The Past; One Year Later

Unknown Romance of the Past

Fidgeting with his finger, Jason bit his lower lip while paying attention to his umma, Tiffany. Why are they telling me a story about Jessica and Jinki? Are they my parents? Questions buzzed around his head endlessly, as he watched his umma tell him a story, or more likely... a past memory. It didn't make sense, everything about his life didn't make sense until this day, the day of his birthday, the day where everything is truthfully told. 

When Tiffany finished up her part of the 'story', she glanced at him worriedly as she saw his behavior drop into a pondering one. "Jason are you okay?" earning a slight nod from the birthday boy. "Do you want us to continue?" she asked, receiving another dull nod. She let out another sigh and signaled Jonghyun to start his turn. 

Jonghyun cleared his throat and began his side of the story.


"Since we just established the Sica Condition, we should head to music class." Jinki grinned while helping the Ice Princess get up from the floor. Jessica blushed slightly and trailed off behind the younger brunette. Feeling the blonde girl's presence behind him, he walked slower so she could walk beside him, but she did otherwise. Following Jinki's walking patterns, she continued to walk behind him slowly. "Yah noona, come over here." Jinki pulled her lightly, causing them to walk side by side. She was startled from his action and she felt more awkward with him. 

As they entered class, most of the students stared at the duo and whispered things to each other. While some of the girls threw daggers at Jessica with their eyes as they saw her walk in with their precious Jinki oppa. She ignored the fuming fan girls and thanked Jinki for walking her to class. 

"Jessica!" a voice called her, getting the blonde girl's attention. Only to be the eye smile queen that had mysteriously vanished earlier.

Jessica smiled at Jinki and waved her goodbyes in a small manner. As for Jinki, he could feel his face warm up as a light pink shade lingered around his cheeks. That simple smile sent jolts of electricity inside his body, making his chest waver unconsciously. He shook off the feeling and sighed unwarily. Before he sat down next to his friend Jonghyun, Jinki glanced towards Jessica's direction, finding her sitting and laughing with Tiffany. Well, Tiffany was the only one laughing. Jinki turned his head away when he noticed the blonde girl looking towards him. Sensing a smile toward him, he smiled as well before he felt the gaze disappear. His heart felt as if it was beating as fast as lighting, if it could go that fast but he didn't know why he felt so weird when he thought, looked, and talked about, Jessica. A feeling he couldn't quite describe, but it felt good in a way. Maybe he was delusional, he can't possibly fall in love with her already. But then again, Jonghyun's first love was a type of love, usually known as 'love at first sight' or the 'three second love'. It was merely impossible for him because he truly likes a girl when he knows a lot about them. Thinking thoroughly, Jessica always invaded his mind even though they just met recently. Jinki felt confused, lost, giddy, a little bit anxious, and... possibly in love. He pondered and pondered and yet, nothing came into his mind except for a certain girl, an 'Ice Princess' to be exact. 

"Yah Jinki! Are you even paying attention to me?" Jonghyun whined, knocking his knuckles against the older boy's head. Jinki immediately snapped out of his chains of thoughts and stared blankly at the short boy and his complaining. He blinked his eyes a few times and then slapping Jonghyun's hand away.

"Sorry, I was thinking for a little." Jinki apologize, turning back to his cheeky self. "So... What are we doing today?" 

"Stop changing the subject. You were thinking about the new girl, weren't you?" Jonghyun grinned, showing off his pearly white teeth while earning a terrified look from his friend. As expected, the dinosaur, puppy looking boy assumed, smirking at Jinki's expressions. 

"No." Jinki lied.

"Then what were you thinking about?" the boy with blonde highlights scooted closer to him, placing his hand around his cheek as his elbow kept him in balance. A 'V' shape was formed instead, causing Jinki to look at him weirdly. "Don't tell me Luna's stalking you again."

"What? No, of course not. I made it clear that I'm not interested." 

"What is it?" he pouted, making the brunette shudder from his friend attempting aegyo. Jinki let an exasperated sigh whilst pinching the bridge of his nose. Honestly, he didn't have the nerve to tell him what he felt about Jessica because he knew himself, that Kim Jonghyun was afraid of a girl for once. Before, Jonghyun was that type of boy who would run around flirting with girls to either get slapped in the face or hooked up. But then after he met a girl, he changed drastically and Jinki praised her for fixing his behavior and her coming into their lives. Even though no one but Jonghyun knew who she was.

"Um, well I-" Jinki was cut off because the music teacher made an arrival to class, meaning they had lost their privilege to speak without raising their hands. He was happy since he didn't have to tell his friend anything yet, and the teacher saved him by doing so. Feeling satisfied, the chicken manic turned his attention towards the teacher and listened intently. 

"So class, I decided to give you all a project to work on." eliciting groans and complains from the students. "Now now, you'll be able to choose your own partners." Mrs. Kang reassured, adjusting her glasses in place while she heard some students cheer.

On the other hand, Jessica was shocked to hear about a project, she didn't know anyone except for Jinki and Tiffany. Well, the others too but those two were the only two she could consider 'friends' as of now. Plus, when the teacher called Tiffany's name, the American chose Taeyeon as her partner. She was disappointed and nervous, Jessica didn't want to be paired up with a stranger because she knew the person would be intimidated from her Ice Princess aura.

"Jung Jessica." the teacher called, making her tense up. "You must be new, who would you like as your partner?" Mrs. Kang asked, smiling sweetly at Jessica. The blonde girl could only blink in response, not knowing what to say. The teacher noticed her actions and assumed Jessica didn't know anyone yet. "Students! Would any of you like to be Ms. Jung's partner?" 

All eyes were on Jessica, making her feel timid even though she showed her signature Ice Princess expression. "I'll be Jessica's partner." a voice answered shyly. 

"No! Jinki oppa was suppose to be my partner!" another voice shrieked, as if she was dying in pain. Jessica sighed in relief, knowing it was Jinki who volunteered to be her partner. In fact, she was extremely pleased and excited that she didn't realize the students looking at her weirdly.

As soon as the teacher finished the partner arrangement and topic to work on, she found Jinki standing in front of her with a toothy grin. "Hello noona, good to see you again." his eyes were narrowed, as he smiled brightly at her. Jessica couldn't help but stare at his face in awe, he had a fair skin tone with slightly pink cheeks, his small eyes which she found it cute, his tousled brown hair, his onyx eye, and his goofy grin. She had to admit, she was usually attracted to built guys but Jinki made her melt from the inside, as if he melted her Ice Princess self. 

"But we saw each other fifteen minutes ago." Jessica said, without realizing she was smiling herself. 

"Really? It felt like years." he puffed his cheeks out, staring into her chocolate brown eyes. Jinki couldn't resist looking away from her gaze, but he continued, "Anyways, since it's a duet, do you want to sing? That's the only thing I'm good at." he chuckled embarrassedly. 

The blonde girl pursed her lips together, "I'm not much of a singer..." 

"How bad could you be? Come on, let's find a song to do." Jinki smiled with tenderness, making Jessica heart beat at an abnormal rate. He then grasped her hand lightly, pulling her out of the desk. The blonde couldn't help but blush at his intimacy and at the fact that he was holding her hand. Jessica used her free hand to cover his red face and followed him awkwardly. As they made their way to a computer, Jinki pulled up a chair for her to sit and then grabbing another chair to sit beside her. "Okay, let's find a song that'll reach the requirements." the brunette beamed, fumbling with the keyboard and moving the cursor with the mouse. 

Jessica set her gaze towards Jinki's face, watching him work intently on the computer. Her stomache nearly flipped when she saw him turned his head and stared directly into her eyes. She immediately looked at the screen as if she was paying attention the whole time. Jinki's lip curled upward when he saw Jessica's action and went back to the screen as well. "I was thinking we could do this song." his finger tapped onto the monitor, pointing at the title 'One Year Later'. "It reaches the requirements. The vocal ranges, the three minute mark, and just about anything else." 

"Yah Jinki, do you expect me to sing that high?" she said incredulously, looking at the measures with high notes. "I don't think I can..."

"It's not what you can do Sica, it's about you believing you can achieve it." Jinki reassured, "Because I believe in you. How about we listen to it first and you can think it through, okay?" he offered, taking out his headphone from his backpack. Jessica nodded in response, not liking the idea of singing, especially if she's the one singing in the higher octave. Soon after, Jinki plugged in his headphones but froze realizing it was headphones, not earphones. "Do you want to listen to it first? I can wait..." he embarrassedly laughed, handing his headphones to her. 

"It's okay, we can listen to it together." the blonde offered, placing the headphone in between the gap. Jessica's hand traveled to mouse, putting her hand on top of it, touching Jinki's at the process. She snapped her hand back and apologize nervously. As for Jinki, he was stunned as he felt her soft hand on his. The world seemed like it stopped for a moment when he jerked his hand back and stared deeply into Jessica's eyes. Biting his lip, he resumed his original doings, and turned up the volume so they could hear it through his headphone.  

When the music started humming, they leaned closer and closer to the music intrument, hitting the top of their heads lightly. They stayed like that until the song was over.

"So, what did you think of the song?" Jinki asked, scooting himself away from Jessica. 

"I like it, let's do it." 

"I knew you would, let me print it and we can start practicing as soon as I get it." the brunette grinned, "Let's go!"


After days of practicing, the final day was here and they would soon have to present it to the class. The duo spent days working on the song in the practice room during music class. Jessica was really nervous to perform, it was Taeyeon and Tiffany's turn and they sang Lady Marmalade. It made her more intimidated because they were phenomenal and the blonde didn't want to disappoint Jinki if her singing brought them down. Even though he said she was wonderful, Jessica didn't believe his compliment. But today, she told herself to sing her best and hit the high notes steadily. For some reason, she didn't know why she wanted to impress Jinki, the feeling was foreign to her.

"Lee Jinki and Jung Jessica." the teacher called, telling them it was their turn. The Ice Princess gulped, heading in front of the class. On the other side of the room, Jessica found Jinki giving her two thumbs up with a fighting gesture. In return, she did the same hand signals as the younger brunette. 

The music soon started, resulting for the class to be silent. Jessica closed her eyes and started to sing gently.

It feels like I've been dreaming for a long time
I've wandered and wandered around for a while
As if we made a promise
Standing here in front of each other like that day from four seasons ago
Those beautiful stories that we wrote down together
Those eternal promises that we prayed for at that time
They're all coming back to me now and I don't think my heart can take it
I've even restrained myself at the thought of you
How has your one year been?

Each word captured Jinki's attention, the soothing sweet melody lingering around his ears and heart. Jinki never saw Jessica so into the song, he felt as his heart dropped and his eyes couldn't stop looking at Jessica's angelic face. He had the urge to run up to her and hug her right out of the spot. He didn't care if they'd fail because of him, Jinki just wanted her to be in his arms. 

For a long time, I've been living, having forgotten of you
For a while, I thought I was doing fine
However I started to realize it as time passed by
That I am nothing without you
At that time, if only we had been a bit more mature
If only we knew how we would be right now
I have no confidence in overcoming these endless regrets
So I've had to just repress them
One year has passed like that

Can your feelings perhaps be the same as mine?
Will you give me another chance?
I know now that we can never part from each other
The one person I love and love again

I wish we can go back to our first days
To the beautiful, happy and loving days
Those heart-breaking stories and vain arguments
Just bury all of that now
And promise that we won't take them out again

No matter how many seasons pass and how many years go by
I hope that we won't meet like today again

Finishing the song, the whole class clapped loudly and the teacher seemed touched by the song. The two students were facing each other, lost in their own world. They didn't notice the song was over until the teacher announced their grades. "That was beautiful. Ms. Jung and Mr. Lee, you two earned a hundred percent. You two reached the vocal range requirement, and you two made it look real, very professional. Excellent job." the teacher sniffled, looking please with them. They were still looking at one another, semi paying attention to the teacher. 

"You were amazing Sica." Jinki whispered to her, making it inaudiable for the other students to hear. Jessica could only look into Jinki's eyes and smile a bit.

"I should be the one saying that to you." the blonde girl slightly giggled, fidgeting with her fingers. Before she said anything else, she was engulf in a hug. Shyly, she embraced the boy back, earning 'oohs' and some screams from the students. Jinki smiled tenderly as if his dream came true, only to pull her into a tighter embrace. 

If only you knew how I felt about you right now Jessica...

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Glad to say this will be updated soon ;D


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It's interesting. (Onsica FTW!) I hope you'll finish this. :))
Chapter 8: AWWWW. Onew and Jessica are sooo cute! Update soon~
Jason's going to find out that Onew's Jessica's lover :D
update soon!
sound interesting ^^
clumsy jinki, i love it!
update soon!
Whatever he does it's Onew/Jinki condition!~
Update soon!
CHiBiSaUR #8
I. LOVE. IT. Jason kinda annoys me though with his attitude towards Onew, but other then that...I LOOOVEEE IIIIIITTTTT :D
pandaKyung #9
When AFF was down and then put back up, the chapters were put back to hidden. Unhiding them now , and I think some comments went bye bye T-T Subscribers too.