Sequel (3/?)

Be Free, Lay it All on Me



"Excuse me, another serving of mandu tuigin please!"


"I'll bring it right away~" Donghae softly hollers back at the customer, his feet already shuffling towards the kitchen window to relay the additional order.


It's Donghae's third lunch rush and he somewhat already has the hang of it. Well, he has to give credit to Haneul ahjumma for being such a patient teacher.Ā 


Haneul ahjumma is the epitome of the ideal motherā€”loving, patient, and kind; everything Donghae had only dreamt of in a mother he yearned for. When Haneul ahjumma first met him, the older woman quickly took Donghae in her arms and hugged him tightly, and he would never forget the warmth and love that radiated from that momentary exchange.


When he was young, Donghaeā€™s imagination could only take him so far as transport him to a much better place for a little while before reality violently pulls him out and throws him on the ground like a dirty rag doll.Ā 


Long were the nights where Donghae would cry so much his head hurts, yet even that wasnā€™t as painful as the gaping hole his so-called have left him. Growing up knowing that your parents didnā€™t even bat an eye before tossing you aside, no child should have gone through such a painful heartbreak at such a young age.


Yet, why was faith so cruel?


Before his mind takes him to a place he isnā€™t ready to revisit, Donghae quickly wipes away the tears that have formed around his eyes and goes about what he was doing. He wouldnā€™t want the customers waiting.


ā€œOne more plate of mandu tuigin please!ā€ Junsu hyung, Haneul ahjummaā€™s son and head cook throws him a thumbs up before carefully throwing in one serving of dumplings into the piping hot oil.Ā 


While he waits for Junsu to call him up, Donghae quickly attends to the group of students that just came. Like clockwork, he places five metal cups and a jug of cold water, all the while mentally taking down the orders of the five college students. Donghae repeats their orders back at them and once he gets their confirmation, he kindly tells them to wait ten minutes and heā€™ll be back with their food.Ā 


It doesnā€™t take long for Donghae to fall into the habit of his work: take orders, deliver them, clean the tables, and repeat. Soon his mind is filled with endless orders and requests that his body goes on autopilot the whole duration of the lunch rush. Unknowingly, maybe this was the reason why Donghae loved the lunch rush; it kept him from delving into the whys and what nows that continuously run through his mind. Because as much as he would like to know the answers he was looking for, as Selene had promised, there was still fear in his heart that what if they werenā€™t as he had hoped?Ā 


What if there was a mistake and he wasnā€™t supposed to turn back so soon?


What then?


Was Donghae supposed to aimlessly roam the streets for the rest of his life, looking for answers when he didnā€™t even know what the questions were?


Where does he even begin when there are so many things he wants to know but couldnā€™t because they have all blurred together and itā€™s getting harder and harder each day to decipher which of those matters the most?




A soft voice cuts through his thoughts and brings him back to the present where heā€™s staring at the kitchen faucet whilst holding a soapy metal bowl. He looks toward the source and finds Haneul ahjumma looking at him with a worried expression, the warmth of her left hand gently placed on his right shoulder feels comforting.


ā€œAre you okay, dear? Iā€™ve been calling for you from the kitchen window but you werenā€™t responding.ā€


ā€œYes, sorry. I just, just have a lot on my mind I guess.ā€


Haneul ahjumma coos at him and pull him in for a tight hug. The effect was immediate, he feels his mind clear up and his heart slowly calms and is beating its steady lub-dub, lub-dub. Heā€™s also starting to get choked up with tears although this time itā€™s because of relief. That though Haneul ahjumma doesnā€™t know what is weighing Donghae down, she was empathetic nonetheless.Ā 


And as much as Donghae would have wanted to meet someone like her way earlier, heā€™s thankful still that he got to know her now.


Haneul ahjumma doesnā€™t ask him nor does she pull away when sheā€™s starting to feel her shoulder moisten from Donghaeā€™s tears. She just continues to rub comforting circles along Donghaeā€™s back while the latter pours out all the years of pent-up suffering.


When he had no more tears left to cry, Hanuel ahjumma cups his face gently and wipes away the stray tears. She doesnā€™t say anything still, just smiles that motherly smile at him as if trying to convey that everything will be alright.


And at that moment, he feels as if that is true. That everything will be alright.Ā 


So he believes, once again. Only this time Donghae has and is hopeful.


Because if he didnā€™t have hope in Seleneā€™s promise then, he wouldnā€™t be where he is now. It was a sliver of hope but it was there nonetheless.


So Donghae will hold onto that hope, nurture it and help it thrive. And as he waits for the day heā€™s finally free from the shackles of his past, heā€™s going to learn and try to live in the present. Because though the past is important, dwelling too long in it would let the present slip through our fingers.


He no longer wants that, not anymore. This time, Donghae wants to live. He wants to enjoy this life heā€™s been given; to love and be loved as much.




Donghae comes home bearing gifts with him. Hanuel ahjumma insisted that he clocked out early, even letting him go home with takeout enough for three.Ā 


ā€œIā€™m home!ā€ Donghae calls out from the front door, ā€œAnd Iā€™ve brought home dinner.ā€ he adds. Once he has successfully removed his shoes, he goes to the kitchen to set down the paper bag full of takeout. His stomach starts to rumble the second he opens the paper bag, the delicious smell of tangsuyuk, jjajangmyeon, and jjampong fills the room, and his mouth starts to water.Ā 


Hyukjae and Kyuhyun come out of their rooms when Donghae is finished setting the table.Ā 


ā€œWow, thank you for the meal!ā€ Kyuhyun excitedly claps Donghaeā€™s back, earning an embarrassed chuckle from the latter.


ā€œDid you buy all this? You just started working, you should have saved it instead.ā€ Hyukjae, however, doesnā€™t share the same sentiment. He warily takes his seat directly in front of Donghae with his hands clasped and gently resting at the table. Donghae reassures him that it was Hanuel ahjumma that gave him the takeout, and even mentions that the kind old lady wouldnā€™t let him leave without taking the paper bag home.


ā€œOkayā€¦ā€ Hyukjae sighed resignedly, ā€œthank her for us, sheā€™s been nothing but kind to us from day one.ā€


Donghae and Kyuhyun perk up from Hyukjaeā€™s answer and begin to delightedly dig in. It doesnā€™t take long for the dinner table to be filled with the sound of cutlery clanking on metal bowls and satisfying slurps and moans of appreciation for the delicious food. With the whirlwind of emotion that Donghae has gone through, heā€™s happy that he gets to end his day with these two people in front of him.


Heā€™s got a long way to go but heā€™s taking one step at a time. And this time, he needs to start celebrating even the little victories in life, especially now that heā€™s got the right people to celebrate them with.


So today heā€™ll end the day with a grateful and hopeful heart.Ā 


Grateful for the people he now has with him; hopeful for what the future has for him.Ā 


And though itā€™ll be an uphill climb, he knows he isnā€™t alone this time.

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Let me know your thoughts! ^-^ )/ This sequel is long overdue and unfortunately, I've only started writing it now ><;; I've missed you guys btw, hope you're all doing well <3


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168 streak #1
Chapter 4: Don't touch me! I'm sensitive af šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­

I'm so glad Hae finally found what he's looking for, he just has to take it nice and slow. No pressure, bb. You got the best people around you now~
ldh2013 #2
Chapter 4: That's lovely. Seems that Donghae is slowly experiencing the love and care he didn't receive before. Happy that he's also open to accepting it no matter where it comes from. Thank goodness for the kind Ahjumma. Kind of sounds like until being post-bear, he didn't experience much kindness at all. Very sad.
Annroy89 #3
Chapter 3: I agree that Hae's past needs to be talked about . His mental health issue is something that will resurface again and hyuk needs to be aware on how to help him heal.
I've enjoyed all the chaps so far dear Author:)
ldh2013 #4
Chapter 3: I hope they can address Donghae's issues at some point. Before he became a stuffed bear, Donghae was about to make a terrible and irreversible decision. They didn't even talk about it. Even though he's no longer a giant plushie, it seems like his problem with himself hasn't really changed. I know the answer to both of their problems seem to be each other but the problems are still there.
1594 streak #5
Chapter 3: Aww, feels like Kyu's feelings represents us as readers. Hoping for the best for our eunhae.
168 streak #6
Chapter 3: I'm not sure if you're going to tackle about Hae's identity. I mean, he's obviously older than Hyuk cuz he was already working back then. But how will he be able to integrate into today's society? People will wonder and ask. I'm curious too~
1594 streak #7
Chapter 2: Ah, while there were some bitter things (as is life, some of the time), this turned out so sweet and comforting. ā™”
168 streak #8
Chapter 2: Whoa!!!! You've updated almost the same time last year! I'm so glad we got a sequel! Thank you so much!

Now we know more about them šŸ„ŗšŸ„°
HelenDamnation #9
Chapter 2: I only read the first part recently, and was excited to see a sequel. So many people are under horrific levels of stress lately. Your story that delineates so well both Hyukjae's stress *and* the fact that he's worthy of help and not unreasonable for having things get to him is a really kind thing to put out there were people who need it might find it.

Like Hae the Bear.
Oh, I felt Hyukjae's stress, worries and anxiety too much - it reminded me my university days, it's been so overwhelming i didn't know what to focus my attention to, so it hurt so much to read how he's struggling and how his thoughts are scary and dark. His teddy bear has been kind of an antidepressant to him, silently helping him get through this. You even implied Hae made Hyuk feel better about himself, like Hae had been talking to him actually. I was nearly crying about their both struggling with problems, it was painful. And I'm so glad they found each other. In the end Kyu knew his friend the best and truly Donghae is the antidote to Hyuk's fears.

I'm so happy you're continuing it! I'd love to read about (hopefully) their feelings blooming shyly; Donghae already seems to be having a little crush on his cuddly friend! I wonder if Hyuk will see him as more. He definitely sees how handsome Hae is, so it is a start. Can't wait to read more about them <3 I'm curious about the friends' reaction to Hyuk's new friend. I'm sure they will see Hae as his boyfriend haha!

Thank you for writing it!!!