Going back home :'(

Sara's Drama Story :)

Kat: Wake up everybody! Were gnna leave now :'(

Sara: WHAT!? WHY!? (does a shock face!)

Hanae: Yah! WHY!?


Gellie: Yah what Sara SAID!!!

Lissy: (snores)

(everybody does an wakard face on Lissy!)

Kat: Cause my dad says that we should go home cause the bill of the hotel might be too expensive 

Hanae: Why? Your really RICH!

Kat: Its because my dad really is a cheapskate he spends his money wisely that why...

Sara: Oh Im gnna MISS THIS PLACE!!!!!!

Yui: Me too!!

Kat: Hey Lissy Wake up!!!

Lissy: (snores)

(everyone did an awkward face on Lissy again!)

Kat: (rolls Lissy Out of bed!)

Lissy: Hey!!! I was havin a very exciting DREAM!!!

Kat: Were gnna leave already!!!

Lissy: WHAT WHY!?

Kat: Tell you later when were in my airplane! Now Pack up everybody and dress up!

Sara: How about Shower?

Kat: Skip the shower!

Sara: Ok... (packs stuff)

(everyone packs stuff and double checks if they left somethin)

(15 mins. Later...)

Kat: Ok Lets leave! Say our goodbyes now! :'(

(everyone wants to cry!)


(Everyone inside hotel stares at sara!)

Kat: Lets go to the limo now :'(

Sara: WAHHHH!!! 

Kat: JUST GET IN SARA!!! (Pulls sara inside!)

Sara: (grabs a pole!) Noooooooo!!! (gets inside!)

Kat: You act like your a 3 year old when doing that Sara -.-''

Sara: I'll really miss this place!

Kat: Well were in my airport now! lets just say our goodbyes again now!

(All of them says there goodbyes in the country!)

(all goes inside airport!)

Sara: Ooooooo!!! Food!

Hanae: Ooooooo!!! Souvienirs!!!

Lissy: Hey, Kat Lets just sit down here while the guys are buyin stuff!

Kat: kk!

(sits down)

Sara: Hey Kat could i have 4 dollars! Please!! I dont have enough money to buy this!!!

Kat: Sure. Ok! (Gives 4 dollars)

Sara: Thanks so MUCH!

Kat: Welcome :)

(10 mins. later)

Kat: Ok Guys our Airplane is here! Lets go!

(Everyone gets there stuffs)

(goes inside the airplane)

Narrator: To be Continued!

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Chapter 22: update soon authornim :-)
soulbladerz #2
wow! what an awesome story!!!! please update more soon!!! i really can't wait! ^_^