Congratulations (MIchaeng)

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Baboblueboy’s Pov



“Hey..” a voice said as the blonde hair girl turned.

“I know we don't know much with each other, but we talk from time to time.” The voice said as the blonde girl was confused where this is going. The voice breath in and out

“The point is, I’ve fallen in love with you.” 


“Y-You don't have to say anything. It's okay, you don't have to give me an answer. It's just because.. I might regret it for not saying what I feel. B-Be careful when you go back home." Chaeyoung turned and walked away, leaving the blonde girl speechless.


I don't even know how I can talk to you now

It's not you, the you who talks to me anymore

And sure I know that sometimes it gets hard

But even with all my love, what we had

You just gave it up



In a loud classroom was full of students as everyone was talking about their day yesterday or what they wanted to do today. A black hair girl has always had her head down as she was sleeping. Everyone around her ignored her because she was either a weirdo or she was just anti-social. A blonde girl watches her silently as she wonders what kind of girl she is.The door opened as the teacher came into the classroom.


“Alright everyone! First period is math. So grab out your notebook and pencil.”


---- Couple Minutes Later After the Lecture ----


“Let’s get some of you to solve these answers. Mmmm… You, the one that's sleeping.” The teacher said as she pointed at the sleeping girl. 

“H-Hey.. The teacher is calling for you.. Wake up.” A classmate said as the classmates around her were trying to wake up her.


The sleeping girl sat up with her eyes closed and took a peek at the person in front of her and then to the teacher.


“Good morning student. Can you come up here and solve the problem since you didn't listen to my math class?” The teacher said as the sleepy girl stood up and walked to the front of the black board and started to do the problem. The teacher was surprised and called the next 2 students.

“Can I get the top 1 and 2 to solve the other 2 problems?” The teacher asked while everyone in the classroom ‘ooo’ at them.


They walked up to the front as everyone cheered for them. The sleeping girl finished and walked back to her seat. She passed them, but accidentally bumped into the girl as she bowed and walked to her seat. The blonde girl took a peek at her and then walked to the front. They two finished the problems and went to their seats. The blonde girl looked at the sleeping girl as she had her head down on the desk, sleeping again. The blonde girl sat on her seat as she listened to the teacher.


“I-I'm proud of the three of you students to solve the problem because they are all correct. Now your homework for tonight will be on page 24.”



“Alright that's all for today.. I’ll see you guys after your next class. Class president, please collect all the last night homework please.” The teacher said as she left.


Everyone got up and packed their school supplies to go to their next class. The blonde stood up by the door as every classmate that was leaving gave their homework to her and left to the next classroom. 


“We’ll see you in class Mina.” The girl said as Mina smiled

“See ya there.” She said as they waved to each other.


Mina saw the sleeping girl still on her desk as she sigh and walks towards her. She knocked on her desk to get her attention.


*knock knock*


“Hey.. It's time for next class. You’re gonna be la-” A sudden hand caught her wrist as she was surprised.

“Yah.. What do you think you’re doing?” Mina asked the sleeping girl while struggling to escape her grip.


The sleeping girl lift her head up, with her eyes closed as she said


“You’re being noisy.” The sleeping girl said as she opened her eyes to look at Mina and let go of Mina’s wrist.


Mina stared at her as the sleepy girl stood up and grabbed her backpack. Mina looked at her name tag.


Son Chaeyoung


The sleepy girl walked past her as Mina stood there and came back to reality.


“Y-Yah.. Your homework!” Mina said as the sleepy girl looked back at her.

“It's on my desk.” She said as Mina blinked rapidly and looked at her desk and saw it in her desk. Mina looked at her homework and saw no name on it.

“Yah.. Put your name---... on your paper.” Mina sigh as she takes it and goes to the teachers office.




“Here is all of the homework from last night Mrs. Kim.” Mina said as she set the papers on the teacher’s desk.

“Thank you Ms. Myoui.” Mrs. Kim said as Mina bowed

“Then I’ll take my leave to my next class.” Mina said as the teacher nods

“Ah.. Wait.. who’s this homework with no name?” Mrs. Kim asked

“It was the girl that was sleeping.” Mina replied as Mrs. Kim nodded slowly.

“Ahh..” She looked at the sign seats

“Son Chaeyoung.” Mrs. Kim said as Mina nod

“Ah. Mina.. Can you keep an eye on her? Like tell her to stay awake for classes? She’s doing well and her grades are decent.. But the other teachers don't like it when they see her sleeping in class. I could ask her, but I know I could be annoying to her if I tell her every time.” Mrs. Kim said as Mina nodded.

“I-I’ll try.” She said as Mrs. Kim smile

“Thanks. Here. Take this pass and give it to your next class for helping me.” 

“I’ll take my leave now.” Mina bowed and walked to her next class. 




Thought we were meant to be

I thought that you belonged to me

I'll play the fool instead

Oh but then I know that this is the end

Oh, oh


“Okay class. It's now time to learn in science class--” The classroom door opened as Mina walked in and everyone looked at her except the sleeping girl. Mina closed the door and walked to the table where her friends were. Mina smiled at her friends and sat down on her seat. She took her notebook and pencil and began to listen to the teacher. Mina couldn't help, but to take a peek at Chaeyoung and she was sitting up and listening in science class. Chaeyoung felt something staring at her as she looked around and saw Mina looking at her. Mina quickly looked at the teacher and pretended that she wasn't looking at Chaeyoung. Chaeyoung looked confused, but ignored it and listened to the teacher.


---- After Class ----


“Now, there's no homework tonight, so have a good day and study well.”

“NE!!” Everyone said as everyone was packing up to go to their homeroom class.


Everyone started to leave the room as Mina saw Chaeyoung leave the room.


“I’ll see you guys in homeroom.” Mina said as her friends nods


Mina left the classroom as she tried to catch up to Chaeyoung.


“Chaeyoung-ssi.” Mina said as Chaeyoung stopped and turned around.



Mina didn't stop as she bumped into Chaeyoung, making Chaeyoung fall backwards. They both started to fall to the ground. Some students were shocked as they saw it happened.


“Ahh.” Mina yelped as she landed on top of Chaeyoung while Chaeyoung fell onto her backpack

“Aishh. Tsk.”

“Ah.. Sorry.. I didn't mean to--”

“It's fine.” Chaeyoung interrupted 


Mina realized her position as she quickly got up. Chaeyoung sat up as she rubbed the back of her .


“Was there something you wanted to talk about?” Chaeyoung asked as she got up, dusting herself off.

“Eh? Ah.. Umm.” Chaeyoung looked at her


“Are you guys okay?” A student asked as Chaeyoung nods

“Yea.. Are you okay?” Chaeyoung asked Mina as Mina looked at her


“What are they doing? Are they dating?” A student whispered as the other students around them were talking about them.

“Do you need anything or not?” Chaeyoung asked her as Mina was shocked and looked at her.

“Um.. The teacher said to not sleep in class anymore. It bothers the teachers when they are teaching.” Mina said as Chaeyoung scoffed.

“Are you their messenger?” She asked

“Eh? N-no.”

“Well, it sounds like it. If you have nothing else to say, then I'm leaving.” Chaeyoung said as she repostition her backpack strap as she walked away from the conversation.

“I’m not. I’m just helping them.” Mina mutters as she looks around and sees the students still whispering.


Mina walked away to go to homeroom.



Mina reached her homeroom as her friends went up to her.


“Hey. What were you talking about to Chaeyoung?” One of them asked

“It was a message from the teacher. It was nothing.” Mina replied

“Why couldn’t they do it themselves?” The other one asked as Mina shrugs

“Something about being noisy or whatnot.”

“She has been sleeping in some classes.”


The door opened as it was the boy that did the math problem with her. He walked up to Mina as she looked at him.


“Wanna go out with me Mina?” He asked as his fangirl base squeal while Mina looked confused

“Why me of all people?” Mina asked

“Well, you’re number 1 and I’m number 2 top student. So why not?” He said

“BamBam, We love you!” 

“We support whoever girl you choose to date!” 


The other side of the doors suddenly opened as everyone looked as it was Chaeyoung. She had her headphones on as she looked at everyone who was staring at her. 


“What?” She asked, taking out one of her headphones out of her ear as they looked away

“So you accept me or not?” BamBam asked as Mina looked around as her friend silently nodded to make her accept it. 

“W-why not… sure.” Mina said as BamBam fist pumped in the air as he was happy.

“From today and so on forward, Miyou Mina is now my girlfriend.” BamBam announced as everyone cheered except for a certain person.


Chaeyoung walked to her desk as she swung her backpack on the side and sat on her chair and put her head on the desk while listening to music.


Congratulations, glad you're doing great, woah

Congratulations, how are you okay, woah

How could you be so fine

I can see it in your eyes

The same look that you gave me, that kills me inside, oh

I don't even need to ask, yeah

I know you too damn well, yeah

I can see that smile and can tell that you did more than move on

I hate that you're happy

I hope that you can't sleep

Just knowing that I could be with somebody new

That I'd be just like you



---- A Week Later ----


“Alright, the track and field tournament is today so do your best out there.” Mrs. Kim said 



Everyone walked outside to the track and field as they sat in their respective spots as the principal announced the opening. After the speech, they started the tournament. They started with the 400 relay baton.


“We’ll start with the 400 relay baton. Teams should be here within 10 minutes. Find your team and come on down.”


Everyone got down as everyone was ready. They put on their color and baton as they went to their spots on the track while everyone on the stands were cheering for their class. As they stopped cheering, a voice suddenly shouted




Mina gave a little wave as she was a bit embarrassed while her friends on the track were giggling at her. Mina shook her head to focus on the run as the ref then said


“This is the 400 relay baton! On your marks! Get set! GO! *BANG*” Ref shouted as he shot the starting gun.


Everyone in the beginning started running, everyone in the stands started to cheer. No one knows who will win, it all depends on the runners. As runners were running, it was finally Mina’s turn. She was the last one to finish the race. Her friend ran towards her as she passed the baton over to Mina as Mina started to run while the other teams were right behind her. They all ran and ran as Mina was still first place. They all turned as they were at the last stretch. Mina saw on the corner of her eye that someone was close behind her. She ran as fast as she heard everyone cheering. She went through the finish line first as she slowed down and stopped. Her friends met her at the end of the track and cheered as they were happy that they won. They listened to the instructor at the end of the track as they told them to go back to their seats and enjoy the tournament. They walked to their seats as BamBam went up to Mina and hugged her.


“That's my girl. I'm happy that you won.” 

“Thanks.” Mina said as her friends were ‘ooo-ing’ at them.


Mina saw a couple of students in her class stood up and walked down the steps as she saw a familiar figure following them.


“Let’s win our last basketball game guys!” One of them said

“If we ever win Jihyo.” another one said

“Yah, don't talk like that Tzuyu.” Another said

“Come on, the 5 of us will win it for our class. 1st place. Don't worry about it.” 

“That's what I worry the most, Jeongyeon.”

“It's okay, nobody gonna watch, they don't even want to watch us play, they focus on the boys instead of us..” 

“Let’s just get it done and over with.” The familiar voice said sternly as they agreed and walked to the basketball court.

“What team were they in?” Mina asked her friend

“You mean them? That just left?” Her friend asked

“They are the basketball girl team for our class. I heard that they practice a lot after school and outside of school. But I don't know if they're gonna win, since our class has been on a losing streak for years.” 

“Oh.. I see.” 

“Why? do you wanna watch them and cheer them on?” 

“I mean, we could. To give them courage.” Mina said as her friend jaw dropped

“What about here? We get to see guys in sweats.” She said

“She has a boyfriend here.” BamBam said as he back hugged her.

“Tsk.. no fun.” Her friend said.

“Well, if you actually want to, then we can go.” Her friend said as Mina stood up and looked at her

“Let’s go.” Mina said as she grabbed her f

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kwonyy #1
Chapter 1: Poor yuri
911 streak #2
Chapter 1: rereading this again, and my heart still ache for yul. 😭 is it too much to asked for a sequl of this author-nim? 😭
Chapter 1: This Day6 song is angsty already, you did well on pairing it up with YulSic hehehe
php502 #4
Chapter 2: its cute. son family is awesome, your dad is cool chae.
Kryberyulsic #5
Chapter 1: 😭😭😭
Chapter 1: why? 😢😢😢
I hope Jess regret it grrr 😠
Chapter 1: Whyyyy is this so sad?????