Ch. 2

The Chaser

“You’re too loud.” 

Jonghyun really doesn’t mean to roll his eyes but he’s pretty sure he felt his right eye strain a bit under how intense the eye roll felt.    

“You should be used to it by now. We shared a room for how long when we lived in the dorms? And I know I spent a lot of that time waking up early to do what I’m doing now,” Jonghyun answered Niel as he set down the weights. He sat down on the floor of his room and looked at Niel who was staring back at him from under the thick duvet. 

The eye roll he received was also very familiar.

He watched as Niel moved slowly under the covers to hold out the tips of his fingers. 

“You should just come back under here,” Niel whispered. “You already have a great body. You don’t have to do anything more to be fit.” 

Laughing Jonghyun got into position to do a plank. “I really think you should be following me instead of laying in bed. We’ll have to enlist soon and I don’t think you’ll like what you have to do if you don’t start putting in effort now.” 

He laughed when he hear Niel groan and move again under the covers. He felt the muscles in his back tense when a cold hand tapped on his shoulder. 

“You’re making me tired just by looking a you, and I think there’s another way you could be working out.” 

Resting on the ground Jonghyun took a moment to think. Was he really going to cave in so easily? It’s not like Niel was doing anything special to bring him back into the bed, but still he could feel the part of him that wanted to work out giving in to the light touch. 

“If I give than you’ll have to make it worth giving up the time that I could be exercising,” he answered getting on his knees to kneel in front of Niel. 

He accepted the kiss to his lips easily and laughed at the words whispered in between breaths.

“Don’t I always?” 

He was so whipped and he wouldn’t have it any other way. 

“Your will is my command,” he laughed pushing Niel back as he crawled back onto the bed.

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