Sequel Preview ...

Matter Of The Heart

From: Taemin

Msg.: Hi there, hyung!! ^__^
Just thought I should let you know … we're gonna arrive around 9 pm tomorrow evening … I'm not sure about the dock we'll be at but I guess I can call you as soon as we're there … Would that be okay?


I smiled when I read the message.
Typing my answer quickly I sent the text message away and sat down on one of the seats next to me. I was on my lunch hour and had granted myself a somewhat expensive cup of Coffee – it was my favourite and I had been working pretty hard lately so I just figured I should allow myself to afford it.

Yeah, I started working in this Coffee-house about half a year ago in order to earn money. My parents had kicked me out because I hadn't been acting the way they had wanted me to – and because of my friendship with Taemin of course. Disliking the fact that I was friends with someone who was very poor they refused to talk to me ever since I moved out.
But I didn't care. I had my own flat now, my own job, I was earning my own money, I actually really enjoyed it. My best friend was coming over all the time so I was never alone anyway. And soon I would even have someone to share my flat with …

Drinking some of the hot drink in my hand I shivered when the sweet taste hit my tongue – damn, it's been forever since I last drank this.
When my cellphone vibrated I found myself smiling once more when I saw that Taemin had already answered to my last message.

From: Taemin

Msg.: Neh, I like that! Let's meet up tomorrow evening then! I can't wait to see you again, it's been so long ever since last summer … almost one year, right? Oh well, I have to get back to work. My mentor wants me to keep on working until tomorrow even though I quit already. But I'll give it my best, I promise.
See you later hyung. <3
- Taemin


I decided on not answering to that message in case he was already back in the kitchen of the cruiser he worked on. Because if he was, his mentor would probably get mad if he found out that Taemin was carrying his cellphone with him at work. I'd write back in a few hours when I could be sure that he was not working anymore.

Watching my colleagues work I drank the last sips of my Coffee and pushed myself up from the seat when I saw that my break was as good as over again. Stretching myself I yawned and covered my mouth with my hand and tried to shove the thought of Taemin aside.

' So much time to work … but not enough break-time … Well, get your over there, Kibum. You got work to do. Don't forget, you need the money. '


Hi there! ^_^

First of all - Thank you for reading this OneShot!! This was created because of a game a friend of mine and I were playing ... I never expected even one person to ask for a Sequel ... I've been working on a Sequel and got about 9 sites by now ... I thought I could upload the beginning of it ...

Ever since meeting Taemin on that cruiser half a year has passed by now. Kibum is currently working in order to earn money so that he can pay for both, Taemin and himself, since they are going to live together soon.
But there's gonna be a little problem ... Kibum finds out that one of his new friends is crushing on his beloved Taemin ...

If you are interested in the Sequel, please stay subscribed / subscribe to this story. I'll post the link to the Sequel as soon as I'm done writing it C:

SHINee Fighting!!~ <3

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darkangel11421 #1
Chapter 2: OMG!!! this is so amazing!! and so cutee!! and sweett!!! gahhh!! im so happyy~~~ xD i cannot wait for the sequel!! XD *subscribe* C:
Maary_zinha #2
it's so cute this story... i really love it *--*
please do a Sequel... the story is perfect and i wanna now what will happen next *-*
pleaseee do <3<3
SEQUEL PLEASEEEE <333333333333333 Gosh it was so damn sweet !!!!!!!! :3333333333333333 Hehehehe :]
luhans-vaqina #4
Aigoooooooooooooooooooo~ I lvoed this oneshot. :D Though it was one chapter, it felt like a full fic. :O
I loved it more than I thought I would. I've honestly never read any AFF on here so well written and with such an origional plot.
I hope the sequel gets completed soon. 'Cause I need it. NAO.
Aigoo so cute please make a sequel
This story was so nice and sweet ^^
I really wanna know what happens after Taemin moves in with Key. I hope you so a sequel ^_~