Impromptu #1 - Sleeping Prince (잠자는숲속의왕자)

Impromptu Romance (One Shot Collection)

  • Title: Sleeping Prince (잠자는숲속의왕자)
  • Genre: Romance,  Drama
  • Characters: Lee Ji Eun (IU), The Sleeping Prince
  • Date: February 27, 2012

It’s her daily routine, to meet him in that place, grasping only the valor and optimism; she always walks towards the room to accompany her friend. She was holding her freshly picked flowers from her blooming garden while ecstatically walk around the corridor wearing her contagious smile. Everything is bright and fluffy and her journey was refreshing and pleasant. Her heart beats factual but as she reached the white cozy room, she loosed those tracks and she doesn’t understand why.

She enters the room igniting her shining aura; everyone is looking back at her delivering the same bright smile she had. It was really a pleasant day for all of them.

“Good Afternoon, Auntie” she greeted, and the old lady greeted back with a nod.

“How are you today, Ji Eun ah?” she politely asked her.

“I’m great, Auntie. Thank you for asking, and you?”




They we’re sitting on a big wooden bench in the middle of the woods. The bench he created himself way back then, it was strong, solid and pure of thought, and he was proud of his creation. They we’re looking at the stars while gently showered by the cold lonely snow. It was silent, peaceful and cold, and they don’t mind it; still perfect.

“Hello” he smiled as he waved his cold soft hands in front of her. He always does that, especially when he needs to break the awkward ice between them and she couldn’t help but to chuckled.

“Hello” she smiled and waved back.

“Are you cold?” looking concerned, he asked but she just shook her head.

“Are you?” she asked back.

“A bit” and then a weak chuckled echoed the scene.

Without second thoughts, she took off her red, warm scarf and wrapped it around his neck.

“Thanks, but what about you?” he asked.

“You need it more than I do.” And she flashes her innocent smile; silent once again.



“You think winter is taking too long?” while catching some frosty powder with her hands, she whispered.

“What do you mean?” blowing the powders from her hands.

“I think winter is taking too long” 

“I thought you liked winter?” His fingers start crawling to hers.

“I do, but…”

“But?” His fingers finally reached hers, entwined together feeling the warmth.

“I want to wake up in spring soon” and she tightens their connection.

“I think it will take a while.” he replied back, not letting the warmth subside.

“How long?”

“Few more days? Or months”

“I see…” she sighed.

“Can you wait?”

She chuckled and brought out a sentimental smile, both pure of hope but sad, “Of course, Oppa, you know I can, right?”

Smiles, guilt, hope. “Thank you, Ji Eun ah”

“Just promise me you'll come, Oppa”

"I promise"

Snowy cold bliss covers their hearts and silent moments of sobs hidden, sprinkled by the clouds.  He was holding her hands once again, they we’re watching the powdered cold once again, she was waiting once again. It was silent, peaceful and cold, and they don’t mind it; still perfect.

“Oppa, I think its winter again”

“Sorry” looking down, guilt in his tone

“Why are you saying sorry?” tilting her head she asked.

“I kept you waiting.”

“But I love to wait.”

“Can you wait, longer?”

“Days, months, forever, I can, Oppa”


“Because I love you”

And he was contented.

Ticking sound of the big grandfather’s clock signaling the farewell of the sun, her closed eyes was filled with lonely tears once again, her dreams are about him once again. It was heartbreaking, lonely and painful, and she doesn’t mind it; for she sees him, feel him, talked to him.

“Ji Eun ah” he whispered. “Wake up~”

But she couldn't, not now, not later.

"Ji Eun ah~" gentle voice, calling her name.

"Ji Eun ah?"



Then the spring came.

Author's Note: Impromptu story failed! Took me few hours to finish this. The idea was so confusing and haphazard but I just kept going. Sorry. This is my first time and my thoughts scatters around. *facepalm* So, I used IU as the main lead because I kind(a) miss her right now, and I've been really really sad today so, I know the reason is bull but I feel like writing her, plus the title (and inspiration) of the story is from her song 'Sleeping Prince' so I just had to. *merong* The story is confusing, right? I tried to write it as a whole but the story keeps breaking apart. I hope you enjoy and understands. Anyway, I think it's a good debut story? *smiles* I feel like a writer now. *happy dance* Goodnight! ^^,

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Nice debut story *thumbs up*
I love the dream part. Waiting for spring..
True love waits, until the right time comes. :)
I wonder when will be your next update.. ^^
your first chapter is DAEBAK!!!it's so gentle,so beautiful :) it's a little sad but warm in the same time:x
I love your story so much:x hope you'll update more:)gomawo~
i love the first chapter^^