unless you want all those people to die?" 

I hadn't realized I still had hold of his jacket, "O-okay." As soon as I let go he bolted out of the alley towards the screams. I heard the clash of swords, it sounded like a Bleach movie. I ran to a hiding place. After Being there for about 15 mintues I suddenly hear footsteps running towards me, I stop breathing.

I can't see who it is from my hiding spot, "Miyuki! Where did you go? It's me,  Aoi!"

I crawl out of my hiding spot to see a blonde haired, green eyed man standing in front of me. He was handsome, and instead of Aoi's cold features he looked sweet and playful, "W-who are you? Where's Aoi?"

He laughs, " Don't worry, he's unharmed. I just erased his memories." He say's it like it was a joke.

"Y-you did what?"  I step back.

"I erased his memories! It was quite entertaining! Watching him struggle in pain!" He laughs.

"W-where is he now?"

He smiles playfully at me, " Not telling!" And he dissappears.

-2 weeks later-

Aoi is still missing, and what's worse is no one seems to notice his absence. He's not even called for attendence. His family isn't the least bit suspicous or scared for him. Only I seem to notice that hes gone.  It scares me, so I decided to finally ask Jun about it. "Jun! Can I ask you something?"

Jun walks over, "Yeah sure! Anything."

I fidget nervously, "Well... about... Aoi... Why does no one notice he's gone? Not even his family! Only me!"

"Aoi?" She looks confused.

"Yes! Aoi Kazuma! My childhood friend? My love?"

She looks at me with a worried look on her face, " Miyuki! are you okay? There is no one with the name 'Aoi Kazuma'." Tears start flooding my eyes. I run away before another word can be said.

Without thinking, my feet carry me back to the last place me and Aoi spoke. The alley. I start crying uncontrolably. Suddenly there is a voice, "Hey! Are you okay? Why are you crying?" I look up to see Aoi's sad and worried eyes looking at me. 

I pause for a moment, unable to believe what I'm seeing. I wrap my arms around Aoi, " Aoi! you're okay! I'm so glad! I was worried that sadist hurt you! saying he erased your memories!"

He pushed me away, confused, "Um... Do I know you?"

His words hit me straight in the heart. It ached like never before, my tears wouldn't stop, "A-Aoi! What do you mean?! "

Suddenly he fell to the ground screaming in pain. I catch him before his head hit the hard concrete. He fell unconscious. 

-1 Hour later-

Aoi was still unconscious. I had him laying in my lap since I wasn't strong enough to bring him to my house. I was still crying when he head moved a little bit, "A-Aoi? Are you awake? I'm so sorry! This is all my fault. I shouldn't have let you go!"

He opened his eyes and wrapped his arms around me, "Miyuki? I'm sorry. I can't remember everything."

I hugged him back, " A-AOI! Do you remember what I am to you? What do you remember?"

He looked at my with sad eyes, "Not much, I just remember we are best freinds."

My tears continued to pour, "O-only friends? Is that all you remember?"

He hugged me tighter, "Please don't cry Miyuki. I'll remember in time. But how long have I been gone?"

"About 2 weeks. No one remembers you."

"2 weeks? thats so long to wait for another memory."

"Is there any other way to remember faster?" He tought for awhile.

When he finally replied, I was starting to worry more and more that there was no possible way, "Well..... I remeber hearing that a kiss from a loved one could attain past memories, but -" I kissed him before he could finish. I had to make him remember, no matter the risks. He pushed me away, and we both fell to the ground.


When I woke up Aoi was gone. I sat up and rubbed my sleepy eyes, "Aoi?~ Where are you?" I yawned, realizing I was in a bed, out of that alley. As I became more aware of my surroundings, I realized it was Aoi's bed. I heard the door open as Aoi's muscular, wet figure came walking in. He must have just gotten out of the shower, he had no shirt on. I could see every moist, detail of his abs.  I could feel my cheeks burning up.

He walked over to me and sat down. His voice had a hint of anger and sadness in it, "You REALLY should have let me finish what I was saying."

I gave him my tradmark 'puppy dog eyes', "but you said you would remember if I did. I had too."

His smile was sad, and concerned, "But it cost you your normal life. "

This comment worried me, "My normal life?"

"Yes. I never told you but...... I am kind of 'speacial' My family has been protecting humans forever."

I looked at him, a little confused, " 'Protecting'? From?"

"Demons. Evil spirits. Angry Spirits. And what I was going to say was, 'But whoever that person is will gain my power and have to take over my job of protection.' I did remember quite a bit but not everything." His eyes atarted to fill with tears, "I'm so sorry for draggin you into this. I should have never confessed to you!"

I wipped his tears away and wrapped my arms around his neck, "It's okay. I'm happy no matter the consequences. I'm happy you told me. I'm happy you loved me."

His eyes looked straight into mine, " 'loved'? Don't talk in the past tense! I still love you. I always have and always will."  Kis moved closer, whispered into my ear, "I promise to protect you no matter what. I love you." With that he kissed me. It was warm and loving. Nothing like I have ever felt before, time stopped. I never wanted this moment to end, this moment of pure happiness. I knew this peace we were experiencing at this moment wouldn't last.


YAY! Finally finished!~

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This story looks cute ^.^
BaobeiAHH #3
omgomgomgomgomgomgomg!! DUDE, I LOVE THIS!! I LOVE THIS!! IT'S SO SAD THOUGH T^T
S-s-seven views?! WHO IS LOOKING AT THIS?! xD -Surprised-
I finished chapter 2 finally! Tell me what you think? (NOTE: the ahem, shirtless part, well wasn't my idea! My friend made me write that part!~ )
If there are any typo's or if you think I should add something please tell me!~ <3