Chapter 3 - I'm leaving!

Umbrella that changed my love life

'I had enough!' Yoseob thought.. "it's not fair! Why use my room? Just so Hyo can have a dressing room, why use my room?! Where am I going to sleep?!" he shouted to his 4 horrible brothers. "because your room is next to Hyo's room and she's a girl so of course she'll need more space for her clothes and a space for her to get changed!" said Dujun. They all shocked Yoseob a death glare and Yoseob knows that if he doesn't listen/obey them, then he's in trouble... Serious trouble! "and we've moved your stuffs to the store room, that's where you're going to sleep!" Junhyung added.

'I hate them so much! Ever since Hyo was born I have to listen to them and protect Hyo... Have they ever thought about my feelings?! I have my own dreams too!' Yoseob said in his head as he makes his way to his 'new' room.  Opening the door, boxes and boxes were stacked to the ceiling, cobwebs were everywhere and there were only a small window... "what the?!?!?!" Yoseob screamed. "that's it, I'm leaving!" he said without thinking. Packing his belongings in a back pack, he makes his way to the window but then... "Yoseobieeeee! Come up here!" Hyosung screamed. Yoseob frowned and went up to Hyosungs room.  "Yoseobie, how do you switch the computer off? Hyunseung oppa bought it yesterday and I know you're clever with computers..." Hyosung pleaded. Yoseob then switched off the computer and turned around to go to his room. Hyosung seeing his back pack immediately asked "Yoseobie? Where are you going?" Yoseob then said without looking at her "I'm leaving home Hyo, to chase my own dream... Take care and good bye Hyo." With that he makes his way back to his room and leaving Hyosung in a confusion. Climbing out of the window, Yoseob said to himself "good bye my gummy Hyo and good bye my 4 horrible brothers" and he goes. 


While walking, Yoseob thinks 'I can't stay at my friends, they'll find me.. I need to stay at a friend who I don't really know and lives near.." his attention was caught as a guy walked past him. "hey! You!" Yoseob shouted at him. The guy turned around To look at Yoseob with a confused face. "don't you remember me? We was in the same primary school for a year but you moved to another country.." Yoseob explained.  The guy thought for a bit.."oh! I remember! Erm... Yoseob isn't it?" he said cheerfully. "yeah, I thought you was in another country?" Yoseob asked him. He said "yeah, I was.. But I moved back here recently"  "oh.. So where's your house?" Yoseob said. The guy pointed at the big white house saying "here, it's over there, you see it? The white house"  "nice! .. Can I go and sit for a bit?" Yoseob suddenly asked. The guy hesitated for a bit and was confused because he didn't know Yoseob that much since they havent kept in contact for that long but he took Yoseob to his house. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't ask you this but I have to! Yeah?" Yoseob suddenly said.  "okay.." the guy slowly said. "I was thinking can I stay at yours for some time? I know we don't know each other very well but I really don't have anywhere to stay, please?"  The guy listened to Yoseob and looking out the window curious to see who that girl was who stood outside  Of his bedroom window. The guy pointed outside while Yoseob was telling him the story of why he left home. Yoseob looked out saying "wait a moment Hyo, I'm talking" Yoseob turned back to the guy and started finishing off what he was saying earlier on but suddenly he realized 'it's hyosung!' he turned back round immediately and shouted "Hyo! Why are you here!" he opened the window and Hyosung climbed in. 


The guy was so confused, he thought 'isn't this my house?' Then Hyosung explained to Yoseob how she found him "I followed you Yoseobie". Yoseob gave Hyo a glare but then smiled. It was awkward for a moment because Hyosung realized that she's in some guys bedroom. Hyosung kept looking at her shoes because it was awkward. Then yoseob broke the atmosphere "anyway, Hyo.. This is my friend who I have not seen in ages." the guy introduced himself "nice to meet you, I'm lee kikwang but you can call me kikwang." hyosung then introduced herself "hi, I'm called hyosung, nice to meet..." before she can finish her sentence, their eyes met. Hyosungs eye slowly widened as she realizes that he was the guy who offered his umbrella to her. She stared at him for a while still shocked. Her heart was beating very fast.. When Yoseob coughed, hyosung came back to earth and blushed a little. Kikwang, on the other hand slowly remembered her... on the bus that day, he heard Hyosung sneeze so he asked the bus driver to turn the air con down a little and he remembered offering the umbrella. As soon as he remembered, he laughed a little. 

Kikwang gave a drink to Hyosung "thank you... Kikwang.. Oppa" hyosung blushed as she said 'oppa' and kikwang laughed a little. Hyosung then immediately asked while looking down at her shoes"oh sorry, is it okay to call you oppa?" kikwang smiled and replied "yeah, that's okay.. Even though no one called me like that before, it's okay" and hyosung smiled when she heard those words. Yoseob then asked "Hyo, does them 4 know you came out?" ".... No" said hyosung while staring at kikwang. Kikwang noticed she was staring at him and made him feel uncomfortable so he jumped in "yoseob, do you guys want go home and talk about.." but Yoseob cut him off by saying in an annoyed voice "shh.. Don't speak, don't interrupt us!" then hyosung said "Yoseobie.. Don't leave me, don't leave the house... Them 4 are too horrible treating you like this! Dont worry, I'll help you get your room back!" Yoseob said excitingly "how are you going to help me?" Hyosung thought for a bit until an idea popped up in her head "I got an idea!" hyosung said as she smirked.

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I was just writing chapter 20 and i accidentally closed the window>< :'( Not in mood right now:@.... i'll write it all over again tonight, sorry!:'(


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Yoyochan #1
Chapter 23: Still waiting author-nim...
TriX209 #2
Chapter 23: Still waiting....
Chapter 23: Still waiting authornim
Chapter 23: yup still waiting
9pmluv #5
Chapter 23: Still waiting for u to update
narsha-everlasting #6
Chapter 22: pls update soon i want to see narwoon couple together♥♥♥
Please update soon :(
ichiru #8
Chapter 22: yeah...!!!!!!!! finally you came back...have been missing you and this story...keep wondering..when will it be an update....and now, its here...
me too had watched that freaking like it, love it till have tears of happiness just to watch them together again and had so many skinship....
and welcome back...please update it soon... ;)
Chapter 22: Hihihi! Narsha and dongwoon is so cuteee