Traveling The World For Love


I have made it to the Beijing Airport! This is so exciting, will I find my love here? I took my luggage, and took Ddankkoma, I could never forget him! On my way to the hotel i was staying at, i got to see how beautiful Beijing is, it is full of old chinese harritage sites and in some places it has high rise office buildings and is really busy. When i arrived at my hotel room I unpacked my stuff, set out my turtle tank, put Ddankkoma in it and gave him some food. Sitting around My hotel wont find me a love! I am going to visit the "Beijing Fryed Rice" restaurant that i went by on my way here.

When i got to the restaurant there was a waitress and a cook serving the food, the cook was actually pretty handsome... But i am not looking for handsome, i am looking for love!

"NiHao (hello in chinese)" the cook said when he saw me staring at him

"Anneyounghsayo (hello in korean)" i said back

"Oh, you is from korea?" He asked

hmm.. he can speak Korean (hangul) but it is pretty broken and he doesnt have good grammer.. that is so cute!!

"Yes, I thought the rice here looked good, so i thought i would try some" I said giving him a cute smile.

Lets hope the cute smile works...!!??!!

"Happy to serving you, please take seat there" He smiled and pointed in the direction the seat was.

Yes! cute smile = makes him smile too

I sat quietly and ate the delicious rice, I looked over and saw the waitress and the cook talking... for some reason i think they are talking about me, they keep looking over here. Finally the cook came over to talk to me.

"You like rice i cook?" he asked

" yes alot, it is very good" I gave him a little aegyo and a big smile

he smiled back and we were silent for about 3 minutes, I looked up when i finished my rice and saw he was looking at me, did he really care if i like the rice that much? I stared back at him, loosing myself in his rich, dark brown eyes. A smile started creeping up on his lips, oh my gosh, how long have I been staring into his eyes?!? I looked away and felt my face turn bright red, Why is he so Hot?

He reached out his hand, "Hello, my name is Hankyung"

"Nice to meet you, I am Kim JongWoon but everyone calls me Yesung."

We shook hands, his hands were soft and pretty.

Hankyung quickly grabbed my hand and leaned in close to me, I could feel his breath on my upper lip, i wanted to stay like this forever, he then shoved a paper in my hand and swifly but quickly left me and went back to the kitchen, I sat in shock then pulled the peice of paper up so i could read it;

Call me: (666) C-H-I N-A-M-A-N   Xoxox ~Hankyung

Oh my shisus! He wants me to call him!! I left $20 at my table for the rice and left the restaurant at a VERY QUICK pace.

Instead of taking a taxi back to my hotel i decided to walk, to pass time, all i could think of was Hankyung, I have been looking for love, is Hankyung my solemate?

When i got home it was only 2:00pm so i decided to wait till later to call Hankyung, I watched T.V that made no sense to me, I watched Ddankkoma, I fed Ddankkoma, I snuggled Ddankkoma, then after all that it was 2:40pm I got tired of waiting so i fell asleep.

I woke up at 5:00pm, ok it is the perfect time to call, I did my hair and make up, he cant see me through the phone but.. i feel better when i am pretty.


"Uhhh, NiHao?" he spoke softly

"Hi, its Yesung"

"Oh, Yesung hi, you is good? I diddent expect you to call" his voice got a little louder

"Yeah, i am good"

"I am wondering if you go to Coffee shop tomorrow with me?"

"Yeah, of course, sounds fun, i will see you then"


"uhh, bye?"

"Bye Yesung tomorrow i will see you!"

We hung up, I had a goofy smile on my face, he asked me out! I cant wait for tomorrow.


I woke up and finally realized someting ... I have no idea what time we are going at

I picked up my phone and dialed in Hankyung's number in;

"Hello, Sungie! Where are you stayng at now?"

"Uhhh... 7 China st. Hotel room #9 What ti-"

** line dead **

Arghh! How Rude!


what? who would be at my hotel right now? i dont know anyone here.

"Come in?"

Just as i said "Come in" Hankyung walked through the door, I cant beleive this! i'm still in pajama's, I quickly rushed to the bathroom to change into jeans and a T-shirt. After changing i walked out and scoffed at Hankyung, He then took my hand and led me to his car outside.... OMG WE ARE HOLDING HANDS!!! My heart started to beat faster and my cheeks started to turn pink, He opened the car door for me and i hopped in, he then got in himself and started to drive to the Coffee Shop.

"Next time you could tell me what time we are going!" i fixed my hair in the car mirror.

"No fun if i do that" Hankyung chuckled

We arrived at the Coffee Shop, He asked me what i wanted and i ordered a Café Latté with whipped cream and he ordered a coffee with a doughnut.

When we had finished drinking and eating i had realized he had some icing on his nose from his doughnut, I tried pointing it out, it simply did not work, i leaned forward the pink icing off his nose, I leaned back again and looked at his face, his eyes were like the size of dinner plates, but the soon returned to normal and he then put on a seductive grin and kissed me on the lips, a soft, gentle but Touching kiss, sadly he had to go back to work and drove me home.

2 Days past by and Yesung had not heard from or seen Hankyung since the Coffee Shop.

I am missing Hankyung, i miss the kiss, the love i feel from him, i miss him so much.

I should call neh? ok i will...


"Nihao Sungie, is you good?" Hankyung Answered

" Yes, i am good, i was wondering if you wanted to come visit me at my hotel?"

" I Will be there in-"

*lost connection*

22.76 seconds later


"come in Hankyung" i sighed then sat on the bed

"What wrong?" he swifly moved through the room and sat beside me

"I missed you" I pouted using my best aegyo

"Me too" he leaned over and kissed me

We stayed in a passionate kiss, then pulled back for air, his kiss was so.... Perfect!

We linked hands and stared into each others eyes untill I decided to show him Ddankkoma and his habitat. we then went to the park and held hands for everyone to know we like each other.

for the next 4 days we spent time at parks, Café's, shops and Harritiage sites together, we had to part our ways and i told him i want to come back and visit him.

I have to forget about him for now and move onto my next destination, but is what i felt with Hankyung love?


Who should Yesung see next?

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Can Yesung see Henry ^^
I like this story so far so please update :D