And Pain Was always inevitable






The crunch of leaves beneath her cold, scrubby feet echoed throughout the murky forest. She wrapped her crimson sleeveless arms around her lanky body, eyes brimmed with tears, her heart racing as she looked back at the now far away mansion. The crickets sang their nightly hymn, the muddy ground staining her once polished feet. 

Her feet tripped on a log, and she masked her scream, bringing her feet closer, rubbing at it as the pain cursed throughout her body. 


“Yeri?! You can’t hide from me!” The gruff voice sing-songed, the sinister laughter sending chills down the girl’s body.


Yeri whimpered at the bruised foot as she staggered to get up. Her head searched the forest, her eyes dictating the flicker of a light in the distance. With all the strength she could muster from days of captivity and starvation, she limped away. Navigating her way through the dark forest. She could hear the intimidating voice calling her out, but she couldn't stop. 


Not this time. 


Escaping the house hadn’t been easy. Killing a man she loved had been worse.


2nd - WINNER 


The entertainment industry is brutal, heart wrenching, blood and tears, so much sweat it could drench the whole world. But they endure and fight against their beloved brothers for a chance to taste the spotlight. Microphones, beating hearts and words that spill out after months of memorizations. Carousel feet, sore throats, and minds that confine them in, whispering of vile words they’ve never heard of. It shouldn't be like this.


They come out a winner.

Their brothers trampled upon, the cheers of admires as they stood on the mount deafening, but never silencing the cruel thoughts. Too loud even for them.

 They’re winners, puppets on strings, too tired to cut off the strings as the master pulls and pulls to his desires. 

But alas, WINNER. 


3rd - Jackson Wang


A great soldier, he was called, a hero to all. He brought down the great dynasty, his sword raised to the sky as thunder and lightning accompanied him. And the people laid their clothes on his feet, gave him water and held him high on a great white mane. 

He returned to his abode, calling for the beautiful maiden he had left behind as he waged a war he did not create. 

Her beauty greeted him in the vastness of the palace, slander skin bathed in jewels, her hair a soothing waterfall as he embraced her. Her scent of flowers takes over him, she smiles, strange and a stranger she is. 

The emperor had taken his maiden, gave her to be devoured and he waged another war.

This time one he created. 

A great soldier he was, legends and myth passed on, over and over, of the love of a great soldier. Wang.






*Thank you for reading ❤️🥰

-Keep a look out for more 😆

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