
It's A Dream Team

“Are you guys ready? I have the chip in my hand right now.”

“Alright go to your designated escape route, Sun. We’ll meet in 10 minutes.”

“Roger that, Capt. Yow, Fox, secure my way out.”

“Stop talking and move your butts!”

“Guys, stop fighting on this channel. Captain and I already finished our job. We need to get back to HQ a s a p.”

“Alright Royal. I’m on my way.”

Codename Sun walks leisurely to the designated escape route when the alarm starts to ring. All 4 agents gone wide eyed and try to help Sun to safety.

“Yah!! Help me!! Fox, I can’t get to the escape route. You need to find me some alternatives.”

“Hold on!” Fox calmly answers,” Just go straight for now, until you find a room named “Properties” and turn right. GO!”

Sun is jogging all the way to the new escape route. When he meets people rushing to the place where he comes from, he smiles at them and hurriedly runs until he finds the room and takes a right turn.

“Where should I go now?”

“If you look up, there’s a ventilation. Open the hatch and go up.”

Sun drags a chair nearby and opens the hatch of the ventilation system and pokes his head around. Damn Fox, there’s no way I fit in this tight space.

“Yah!! The space is too tight. I won’t fit, even you won’t fit in here you punk!”

“Seriously!? What’s the point of having the ability to shape shift if you can’t change yourself into something smaller?! Go change yourself into a rat or something!!”

“EXCUSE ME!! A RAT!!  Yah!! How dare you, you little..”

“Can we just argue later and safe our butts now? Sun, go change! Fox, watch the perimeter! Royal and I will handle everything on the ground. Now, MOVE!!” Sun, albeit begrudgingly, jumps and starts to shape shift into a cute chubby hamster and scurries himself following the directions given by Fox. When he senses that the tunnel has become larger, he changes back to himself. He can see another hatch at the end of the tunnel and kicks the hatch open and almost fall to his death.


“OMG!! SERIOUSLY!! Just jump and turn yourself into a bloody bird!”

Oh! I don’t think of that, Sun snicker silently. After a long pray for his life, Sun jumps out of the hatch and turns himself into a little bird and flies to where Fox is waiting for him. When he finally sees the sign that Fox lighten up for him, Sun flies to the boy stands next to the sign and perches on his palm, dropping the chip he manages to steal from the organization he infiltrates. He changes back to himself after Fox put the chip in the safety.

“You almost get myself killed you punk,” Sun scowls at Fox, while the other just stares at him in disinterest. “You can kiss your scented candles collection goodbye.”

“Yah!! Don’t you dare touch my scented candles!” Fox is getting ready to hit Sun when another communication comes through.

“Are you guys done? We need to get out of here immediately,” Capt speaks with some fights as background sound,” Royal is almost finished!” Fox and Sun are walking to the place where Capt and Royal are clearing the perimeter. When they arrive, they see how much havoc Capt and Royal has invoked to the mobs that chase them.

“Wah!! Look at this mess,” Sun looking around at the bodies scattered around,” Let’s get out of here before more come.” Fox gives the acquired chip to Capt and they leave the scene.

“We need to get hurry!! I haven’t done my Cell Biology assignment and it’s due tomorrow!” Fox, Royal and Capt just shake their heads and jump in to the unsuspicious looking black van waiting around a block from the scene.

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