Happy Birthday P'Fight

Happy Birthday P'Fight

"Babe will you please tell me where we're going?" Fighter spoke from behind Tutor, gripping the younger man's hand tightly. Tutor grinned, turning his head to his currently blindfolded boyfriend.


"Nope. It's a secret." They had driven for almost two hours, before Tutor pulled him from the car to walk to their destination.


"You and your secrets…" Fighter sighed but continued to let Tutor lead him to wherever they were going. "Are you taking me to be murdered?" He questioned aloud, earning a snort from Tutor.


"Trust me babe. If I wanted that, one I wouldn't take you where we're going. And two we wouldn't have stayed together five years if I had an ulterior motive. Just… Trust me okay?" Fighter hummed, going silent again as Tutor helped him step over an obstacle in their path. 


Soon they arrived, Tutor stopping them in their tracks. "Don't touch the blindfold yet. I have a few things to attend to. But I'll be right back before you can count ten." Fighter smirked. "Hmm only ten?" Tutor gently smacked him on the chest. "Yes." With that he kissed Fighter softly on the lips. "Stay put. I'll be right back." 


Fighter stood still where he was told, wanting to be as obedient as possible for his boyfriend. It was a bit strange how he was acting, but he simply let him. He was a bit of a pushover when it came to Tutor, and he could never say no to the man. 


Footsteps approached him, and a set of lips were on his shortly after, Fighter knowing exactly who it was. He kissed back a little too eagerly, earning a chuckle from Tutor. "Eager are we? Does this mean you don't want to see your gift?" Fighter tilted him a look (well if he didn't still have on a blindfold)


"You mean it's not the lovely view I have in this blindfold?" Tutor laughed out loud, moving behind him. "Alright. Since you've been so patient." His fingers moved up, carefully undoing the knot behind Fighters head. 


As the evening light hit his eyes, he blinked before his gaze fell on what was in front of him. And he felt his breath catch in his throat. "Happy Birthday." 


"Tor… This is..." He whispered in astonishment. Tutor rested his chin on Fighters shoulder, letting his boyfriend take in his surroundings. They were at the beach. Not just any beach though. It was the beach where they had their first interactions as a couple. And the sight before him practically took his breath away. 


On the sand were small tealight candles, and a large blanket with an ice bucket set out. Champagne sat chilling with two glasses, as well as soft music being played from Tutors' bluetooth speaker nearby. It was small, yes, but it was perfect for Fighter. He felt tears welling in his eyes as he pressed a kiss to Tutors' temple. "Lead on Mr. Tutor."


His boyfriend chuckled, taking his hand and leading him to the blanket near the water. The soft sounds of the low tide lapping against the shore mixed with the music and chirping of crickets made all of the stress of Fighters week melt away. 


Tutor stood in front of him, revealing that he was wearing one of Fighters shirts, the collar hanging open loosely and revealing his pale collarbones. Fighter pressed a kiss to his lips before they sat down, one of their favorite songs coming up on the speaker. "How on earth did you find the time to do this?" Tutor grinned. "Well… I had a little help."


He handed Fighter one of the glasses, clinking it lightly with his own before taking a long sip. Fighter felt his brain buzz as the taste hit his tongue. "You're unbelievable…"


Tutor pulled him closer so his head rested on Tutors shoulder, his hand finding its way into his dark hair. "I figured since you've been working so hard lately you deserved a nice break for your birthday." Fighter chuckled softly. "Well… This is beyond my expectations…" Tutor grinned, looking out at the water as they drank their champagne. 


After about an hour of relaxed conversation, Tutor shifted to stand. "I'll be right back. Don't go anywhere." Fighter nodded. Where would he go? He was perfectly content right where he was. "And don't miss me too much." Tutor added, making Fighter laugh at the memory of their first time there. Their first real kiss. Their first time being intimate. 


When he looked up again, it was to Tutor holding a small cake. And it wasn't just a cake you bought at the grocery store. No, it was homemade, obviously by Tutor. Fighter felt the tear drip down his cheek before he could stop it. Tutor knelt beside him, the candles illuminating his face in the late evening sun. "Make a wish." Fighter grinned. "It already came true…"


Nonetheless he blew out the candles to humor Tutor before the younger sat beside him, handing him a fork. It was chocolate and it melted in his mouth as he took a bite. 


"What are you thinking about love?" Tutor asked after a few minutes as he looked over at Fighter, a far off look in the boy's eyes. "... This place just brings back a lot of good memories." This made Tutor grin, shaking his head at his sappy boyfriend.


Turning his head, his eyes met Tutor's, a soft smile on his face as he gently wiped away a spot of chocolate from Fighters lip with his thumb. "You're adorable…" Soon enough his lips were on Fighters, kissing in a way that was only Tutor. He parted his lips to allow Tutors' tongue inside, the taste of chocolate spreading through him completely as he felt his toes curl. 


He pulled away a minute later, resting his head on Fighters shoulder. After a moment of shared silence, the music from the speaker being the only sound, Fighter muttered into Tutor's ear.


"What did I do to deserve you?" Tutor huffed a soft laugh. "Must have been something good, don't you think?" Fighter grinned, his eyes following Tutors' out to the dark water. 


"Thank you…" Tutor looked up, tilting his head with a smile. "For what?" Fighter kissed his nose. "For giving me the best gift ever." Tutor chuckled. "And what's the best gift ever?" 


Fighter swallowed as his heart swelled, the words falling from his tongue as his whole body felt ready to burst from the outpouring of love he felt from the boy in his arms, pressing another kiss to Tutor's lips. His answer earned him one of the sweetest smiles he thinks he's ever been graced with. 





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1122 streak #1
Chapter 1: This is so cute ^^