「about the staff」    

    「𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐓𝐔𝐍𝐀 포르투나」    𝐛𝐦'𝘀 𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐜𝐲  // closed   
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Fortuna, BM's Legacy Brian Baram Moon + Birth Name. Brian Baram Moon Position. Founder, CEO of BM Entertainment D.O.B. March 2nd, 1992 About. If you think Brian Moon was the kind and gentle guy that he is now back then when he first started the company, you cannot be even more wrong. He was the brash, insensitive type of person who never in a million years would put others first rather than himself. Before creating his own entertainment company, Brian was one of the youngest representatives for JYP Entertainment, in courtesy to his articulate and smart way of talking. But he was bored. He didn't felt intrigued much doing that job, and thought that he could do better himself on running his own company. He had this idealistic way of thinking that makes him not much easily satisfied. These thoughts and ideas about perfecting the K-Pop industry slowly came true as he came across six girls from the future that would later be known as the girls of Fortuna. That being said, the friendship he shared with Fortuna was surely one for the history books because of the amount of trust and love they had for one another was truly breathtaking. Although he's still the CEO of BM Entertainment to this day, he claims that company actually belongs to Fortuna and he's just simply its current caretaker. Seo
Yihyun + Birth Name. Seo Yihyun Position. COO, Director of Artist Management Division, Shareholder D.O.B. July 19th, 1992 About. Yihyun met Brian during their college years in Sydney. It's quite amazing and confusing as well, as how they actually managed to be best friends since their teenage years. Both are opposites of each other because Yihyun was the nice and considerate type to everybody he met while Brian was, well, not really. Before BM Entertainment, he worked as the creative director for another entertainment company, but quit once BM Entertainment was preparing to debut and worked full time in BM Entertainment as their COO and the Director of Artist Management Division, basically taking care of all of their needs. When Brian first told him of the girls and mentioned time travel, he laughed. He laughed hard and didn't believe him right away, until he actually met them for the first time. Yihyun became quite the older brother figure of the six girls in the eight years he knew them and misses them dearly.  Alyssa Aeri Moon + Birth Name. Alyssa Aeri Moon Position. CMO, Director of Amusement Planning Division, Shareholder D.O.B. November 1st, 1987 About. Alyssa is the older sibling of Brian's. As the reliable big sister, Alyssa resigned from her previous work as a PR Director in one of the most prestigious creative agency in Sydney and went to South Korea as soon as she heard Brian asking for her help. The kind-hearted woman therefore became the CMO and also the Director of Amusement Planning Division of BM Entertainment, handling all PR and Marketing strategy for Fortuna. Before she returned to Seoul, Brian told her all about the girls, and since she didn't believe him, she decided to see them by herself. As time went by, the girls became a big part of Alyssa's live. She never really forget about the girls for all these years, feeling the gap they created since that day they disappeared. Hong
Yeojun + Birth Name. Hong Yeojun Position. CFO, Shareholder D.O.B. June 23rd, 1992 About. Yeojun is previously a senior accountant in a startup company, and decide
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hi all!!! so sorry that it's super late but i've done all the reviews! would probably write blurbs for each character's chosen for the reveal, similar to taera's teaser. please wait for it!


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hi there!! i just wanted to let you know that i (finally) added to chomin's interview section! i kept her initial answers but i also added the the pov that you preferred. ik the stories closed now and it took me so long to add it, but i said that i will do it so i wanted to honor that. im aware its probably too late though, but i still wanted to let you know!
Chapter 6: So excited to see the girls who are chosen! Good luck to everyone~
Chapter 6: Hi there! Thanks for the kind review of Neeni! I'm glad you liked the "rebel for a good cause" concept, I had a lot of fun thinking about how travelling back in time would affect someone, who is used to being able to speak their mind on progressive topics. Sort of how some people say they were born in the wrong decade and would like to live in the 50s until you remind them that women's rights weren't great back then, but in this case even 10/20 years make a huge difference since Fortuna are famous and have to be more careful what they say.
It would be really interesting to see how she deals with missing her sister in the past - especially because her sister was the one who knew more about kpop and Neeni in the past would be cut off from her best information source. But hey, that's what all the documents for her and the members are for xD
Anyway, I'm really exicted for the member's blurbs! I really love when applyfics reveal characters with a bit of story like blurbs/teasers for the characters, so I really look forward to reading those and seeing who you choose :) Best of luck to everyone!!
oop,,, the about the girls page is hidden 👀
Chapter 6: Hello, thank you so much for your kind review on Novelle! Looking forward to the reveal!

Wishing everyone the best of luck <3
Chapter 6: wahh this is the first time ive checked in awhile and im so glad to see all the apps *_* its been pretty hectic for me lately but im still super excited for this!! good luck to everyone!
Chapter 6: Off work and home, and managed to hop on long enough to fix everything you mentioned for Taeyeon. She should be good to go now!
Chapter 6: Oooh so many apps and cant wait for the blurs revealed!!
Chapter 2: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1490393/2'>    「about the girls」    </a></span>
ahhhh thank you so much for the review! yes i wanted bogging to be dynamic and mean but complicated and intriguing. i didn’t know if eathan as a li was good but i wanted them to be unexpected but weirdly fitting and even more complicated for bia, who is so career oriented. thank u for liking her!
Chapter 6: thanks so much for the review! i'm glad you liked pulip and i'm glad that you came back to this story!! i'm very excited to see more of your writing and see how the story plays out :)