Chapter 2

A Hand Written Story

“I have work to do.” Jungsu replied to his co-worker’s invite to go out.

“Aw, come on. You’ve been working too hard on this case. It would be good for you to get out and have some women around.” His co-workers insisted.

Jungsu sat there and looked at the case papers in his hands. He has read over them thousands of times. He sighed and placed them down. Then he stood up and grabbed his coat. “Arrasso. I guess it would be good to calm my mind for a short while.”

“Great!” He and his co-worker exited the building and went over to the night club.

The night club was the most popular with men because of the beautiful women that worked there.

As the men entered the club, Jungsu leaned over to his co-worker. “Why did we have to come here? You know that I don’t like this place.”

“Ah, come on Jungsu, it’ll help take your mind off of work.” His co-worker stated.

Jungsu sighed. “If you guys get drunk, I’m leaving you here.” He stated.

“Whatever.” His co-worker’s mind was focused on the women.

“Right this way.” One of the waitresses escorted them their table. “Someone will be with you right away.” She said then walked away.

~Suje’s POV~

“Hey, Suje, you have a table waiting.” One of my co-workers said going behind the bar to get refills for another table she had.

I sighed. I honestly didn’t like this job, but I had nowhere else I could possibly go and I still have to pay back the owner the debt I owe him for taking me when I had nothing. He said I could either pay him back by working for him or with my body, and I definitely wasn’t letting him put his disgusting hands on me. I turned around and looked at the table to see who was sitting there. My eyes widened recognizing one of the guys in particular.

I walked over to the table with a smile. “Welcome, what will you be drinking?” I asked pulling out the book I write everything down in. They all looked old enough so I didn’t bother to card them.

I took their orders but my eyes kept drifting to look at the guy I recognized, Park Jungsu. He doesn’t recognize me though. He wouldn’t considering we’ve never met in person before, but he knows all my works from front to back. Seeing him actually made my day slightly happier.

I walked back over to the bar, and called over the guy behind the bar. I didn’t know how to make the drinks so my friend does it for me.

“What do ya need?” He asked walking up to me from behind the bar.

I handed him the paper and waited for him to make the drinks. When he was done, he set them on a tray so I could easily carry them.

“Here you are.” He said placing the last drink down on the tray.

“Kamsahamnida, Jae.” I thanked him.

He smiled at me. “Anything for you.”

I smiled back and picked up the tray then made my way over to the table. He was my friend, and one of the only people in this bar I trusted. Why? Because he was gay and I knew he didn’t like me. He knows everything about me. I mean EVERYTHING. He covers for me a lot when I have to leave suddenly.

When I got to the table I overheard a conversation that was going on.

“I feel like it’s so close. Like I could reach out and just grab it, but I can’t for some reason.” Jungsu was telling his friends about Hye su. How do I know this? Maybe I’ll tell you later.

“Here we are.” I started grabbing drinks from the tray and set them down in front of the guys who ordered them.

Jungsu was still talking while I set down the drinks. “I feel like she’s playing with me.”

Then I took the last and set it down in front of one of the guys he was with. Suddenly the man’s hand shot up and grabbed my wrist.

“Well, I know what I’d like to play with.” The man clearly had his eyes on my chest. I shivered inside from this action.

I put on a fake smile I had perfected from working here long enough. “Maybe another time. I’m working right now.” I told him so he would let me go.

“Well, when do you get off of work?” He asked pulling me slightly closer.

Jungsu set down his drink harshly making a noise loud enough to interrupt what his friend was doing. “Will you let her go? She obviously doesn’t want you touching her.”

He definitely was the best detective around if he could tell I was faking. His friend let me go and put up his hands as if to surrender. “Jwesonghamnida.”

I backed up from the table slightly. I bowed very slightly to Jungsu for helping me out, and then turned to go back to the bar.

“Are you ok? I saw what that guy tried to do to you.” Jae asked me.

“I’m fine. One of the other guys defended me.” I smiled thinking about it.

“That’s good, I couldn’t stand back and watch if they did anything to you.” He said.

I giggled slightly at him. “Yeah, I know.”

“But, like… If I’m correct, that’s Park Jungsu, right?” He asked.

“Yeah that’s him.” We both were looking in the direction of the table they were at.

“Well, then isn’t this an opportune time to go to your second job?” He asked me.

I laughed. “My second job?”

“What else am I supposed to call it? Your killing spree?” He asked but not loud enough for anyone else to hear.

I shushed him. “You’re going to get me in trouble, or caught.”

He laughed. “If you were going to get caught, you would have done it by now.”

I shrugged. “I’m waiting for the right time. I have this story under my control.”

“You act like a psychopathic author.” He stated.

I laughed at his statement. “Whatever. You should get back to work before you get in trouble.”

“Arrasso. Talk to you later.” He walked off.


Back at the table, Jungsu’s co-workers looked at him strangely.

“Jungsu, what are you looking at?” They looked to find him looking strangely at their waitress. One of them smirked. “You like her don’t you?”

“Aniyo, there’s… just something vaguely familiar about her. I can’t put my finger on what it is though.” Jungsu kept his eyes on her then turned his attention back to the guys at his table. They were all looking at him confused.

Jungsu stood up, and grabbed his coat while putting down some money.

“I think I need some sleep. I’ll see you guys tomorrow.” Jungsu said then headed towards the door.

Suje happened to be at the front desk at that time. When Jungsu passed by, she spoke up.

“Uh… wait!” She said.

Jungsu turned around to find her standing in front of him bowing.

“Kamsahamnida for helping me back there.”

“No problem.” Jungsu stated. “Keep yourself out of trouble.” He started going through the door.

“I hope to see you again!” Suje said before he was out the door.

She would most definitely see him again. She had the pieces all laid out for him.


Ok... Hi guys, sorry I haven't updated this in a while. My inspiration level has been dead.

I hope you enjoy this chapter and if you haven't guessed it by now, I hinted something important, but it might not be what you think it is.

I'll update soon hopefully.

Oh yeah and this is close to the uniform they had to wear.

One thing though is that she kept her hair down.

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Chapter 6: Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang... That that her life was horrible.
Cool story (: I enjoy HyeSu's tactics, and her personality rocks! Lol a flustered Leeteuk + he's a detective = awesome. Can't wait for the next update! Hearts to you<3<3<3
Chapter 5: 1. Neon napeun yeoja~~~ for cursing.
3. CHANNEL YOUR INNER JO KWON *spirit fingers*
PCbuhBAM #4
Chapter 5: Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiice lol she reminds me of a snake x) And I know how he can stay up for hours!! ... coffee LOL naw xDD but she's very different with the rest of the female characters here in AFF. I like it :3 alot x33 Plz do update! lol kk bye ^^
PCbuhBAM #6
Wow~ This reminds me of the Opera/ Shinhwa Drawing I made!! But, that was really good ^^ I like it :) And, I REALLY LIKE HER OUTFIT yes .w. and umz... man she got caught ): But, I'm sure she'll have something up her sleeve ^^
PCbuhBAM #8
Woah.... Well, I have a feeling tht she's killing these ppl for the sake of good (which idk what it is) becuz, if not, she could of gotten rid of the girl, but she didn't :P the wife could of commited suicide just becuz of tht, and I think the guy was poisened and went to the bathroom, but didn't make it in time. Any poision can make the victim not feel it's presence, but when it's already spread out in the body, the victim can feel it and die. They didn't do an autopsy on him yet. So that's what I assume. And, that Hyesu card thing is cute :3! She stands out really well and... Dun get me wrong... y. Like B.E.G. Leeteuk is such an epic person in here and he gives off a smarty-boy vibe. But, Miss A? That threw me off and then I was like oh! That's jus to cover her uo her real identity! Lol smart smart xD! Poor girl, though.... Having to go,through tht must of been terrible.... Good thing Miss A took care if her. AND VERY LUCKY TOO! SHE GOT HERSELF A MANSION! Can't wait to see other thing happening! And characters ;D! Love it~ and please update~
<3 u
PCbuhBAM #9
YES I DARE MYSELF TOO! I looooooooove the poster<3 AND, I LOVE THE QUOTE ON IT! Very...... Nyan ;o LOL xD!! Interesting Description~ Can't wait for Chapter one then~ x3
<3 Unnie