
Make it happen

Minjeong's floor had been a mess since she came. Her staffs kept getting calls from everywhere. It was all because of Jimin's parents event that she attended with Ningning. Her face is all over the news, nothing new though just this time a genuine curiosity from the public by the pictures of her smiling and being polite to Jimin's parents.

Second thing was because of the pictures of her being held by Jimin so dearly. Now, everyone went crazy to know what's happening between her and Jimin as Jimin never had a relationship scandal for all her career before and this would be the first.

Not a lot of people knew about her history with Jimin as they kept their relationship private before and they didn't get to go out for many dates since Jimin was workaholic.

Minjeong usually ignored the news or any unimportant scandal about her but this time, its making her restless. It's Yoo Jimin, a well respected business woman. Someone that many people look up to. She does not want to taint her reputation because of her.

"This is a mess." Minjeong groaned and massage her forehead. She cannot even do her job properly because of the news and many rumours out there about her and Jimin.

"Maybe you should do a press conference, boss? To clear up any misunderstanding." Her secretary, Ella said.

"Should I?" Minjeong dropped her head on her desk.

Ella just smiled while shaking her head. Minjeong have been a cool boss for her. Unlike her cold appearance in the public, she showed her good and warm side to Ella only when they were alone. Minjeong treat her like a sister.

Knock knock. 

Ella turned and went to see who's knocking so no one can bother Minjeong yet, but her eyes widened seeing the person in front of her. 

"Hello. Is Minjeong inside?"

"Ma'am. Yes." Ella stuttered and gave way for the person to step in.

"Ms Kim, Ms Yoo Jimin is here." Ella announced which got Minjeong to be surprised and raise her head right away.

Minjeong blinked, refusing to believe that she's seeing Jimin again today after last night.

"I wish to talk to her alone please."

"Yes, sure. I'll be outside." Ella bowed and went out before closing the door to give them privacy.

"Ahem. What brings you here?" Minjeong sit up straight and tried to be professional.

"I want to discuss about us and the news too." Jimin said and sitting down on the chair in front of her when Minjeong gestured her to sit.

"Okay. I'm all ears." Minjeong said.

"We have two options. To let the news spread without giving any confirmation of what's the deal between us or we will announce to the public that we are getting engaged."

"Wait. We are?" Minjeong asked in surprised.

"No. Not yet, at least. But we're getting there."

"How are you so sure?" Minjeong asked.

"I mean it when I said I want to win your heart again. I'm serious about you, Minjeong ah. The break up was a mistake and I still regret it. I know its hard to accept me back but I still want to try, because there's no one else I want but you." Jimin confessed, looking straight into Minjeong's cold eyes.

"I am not sure of how I feel about this so no, I don't agree the idea of announcing about whatever relationship we have now. Let people assume whatever they want but you can clear your name first if you want, that you have nothing going on with me so people will stop talking."

Jimin sighed silently and looked down on the table. How she wish she can just tell the whole world that Minjeong is hers but she knows the truth can't be hidden for so long. 

"Nah. That's fine by me. Let them talk then. I don't feel the need to clear anything at all. I'm good." Jimin said.

"Are you sure?" Minjeong asked in concerned and Jimin smiled seeing how behind that cold eyes, Minjeong cannot hide that she after all still cares.

"Yes." Jimin answered.

"Oh. Alright. Is there anything else you would want to say?"

"There is."


"Since we are not going to clear up the rumours or do anything about it, it might continue to spread and I might make the rumours getting big."

"Eh? Why?"

"This time round, Kim Minjeong. I'll be the one who will make a move." Jimin stood up and went to stand beside Minjeong who was already looking at her in confusion.

"I will court you." Jimin said and smiling softly at her. She knelt down before spin Minjeong's chair to make her face her and held her hands carefully, afraid of making Minjeong feel uncomfortable.

"I know I hurt you back then. I am really sorry, Minjeong ah. I was selfish and I didn't even give us a chance to try to get through it first. I'm sorry that I decided everything on my own without talking it out with you properly. I have reflected and my careless action hurts me as well." Jimin told her.

Minjeong only looked down on their hands, Jimin was caressing her hands warmly. Her eyes feel hot, holding on the tears from falling. She missed how warm Jimin's hands were.

"It is so shameless of me to ask this, but I hope you will give me one more chance. I promise you, I won't mess this up again."

Jimin gulped nervously and slowly looked at Minjeong's blank face. She squeezed Minjeong's hands gently.

"Please?" Jimin whispered.

Minjeong let out a sigh before looking away. She's in dilemma. She was scared to start everything again with Jimin. She love her dearly, yes. She still is. It was hard for her to fall for anyone so when she fell for Jimin, she fell hard. She love Jimin too much that it hurts. It hurts not being with her but at the same time, the possibility of Jimin leaving her again kills her inside.

She wanted to trust her again but she was not ready for another heartache if things go wrong again. It took every pieces of her to come together slowly, going through the pain to get up after their break up. She might not able to go through the heartache again if Jimin were to leave her for the second time.

However, Minjeong knows. If she were to rewind the time and to start all over again, she would still fall for Jimin. Even if knowing fully well that she will end up hurting, she would love her again. It's Yoo Jimin. She does not have any options. When Jimin came into her life, so gracefully with her attractive personality and beauty. Minjeong knows that she was in trouble and there was no way out at all.

Kim Minjeong could not avoid the situation. She cannot prevent her heart from being in love with her. She cannot even stop herself even if she try to. That's just how it is. Her heart was just made to love only one Yoo Jimin. She acknowledged it. So she let go of her fear and just choose to go through anything again, to be with her. 


Jimin quickly raised her head and looked at Minjeong with eyes widened. 

"Okay?" Jimin asked again.

"Yes. Okay." Minjeong replied.

Jimin smiled widely and nodded her head. She looked at Minjeong's hands and smiled even more. She stood up and caressed Minjeong's hair making her to look at her.

"Thank you. Thank you so much." Jimin thanked her. Minjeong only hummed in return.

"I hope I won't regret this, Jimin." Minjeong said when Jimin finally excused herself to leave as she had a meeting soon. Jimin stopped from exiting and turned around to give a confident smile at Minjeong.

"I can assure you that. I promise." Jimin said. She kept staring until Minjeong finally nodded at her. 

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Chapter 3: 💔: If you tell me you're leaving, I'll make it easy, it will be okay....... I will love you either way
taenggo09 11 streak #2
Chapter 12: roar!
love it
thank you for this story
Chapter 12: still come back to this story. 🥰
Chapter 12: I LOVEEED THIS MAN, got me giggling and kicking my feet like a fool
Stevierei0 #5
I love this story so much! This is my 3rd time reading it and it’s still so good to me.
Rayxxx #6
Chapter 12: I dont know how many times i re read this story, and it still feels amazing 🥺 I love how jimin tried to get minjeong back
aglaonema #7
Chapter 12: 😍😍🥰🥰
Jiminez #8
Chapter 9: The butterflies 🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋
Chapter 3: damn that must've hurt minjeong :<
1727 streak #10
Chapter 12: oh my gosh this is so cute huhu