
and she feels like home (if the shoe fits walk in it everywhere you go)
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“Come on, Jimin.”


“No way, Yizhuo.”


“It’ll be just for a couple of weeks!”


“A couple of weeks? As if that makes it any better.”


“It’s not that bad, I swear her roommate’s really nice and freakishly clean.”


“That’s not even the point. How is this even allowed? They prohibit exchanging dorms—“ Jimin cuts herself off and held up a hand, “Better question, how did you even manage to make Aeri agree to this?”


Yizhuo blinks at that, “Well, yes. But I have my ways and she really missed me too, you know and I really miss having her on my—“


“Oookay, I’m gonna have to cut you off right there, Romeo.”


“Sorry,” Yizhuo mimes zipping , “Please, Jimin?”


“You do realize that you‘re basically asking me to live with a stranger. For a few weeks. You know how much I hate dealing with strangers, Ning.“ Jimin sighs as she runs an exasperated palm across her hair.


“I know but I promise you, you’d like Minjeong. We have a couple of classes together and she’s super nice and when we proposed this idea to her, she was really cool about it.” Yizhuo insists, hanging off Jimin’s arm for dramatic effect, “You won’t even get to see her, Aeri told me she does a bunch of extra-curricular. She’s volunteering to help at the school library so she usually comes home super late. You’ll be living with a ghost. Don’t you want that? Some nice and quiet. After years and years of dealing with a roommate like me?”


Well, when you put it that way. It does kind of sound nice. Jimin shots her bestfriend a weak glare as she she can feel her resolve slowly chipping away, “What if Minjeong’s an axe wielding murderer and she kills me in my sleep?”


“Then we’re going to throw you the nicest funeral for being the sacrifice in helping her bestfriend get laid.”


Jimin pulls her face in disgust, swatting at Yizhuo’s face, “I hate you.”


“You know you love me. So is that a yes?”


“Not really, but do I have a choice here?”


Yizhuo’s grin turned sheepish and Jimin could only roll her eyes. “Why can’t Minjeong move here instead?”


Yizhuo puffs her chest out at that, as if already prepared to answer this question, “I told you, she does a bunch of extra curricular including the library volunteer and their dorm is nearer there.”


Jimin sighs heavily. “Okay. Fine.”


Yizhuo squealed and does a little victory dance until Jimin held up a hand, “But if Minjeong turns out to be some freaky weirdo, the deal is immediately off, okay?”


Yizhuo’s grin turned bright and—something impish. As if she knows in herself that that wouldn’t be a problem at all, “Trust me. You’ll like Minjeong.”



She doesn’t know if she likes Minjeong. Well, not in a way someone would think.


Because she haven’t seen Minjeong. At all. It’s been exactly four days days since she moved and she was fairly certain that maybe Yizhuo was right. Maybe she is living with a ghost. The only indicator that Minjeong is an actual human being living in the same dorm as her is when she’d see little bits of pieces of reminder; like that one morning their shared bathroom was warm and still smelled of fruity shampoo and vanilla scented body wash— or that one time Jimin was running late for practice and there was already a pot of coffee waiting for her. There wasn’t a note or anything like that. It’s just—there. A reminder that hey! I was here too! Sometimes she’d see coloring pencils and paper scattered on their coffee table. And she would be vaguely reminded of Yizhuo telling her that Minjeong was an Art Major.


She’s always tired when she gets home after practice so she immediately passes out the moment she stepped in and when she’d wake up the next morning, the girl was already gone. Jimin doesn’t have classes until the afternoon.


It’s been quiet and Jimin wasn’t used to this kind of quiet when she’s been rooming with someone like Yizhuo.


It’s kind of… lonely.


“She’s never home. I don’t think she even sleeps.” Jimin tells Yizhuo one morning, a little glumly before popping a fry in .


“I told you. And why do you sound so sad? Don’t you like it?”


Jimin threw her a weak glare, “I’m not sad. It’s just a little weird when I’ve been living with a literal boombox my whole life and then suddenly it’s all quiet.”


Yizhuo rolled her eyes, “I will ignore that blatant slander in favor of sympathising with angsty brooding Jimin.”


“Who’s angsty and what are we talking about?” Aeri slides in the conversation, she drops her tray on the table before placing a quick peck on Yizhuo’s cheeks.


“Jimin’s sad, lonely and getting homesick and says she misses my beautiful strong voice.”


Aeri snorts but there was a friendly smile on her face, “I take it you haven’t seen Minjeong yet?”


“No.” Jimin sighs heavily, “I’m not sad or anything. It’s just—has she always been like that? Are you sure she was fine with this? Maybe she’s uncomfortable with it that’s why she’s avoiding me.”


Aeri’s smile turned mischievous, “I wouldn’t say it’s like that. But trust me. You’ll meet her soon.”


Jimin sighs for the umpteenth time that day. No point in dwelling on it anyway.



Soon turned out to be quite sooner than Jimin was prepared for.


Jimin hoisted the gym bag on her shoulder, the movement causing the aching muscles to protest as she blindly fished for (Aeri’s) keys in her pockets. Fully expecting the dorm room to be empty again, she absently kicks her shoes off not even caring the slightest as the dull thud echoed around the room so you could just imagine her shock when her head snapped up and the space at the usually empty couch was occupied by a mop of dark hair with ash blonde highlights.


She was chewing on the end of her pen as another pen was holding her hair up in a lazy bun and Jimin froze rooted to her spot when the woman looked up from the scattered books and papers on the coffee table upon hearing the noise. She regarded Jimin behind those rimmed glasses with her head tilted to the side before a slow smile took over her lips and Jimin knows she’s ed.


She’s so, so ed because apparently, Minjeong was not an axe wielding murderer. Minjeong was a beautiful girl with eyes that seems to take up the shape of cute little crescent moons when she’s smiling.


“You must be Jimin.”


Jimin’s throat felt parched, tongue seemed stuck on the roof of and could only manage a breathless, “Yeah, that’s uh, me.”


Minjeong’s smile widened, she removes her glasses and padded towards the dumbstruck Jimin and when she’s close enough, Jimin can smell the faint scent of vanilla. Suddenly feeling self-conscious in her sweat clad shirt that probably reeks of grass and mud, Jimin tugs her collar. A bead of sweat beginning to form on her forehead. The woman stuck her hand out, “I’m Minjeong.”


Jimin manages to catch herself at the last minute. She wipes her sweaty palms against her shorts before she took the offered hand, “I know. Nice to finally put a face to the name.”


Minjeong’s grin turned sheepish, “Yeah, sorry I haven’t been around to welcome you properly. Finals are coming up and they needed the extra hand at the library hence the—,” Minjeong jerked her thumb back, pertaining to the haphazardly thrown papers and books on the table. “Hope you don’t mind the mess.”


“Oh, it’s fine. This is your dorm, after all.” Jimin switches her bag to another shoulder, just so she’d have something to do with her jittery hands, “What exactly are you doing?”


Minjeong fidgets with the glasses in her grip before slipping it back on. Such a mundane gesture that Jimin can’t help but find endearing, “Just cataloguing the books.”


“Do you need some help?” Jimin asked out of courtesy. But really, all she wanted to do was hop in the shower, sleep and forget this slightly humiliating meeting. She was so unprepared for this and she’s feeling super gross in her sweaty jersey.


Minjeong scrunches her nose, frowning slightly and when she speaks, her voice was soft, “Not in that state, no. You look like you could pass out any minute now.”


“Yeah. Coach was hell today,” Jimin rubbed the back of her neck, “I’m in the soccer team. Don’t know if Yizhuo mentioned that but, uhm. Yeah.”


God. She’s rambling. Why is she rambling?


“I know you’re in the soccer team with Yizhuo. Aeri would always drag me to your games. You guys are great.”


Jimin perked up at that, “Really? How come I’ve never seen you before?”


Minjeong shrugs, her grin turning impish, “You were probably too busy to notice, you’re always swarmed by your fans.”


Heat rose to Jimin’s cheeks but she tries to mask it with an incredulous scoff, “I am not.”


Minjeong giggled, a melodious tinkle that tickles her ears, rivalling Jimin’s own thundering pulse rushing in as the sounds clashed heavily against her ears. Kind of like a wind chime amidst a storm. And all Jimin could do was stare, stare, and stare until she heard a faint, “What?” from the girl and Jimin had to flinch back to reality when a palm waved over her face.


“Sorry, I just...”


“Hm?” Minjeong cocked her head to the side, a small frown encasing her features.


“You were not what I expected.”


Jimin groaned internally. Mouth, meet Foot.


But Minjeong just seemed more amused than ever as she arched an eyebrow, brown eyes glinting behind those glasses that Jimin wants to snatch off her face just because she looks so damn attractive in it and that shouldn’t be allowed, “What? Disappointed that I’m not an actual axe wielding murderer who’s going to kill you in your sleep?”


Jimin’s eyes widened. She’s so going to kill Yizhuo.


Ning Yizhuo you’re dead, I hope you’re telepathically hearing this because you’re so dead.


“No. God, whatever Yizhuo told you, she’s exaggerating and I am so going to kill her for it.” Jimin said, face-palming herself. This meeting couldn’t get more embarrassing.


“Please don’t. Jail food is terrible and I heard they don’t have cable in there.”


Jimin laughs despite herself, “I’m sorry I just—wasn’t exactly into rooming with a total stranger. No, offense.”


“None taken,” Minjeong waved her off, “I understand. I wasn’t exactly keen on this whole swapping thing at first too but...” Minjeong trailed off and seems to catch herself at the last minute as she bit her lip, “Anyway, did you have dinner? We got some frozen pizzas in the fridge.”


“I already did but thank you.” Jimin cleared jerking her thumb towards her own room, “I’ll just crash and get out of your hair.”


“Okay, but tell me if you need anything alright? I’ve been such a bad host already.” Minjeong flashed her one of those megawatt smiles and Jimin might’ve died a little inside, “Goodnight, Jimin.”


“Night, Minjeong.”


When she was in the safe space of Aeri’s room, Jimin thunked her head back against the door. Closing her eyes as she slowly chase the erroneous beating against her ribcage. She fishes for her phone in her pockets and with practiced ease, she seeks out Yizhuo’s name in her contacts to shoot off a text.


you. you didn’t tell me she was gorgeous.


An hour later, once she’s done showering and getting ready for bed, her phone pinged on the bedside table. Jimin could only scoff at the content of the message.


ah, jiminnie, but where would be the fun in that? ;)



“Sooo,” Yizhuo starts, playfully nudging Jimin’s shoulder, “Gorgeous, huh?”


“Don’t start.” Jimin chides, adding pressure against Yizhuo’s back as she helped her stretch and reach the point of her toes. Then she suddenly remembered Minjeong’s comment of axe wielding murderer so she presses a little harder.


“Ow! What was that for?”


“For snitching on me.”


“I didn’t snitch! I was just being honest. So, how was Minjeong? Told you you’d like her.”


Jimin scoffs, dangerously leaning her weight on Yizhuo’s back again, “She’s okay. We didn’t really talk much. It was late.”


“What about tonight, then? Are you going to talk to her tonight?”


“I don’t know? Maybe? I mean, that’s kind of inevitable since we’re living under the same roof.”


“Are you going to tell her that you think she’s gorgeous?”


“If you say that one more time, I’m going to break your back.”


Yizhuo’s laugh rang through the field, “Okay. Fine. Fine.”


Their coach whistles, immediately silencing the quiet murmur around the whole soccer team. She stands, offers a hand to Yizhuo, “And don’t even think about snitching on me with this.”


Yizhuo rolled her eyes, “I won’t, gosh, what do you think of me?”


Jimin narrowed her eyes, “Not even to Aeri, got it?”


Yizhuo mimes zipping shut.



She doesn’t see Minjeong for the rest of the day, but she bumps into her on the hallway when she’s on her way to the gym showers after practice. It's kind of weird, she hadn't met Minjeong. Ever. The campus was huge. And maybe Jimin just doesn't really put in the effort in meeting new people. She just knew Minjeong as Aeri's roommate and that was enough. But then suddenly, it seems like she's taking up space in Jimin's life and she's everywhere. She was glad Yizhuo wasn’t with her because if she was, she would’ve laughed at the blatant ogling Jimin was doing right now. She wasn’t sure if she’s going to greet her. Or if she’s even allowed to. They just met each other last night.


Minjeong hadn’t noticed her yet as she was talking to one of her friends, animatedly waving a hand while clutching books to her chest with the other. She was about to turn away, fully intent on just avoiding Minjeong altogether when the other girl’s gaze darted up, as if sensing Jimin’s stare a miles away. She waves a hand, then turns to her companion, before jogging up to Jimin.


“Hey, roomie.” Minjeong chirps, a slight bounce to her step.


Not for the first time in her life, Jimin’s embarrassed that she’s meeting Minjeong reeking of sweat and muddy cleats. Again.




“You done for the day?”


Jimin runs a sweaty palm across her hair, “I still have one class after this.”


Minjeong bit her lip, the apprehension in her next words was palpable, “Will you come straight to the dorms after that?”


Jimin gulped. “Yes? Why?”


“Oh, great. I’m making you dinner. Any requests?”


Oh. “You don’t have to do that. Don’t you have geometry after this? And what about your library duties?” Jimin frowned, genuinely concerned.


Minjeong tilted her head to the side, “You know my schedule?”


Jimin slaps her face internally before she held up a hand, “I swear I’m not a stalker I just know because of Yizhuo. She says she’s in the same class as you.”


Minjeong’s eyes turned into crescent moons, “I’m just teasing. But I skipped library duties today in favor of roommate duties.”


“That’s really nice, Minjeong. But you don’t have to do that. I understand that you’re very busy.”


Minjeong waves her off, “Just consider it as me making it up to you for being such a ghosty roommate.”


Jimin hesitates. And then Minjeong pouted. Like full on jutting out her bottom lip and that’s just not fair, isn’t it? “Please?” She adds as if for good measure.


“O—okay.” Jimin relents. “But you don’t have to make anything special, anything would do.”


“Okay. See you later then.” Minjeong’s lips quirk up at Jimin’s stuttered words, she grips the athlete’s bicep lightly on her way, the phantom of a touch that sends Jimin’s thoughts slightly reeling and only when the shorter girl’s out of sight did Jimin allowed herself to breathe again.


What the hell, Minjeong?



It kind of became a thing.


Minjeong would cook her dinner if she’s not busy, and well, Jimin was Jimin. Awkward, tall and lanky with her lame jokes.


But Minjeong doesn’t seem to mind. Sometimes she would roll her eyes with only a quirk of the lips. Most of the time, it would actually earn a genuine laugh from her and those are Jimin’s favorite. Unguarded and candid Minjeong.


Minjeong was all warmth, puppies and rainbows all wrapped up into one. She’s very easy to get along with. Jimin often wonders why she was so worried in the first place.


It’s like the whole damn universe was just waiting for it to happen.



Jimin doesn’t often get sick. She’s a very healthy person, she takes her vitamins regularly and exercises a lot.


So when she wakes up with a high fever and cold, she was at loss of what to do. The last time she got sick, it was probably back in sixth grade when she’s still living with her parents so it was no problem. She had her mom to take care of her, coddling her. The thing is, Jimin turns into an affectionate cuddle monster when she’s sick. She gets touchy, especially when she’s feeling vulnerable. She liked to be babied. She could call Yizhuo. But it’s highly unlikely the girl would be up for some cuddling.


So she sighs, and shuts her eyes instead, opting to get some more sleep, and hopes that the fever would break out by the time she wakes up.


It doesn’t go down. She wakes up to the soft rapping of knuckles against the door. Her whole body felt like it was on fire, and she’s sweating a lot. The insides of her head was pounding, and she forces herself to sit upright, groaning as she drags her feet across the room to throw open the door.


Minjeong’s worried face was the one who greeted her, “Hey, are you okay? Yizhuo told me you skipped practice and not answering your phone.”


Jimin leans heavily against the door, “Yeah, sorry. M’not feeling well.” Her nose was stuffed so her voice sounds nasally. Gross.


“Oh, that explains that.” Minjeong fusses worriedly as she places a cold palm on her sweaty forehead, had she been in the right mind, she would’ve pulled back. Because ugh she’s so gross and sweaty and she doesn’t want to subject Minjeong into this. But Minjeong’s palm feels nice. Hm. “You’re burning up, Jimin. Did you take something already?”


“Some dayquill. Then figured I could just sleep it off.”


Minjeong’s frown deepened, “Have you eaten anything all day?”


Jimin shrugs.


Minjeong sighs, “I’m going to make you some soup then after that, you take your meds, okay? You want to move to the couch? It’s far too hot in here. You might want some fresh air. You’ve been stuck in your room all day.”


“Don’t want to get you sick.”


Minjeong rolled her eyes fondly, “Jimin, we literally live in the same roof. It doesn’t matter if you stay in your room or not. Besides, I don’t mind. You can just wait for me in the couch until I finish dinner.”




Jimin slumps her way to the couch. Falling face first on it. Her eyes felt heavy and her whole body was aching. Minjeong comes back later with fresh blankets and a pillowcase that smells a lot like Minjeong’s flowery scented shampoo. Jimin nuzzles into it before she finally lets the darkness creep in.


She was gently nudged awake not more than an hour later. Minjeong helps her up, spoons the soup before bringing it to Jimin’s lips. It was exactly what Jimin had needed. Wanted. She’s just not expecting to get it from Minjeong, of all people.


Once she’s finished eating, Minjeong makes her drink the medicine and Jimin finds herself asking before she could stop herself, “Can you hold me? If that wouldn’t be too uhm, weird.”


Minjeong’s gaze softened as she leans back on the couch and opens her arms. Jimin immediately settles between them, placing the side of her cheek upon Minjeong’s chest, and when she feels Minjeong’s fingers combing through her sweaty hair, she closes her eyes.


“Your shirt’s soaked.” Minjeong slides a cool palm across the plane of Jimin’s back a minute after, bare skin to bare skin, and Jimin doesn’t mind the touch. It was cold against her burning skin. Wants more of it. Figures if she should ask, “You want to change into a new shirt?”


But Jimin finds herself comfortable already, eyes dozing off, “Nah. M’good. Stay. Your hand’s cold. Feels nice.”


She hears Minjeong snorting, “You turn into a big baby when you’re sick, you know that?”


“Yeah. Shut up.” Jimin grumbles but there wasn’t a bite to it. “How was your day?”


“Uneventful. I got into an argument with one of my group-mates in class.”


“About what?”


“About pineapples belonging on pizza or not.”


Jimin snorts, eyes still closed, “Very riveting.”


“Yeah, they don’t, by the way. And then Yizhuo came up to me before class, panicking, when she asked me quote did you finally axed Jimin to death because she’s been missing since first period and not answering my calls unquote.”


Jimin groans, “I’m sorry. My head was killing me when I woke up this morning I couldn’t do anything but sleep.”


“That’s okay, I already texted her.”


“Thank you.” Jimin opens her eyes to meet Minjeong’s soft ones.


“It’s no problem, roomie.” Minjeong pokes at the bottom corner of her lower lip, “Did I ever tell you that I find this super cute?”


Jimin scrunches her brows, realizes then that Minjeong was talking about her mole, “Ah. No. But you’re not the first one to tell me.”


Minjeong giggles, and Jimin feels the rumbling that comes with her face pressed against the girl’s chest, “And she’s super confident too when she’s sick, apparently.”


“Don’t get used to it.”


“I like it. Don’t get me wrong, the adorably awkward that you have going on, I’m super into it. But like, confidence is y. And you’re crazy attractive.”


If Jimin wasn’t feeling like she could pass out any minute, she was pretty sure she would die of blushing, “Is it compliment Jimin day? Or just some pity party because I’m sick? If so, then I’d better get sick more often.”


“Please don’t.” Minjeong sighs softly, fingers still carding through her locks, “I’d like to keep healthy Jimin around.”


Jimin falls asleep to the sound of Minjeong’s heartbeat against her ears, and the soft humming voice of the girl.



“Your hair’s really cool.” Jimin internally winced at the awkwardness of it all. It was a weekend, one of those rare days where both of them doesn’t have any classes. Well, Minjeong’s classes were cancelled this morning and Jimin purposefully doesn’t take weekend classes because she’s a firm believer that weekends are for day offs. So. Here they were, lazing around the couch and the first thing she says is that.


But Minjeong just smiles, twirls a lock with one of her finger as she puts her phone face down on the coffee table, “You like it? My first choice was blonde. But I figured that’s too boring so this happened. Aeri helped me with it.”


“Yeah. You look like a husky.” It was out of before she could stop herself. And Jimin wants the ground to swallow her whole. She blames the compilation Youtube video of puppies she’d watched last night before drifting off to sleep.


Minjeong raises a brow,

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Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Gosh!! Its so good!! Why i just read it now!! I need more of this domesticated winrina AU 😭😭😭
*me listening to roommates by isac elliot
Chapter 1: Ba't ngayon ko lang nahanap at nabasa to, ang ganda😭😭. kinikinilig ako
tipine #4
Chapter 1: Absolutely beautiful 🥰🥰
plutoooooo #5
Chapter 1: masterpiece😍😍
Genniee #6
Chapter 1: Done rereading! Still great like before 😩
Chapter 1: Oh god I actually, genuinely got nervous on that certain part their at the field. It shouldn't surprise me but I was genuinely rooting for them lmao. I liked this so much, it's so cute.
Ani_Ang #9
Chapter 1: Wow.. I didn't think that I would miss this amazing story.. Author-nim, all of your stories are amazing 😍😍😍
Chapter 1: this is so cute T_T probably my favorite jmj oneshot from now on i really like your style of writing thank you so much for this author-nim :)