you: got a (low maintenance) friend in me!


do you want all the joys of communicating with someone and none of the pressure that comes with having to reply fast? well, i might be the one for you.


— i'm 18 but i'm not really . either way, if you feel uncomfy with ppl of legal age, i am /not/ the one for you and that's okay!

— not really looking for a partner but i am affectionate!! and will give you hugs should you need it.

— plus eight but my sleeping schedule is weird.. i'm awake from 11pm – 4pm so i think i can communicate with minus friends well.

— avid gamer but i'm not that good at mobile games so i don't play with others out of fear that we might lose.. Dx and i don't do movie dates because the internet connection when watching with other people but other than that, i'm fine with exchanging playlists, meme sharing, anything lol. just not doing anything together in real time.

— BUT.. if you recommend me a movie, i'll scream about it to you after i've watched it!! spare sad movie recs (+ songs that have the vibe of slowly falling in love) plz... i wanna break my own heart.

— i mostly fc guys, mainly nct, but i sometimes fc girls whenever i feel like it. since i'm just looking for people to talk to, you can fc whoever you want.

— i don't really expect fast replies. you can talk in the tl all you want, you can take your time– hell, you could even take 6 years and i wouldn't bat an eyelash /hj. the point is: i don't mind how long it takes. no stress, no pressure. it's like snail mail, you never know when you're gonna get a reply but u know the person who sends you those are most likely alive. ashdhjfjks.

— here is where i should be listing my interests so that i might entice you but since nothing's forming in mind rn you can talk to me about anything, i'm pretty sure i'll always have something to say in return. we can talk about how love is both a scam and the most beautiful thing in the world, why gemini's pretty (the constellation, not the sign), which red velvet song is the best and why is it take it slow.

— i don't really care about ghosting (?), but i would prefer it if we end on a good note in case we find that we don't click with each other but any way is fine, no hard feelings. /gen

— my personality depends on who i'm talking to. i'd like to think i'll adjust accordingly but it'll probably just be me wondering if i should be soft or be a bully to you.

— sweats. okay, i know i don't really have much to offer but honestly, i'm just looking for people to talk to, sometimes. i'd join an rp but most of them are and well. I'm Willing To Wait. but i might as well take my chances here, no?

— i have kkt, line, and twt! (discord too but i don't know how to use it). just send me your username so i know how to reach you!

if we don't click at the end, it's fine! at least we tried? :)


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