Chapter One

Fighting your Battles [A Tale of Two Brothers]


“Hyung!” A flailing Jiyong rushed into the room carrying his laptop safely in one of his arms allowing the other to fly everywhere, “Hyung hyung  hyung hyung,” He panted out trying to catch his breath from his recent overly dramatic dramatization.

Seunghyun looked at him as he pulled the book he was reading down from in front of his face, “What do you need?” His tone of voice harshly struck Jiyong as they entered his excitement bubble.

“Hyung, I won a contest!” His face turned red with excitement as he stared at the elder who had kept his blank, baffled expression quickly covered up when he pulled his book back over his face.

“It’s a scam. I thought you knew better than to click on those ads.” His deep voice was muffled behind the book, but still heard enough to make the younger male through a fit of rage.

“Yah! I’m serious! This wasn’t an ad!” He slapped away the book, revealing Seunghyun’s ticked off expression that was too scary to ignore. Shyly he continued his rebuttal, “My teacher recommended it, and she said that if I entered I would for sure win!” Seunghyun raised one of his signature eyebrows, “What kind of contest, what did you win?”

Jiyongs smile emerged once again on his face, “It was a poetry contest.” His hands kneaded the couch cushion, “I only know one part of the reward though, 1,000,000 won! Aren’t you excited hyung!” As if the excitement could be shone through his stone cold face.

“Ok, so why have you not been informed of the other part of the reward?” Seunghyun could only continue to doubt the legitimacy of this contest, “Furthermore, how can you be so sure you wont be set up for anything?” His negativity was really putting jiyong’s self-esteem down.

“Oh please, do you at least want to hear what I wrote?” This peeked the elders interest.

“If only I could hold you once
I wish you were my lover for just a moment
Please, please, please I pray
Us, us, us, us together, together
Because I love her so much my greed keeps growing
I want you for myself. You by yourself. Don’t run, don’t escape. Time passes and it’s been years since I’ve seen you.. So what?
All I do is call your name in front of you
I couldn’t stand meeting as friends, No
I’m going crazy. No I grow crazier. The more I meet you
My head gets fuzzy, my heart is confused, I don’t know what I’ll do either, Yeah
Eyes that can’t lie, The dream last night that was like a nightmare
I love it when you look only at me like this, say “dear”
It’s my obsession, don’t curse me
That’s my obsession, don’t look away
It’s my obsession

Don’t tell me please, Don’t tell me, That’s my obsession
That’s my obsession
If only I could hold you once
I wish you were my lover for just a moment
Please, please, please I pray
Us, us, us, us together, together.” So he recited the words and a smile grew on Seunghyun’s face.

“I always knew you had a way with things like this!” The cold turtle turned warm and grateful in a split second, “I’m so proud of my little boy!”

“YAH! I’m not your little boy.” A pout played teasingly across Jiyongs face. His aegyo overwhelming his older brother to much that he was found squeezing the breathe out of the latter.

“Aigo, you’re too cute.” Seunghyun let the poor boy go and looked into his eyes, “You are sharing the money right.” His inner warmth turned cold again as he talked about money.

“Of course! You just spared my life didn’t you.” Jiyong lightly punched Seunghyun’s shoulder and smiled before he skipped off into his room down the hallway, forgetting his laptop on the coffee table.

Seunghyun couldn’t resist but to pick it up and look through it, and he just had happened to leave his email open.

He scrolled through until he found the email regarding the details of the contest, which he had opened in a matter of seconds, it seemed pretty legitimate. Seunghyun smiled, he was glad that his little brother had accomplished something, maybe this could get him recognized for the genius musical prodigy he is.


Jiyong happily pranced around his room, spinning on his toes before falling backwards on his bed. He thought about the cash prize. It was a lot of money, and he and Seunghyun were in desperate need of money. Sure it was their choice to lose all contact with their parents but at that time they were careless. And instead of running back to them now, they would much rather hold onto their pride like the men that they grew to be.

Anyways, what kind of parents would have just let their kids run off when their only 15. Parents that obviously have no point in being part of their life, and Jiyong and Seunghyun knew that they were going to regret letting them leave after they become famous.

Jiyong closed his eyes and pursed his lips while he absorbed himself in deep thought.

He was thinking about when he would call the hosts of this contest and get to know when he was going to get the surprise second reward, and what was it going to be?

He could only happily dream of it right now.



“No this is his brother,” Seunghyun said answering the question over the phone, “Jiyong isn’t here right now, but would you mind leaving him a message anyway.” Seunghyun help the phone between his shoulder and his ear leaving his hands free to continue preparing his meal.

“You’re the contest people?!” He practically yelled as he lost focus from his food and transferred the phone into his hand. He held his body against the counter with his hand so he wouldn’t lose his balance.

“I’ll be sure to tell him. Thank you sir.” He threw the phone to the side and hastily made his way over to the door without hesitating to put on his jacket and make his way outdoors.

A few blocks of speed-walking later he arrived in front of the coffee shop that Jiyong said he was going to be at, and surely enough he spotted him through the window busily typing on his laptop, looking like some head of a corporation or something, which made the latter smile.

“Hyung!” Jiyong shouted out, his warm smile attracting the attention of a few passer-bys. Neglecting his laptop, he rushed over to Seunghyun and briefly hugged him before dragging him back to the table and forcefully making him sit down, “The guy contacted me.”

“What guy?” The overprotective older brother questioned before realizing what he was talking about, “OH! Yeah, he talked to me to. That’s why im here, duh.” He hit his palm on the side of his head as he rolled his eyes at the same time. Jiyong laughed.

“So… hyung… I was wondering…” The younger male pursed his lips in anxiety as he stuttered, “If we should tell mom and dad.” Seunghyun scoffed before he spoke, “Why?” The concern on Jiyongs face made Seunghyun turn to being serious as well, “Jiyong we can’t, it’s been 2 years, im sure they don’t even care about us anymore. Heck, the wont even remember us the drunk bastards they are.”

Jiyong just nodded, he had to agree.

“Your right.” He forced a smile and tapped at the laptop keyboard. Seunghyun leaned back in his chair and stretched his legs way out into the aisle with a heaving sigh.

Jiyong looked at him before turning back to the computer.

Seunghyun crossed his arms and sighed again, Jiyong looked at him again.

Seunghyun sighed even louder.

“Hyung, what are you doing.” The younger sighed  closing his eyes in frustration.

“Nothing.” Seunghyun stood up and bowed to passing waitress, “See ya later.” He brushed off invisible dust and walked off, jiyong not even looking away from the screen until his brother was in front of the door, “Hyung wait!” They both simultaneously smiled as he walked over to the latter, “Should we go meet them today?”

“Why not?” His relaxing deep voice made Jiyong shudder in excitement as he wrapped up his laptop and made off with his hyung to the meeting place.


“Hyung my feet are tired! Are we there yet?” Jiyong slumped over and rested himself against Seunghyun’s chest, still whining and walking, he’s an excellent multitasker at that.

“We’ve only walked 6 blocks, and yes we’re almost there, it should be around this next turn.” He pushed Jiyong off his chest and pointed to a turn about half a block from where they were, cars and people emerging from that particular corner.

Jiyong quickened his pace, adrenaline working enough so that the walking pains he was feeling had dissipated. His hyung gaining more distance away from him in every step, to where eventually he couldn’t be seen anymore.

“JI!” He called out, unaware of where his brother had gone. He just stuck his hands in his pockets and continued walking to the corner that was increasingly overpopulating with people, he must be in that crowd.

Jiyong was stopped by a blockade of people all crowding around something, he couldn’t make it past them to see what was going on so he tried hopping up and down to see over their heads, he could make out a car, a black car, with someone in it that he could see quickly rushing out of it, flailing everywhere in the process.

A few seconds later the people roughly forced their way out of the crowd and ran away yelling incoherent words. A person pushed Jiyong over and he fell to the ground with a thud and an audible grunt.

After a few seconds of seeing stars, he noticed that all the people were gone and he had a visible view of the car, which was on fire… about to blow up.

And there was no time for him to escape and he watched it burst into flames. All he could hear was a distinct ringing in both of his ears and shrapnel sprinkling around him. He touched his ears when he felt something oozing out of them, it was blood.

He felt something come in contact with his leg a moment later and yelled out, he couldn’t even hear his own voice anymore. All he could do was look at the piece of glass, sticking straight out of his leg. He held his body up with one of his arms and reached down to touch the glass.

The wound was still tender and he flinched at every touch.

He looked around for help, He saw Seunghyun huddled in a crowd, quickly dispersing to his attention, and a few other people who suffered the same fate, one who didn’t have a chance.

Jiyong watched Seunghyun run over to him, yelling his name that he couldn’t hear but could see his mouth forming the shape. He felt himself being caressed in his arms for a moment until he was placed onto stretcher and into an ambulance.

 Nothing goes according to plan anymore.




His poem is nightmare/obsession if you didnt know n _n its a good song, if you havent listened to it i encourage you to do so :3 

Hope you enjoyed chapter 1!

♥ Enjoy! Comment! Subscribe!

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Maketoast #1
Aww jiyong is in a coma ) : that boy better come back to life
Woah woah woah O: omg this is amazing xD Update~!
oh Jiyong deaf? ):
OMG GDRAGON T.T but im glad that this story ws mde ;D i luv the brothers relationship, theres been alot of stories recently so... yea :3