I Am That Scum Called Park Jimin


"I'm so sorry, I got in the wrong car!" Shim Mi Young turned around to pry the door open, only to see that the door was locked from the inside. Her sweat beaded down her neck as she felt his hardened gaze boring down at her. No matter how hard she had struggled, it was to no avail. She was trapped.

Glancing at the man hidden in the shadows, she turned to the driver who had assumed a defensive stance. "You!" Shim Mi Young sputtered out and backed up against the car door. "What are you guys trying to do? I–I'm a black belter, you know! I–I could beat the both of you into a pulp!"

"Ha!" The mysterious man in the back seat crossed his long legs. Although he wasn't looking at her, she could see his face morphing into a sneer. She clenched her fists.

"Miss, we'll be taking you to the hospital." This time, Shim Mi Young took a closer look at the driver to see that it was the man in the cafe just now. Although she still had no idea who they were, it was definitely better to be locked in the car with people she had recognized rather than actual strangers.

"God, you scared me!" She snapped, patting her chest in relief. "And here I thought you were about to rob me."

"Of all the people walking in the streets, you'd think we'd rob someone like you?" The man didn't even try to hide the mockery in his voice, causing her to go beet red. She gritted her teeth.

"Then open the goddamned door then!" Shim Mi Young could tell from the man's face that he didn't want her to be here, and she was definitely no damsel in distress! She could walk all the way back to her home if she needed to, as long as she could stay far away from that bastard!

The man simply rolled his eyes. "Drive."

"I'm sorry, Miss, but Mr. Park had ordered me to go." The man who she assumed a driver looked apologetic as he stepped on the gas. There was a certain softness in his features that was absent in the cold-hearted man sitting right beside her. "What's your name, Miss?"

"Shim Mi Young."

"Hasn't your parents ever taught you to not talk to strangers?" Mr. Park scoffed. "If he were a mad man, you would've been on tomorrow's front headlines. 'Naive girl kidnapped and as her corpse sits on the roadside'! How do you like that?"

Immediately, all praising thoughts she had for the man who had saved her immediately plummeted down to a zero. A part of her wanted to let out a string of curses to show him what really was on her mind, but seeing as she was sitting in his car, Shim Mi Young remained silent. There was no way she was giving him the satisfaction of pissing her off.

Sensing the awkwardness lying between them, the young man sitting in the driver's seat coughed a few times. The corners of his lips quirked up when he saw her reddened face, but he immediately changed the topic. "I'm Jung Hoseok, but you can just call me Hoseok."

"Well, Mr. Hoseok, where are you taking me?" Blinking, Shim Mi Young suddenly remembered that Jung Hoseok was already driving this entire time, and she still hadn't told him her address. Fear crept up to her as she gripped the door handle.

These two men couldn't be kidnappers, right? However, no matter how much she struggled to calm herself down, she still wasn't convinced.

Just as she was about to push for more answers, she noticed that the car had screeched into a halt. When Shim Mi Young glanced out the window, she saw that they had finally arrived at the First People's Hospital of Seoul City.

"Why don't you put this on?" Hoseok handed her a coat. Glancing at the thick fabric, she hesitated.

"What's wrong? Afraid that I'll kidnap you?" It seemed that he had seen right through her thoughts. Hoseok rested his hands on the wheel as a small smile threaded across his lips. "Well, it's up to you. You can run away if you want to."

At his suggestion, Shim Mi Young subconsciously glanced at the man beside her. Coincidentally, he had also done the same. Under the moonlight glow, his handsome face was even more emphasized. With his strong jawline and sharp eyes, it was as if he was staring right through her soul.

Her heartbeat sped up in her chest, and she immediately took the clothes from Hoseok's hand to hide the blush on her cheeks. Without another word, the three people headed into the hospital.

They were definitely a sight to behold. Even the nurse cleaning Shim Mi Young's injuries couldn't help but be distracted by the two handsome men waiting right outside the curtains. Once they were out of earshot, she leaned over to whisper, "Hey, is one of them your boyfriend? Where did you meet them?"

Shim Mi Young couldn't care less about the two men. Instead, she gazed at her blistered wrists, worried that her hands would be scarred just because of that crazy woman's actions.

Once the medicine had been applied, they escorted her out of the doctor's office. With Hoseok also walking right beside her, she could feel the envious gazes boring at her back. She bit her lips.

Wanting to get rid of the boredom, she glanced up at Mr. Park. "About that woman today..."

However, as soon as she said that, she later trailed off, not wanting to pray in anyone else's business. Shaking her head, she quickly changed the topic and waved her hand up in the air. "All I'm trying to say is, I want to know the man, Jimin, I believe that's his name, who had abandoned her, you know? I mean she's crazy, but who wouldn't be after being pushed aside like that? What an !"

"Let me tell you, there are tons of these bastards roaming around the streets and–" she continued to blabber, unaware of Hoseok's peculiar gaze. Shim Mi Young had been so distracted by her rant that she didn't even notice that Mr. Park had suddenly stopped in his tracks. An unknown emotion flashed in his eyes.

"It seems I haven't formally introduced myself." Placing his hands into his pockets, Mr. Park stared her down. "I'm the you were just talking about. My name's Park Jimin."

At this moment, he was standing so close to Shim Mi Young that she could see her own reflection in the depths of his gaze.

The smile on her face had faded as she staggered, looking as if she had been struck by lightning. However, just as she was about to step back, he took another step forward. Now, he had her trapped under his hold.

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