The Password to My Heart

The Password to My Heart
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“You can’t do that!”


“Yes, I can Dahyun!” 


How quick a simple, innocent game of Monopoly had turned into an aggressive screaming match between the two girls. 






Dahyun grit her teeth together in frustration, her jaw clenched. 


Sana shot a deadly glare in the other’s direction, a scowl taking over her features. 


The younger girl was almost out, but the threat of Sana winning the game looming closer by the second had her pushing harder. She couldn’t lose this stupid thing against Sana, no chance was that ever happening. 


“Dahyun, you’re already losing! Just give up !” Sana groaned, pulling at her hair. 


Dahyun huffed out an offended scoff, hanging open at the girl’s audacity. “I am not losing.” 


Sana looked down at the table in front of her pointedly. There sat Dahyun’s sad, little five-dollar bills. It really was a wonder how the girl still hadn’t lost yet, as she could barely pay for anything. On the other hand, Sana had a fat wad of cash sitting next to her proudly. Looking at the sorry sight that Dahyun claimed as hers, Sana couldn’t stop herself from snorting. 


And Dahyun definitely didn’t miss the downgrading sound. 


Feeling the anger within her balloon, Dahyun let it take control in that moment. 


“You know what?!”


“What?!” Sana fired back in annoyance. 


Dahyun’s face scrunched up in anger as she slid her hand under the boardgame, flipping it over to the side. The little game pieces went flying into all directions while the cards and bills scattered into the air. They just barely missed the girl sitting in front of her, who watched in disbelief. 


Sana immediately shot up from her seat on the floor, the dollar bills still fluttering around them, towering over the younger. She pointed an accusatory finger at Dahyun. “You-” she said, menacingly.


Dahyun had a sickeningly sweet smile on her face as she looked up at Sana. “Oops~”


The japanese eyes bulged out, fuming. “Oops?!”


Dahyun held up her hands in defense. Seemingly big, innocent dark eyes stared back at her. “It was an accident!” She tried to argue. 


This little, sneaky .


“I-” Sana stopped herself, taking a deep breath with closed eyes. The argument could continue on for days if they tried, but she didn't want to deal with a pouty baby for that long. “Okay, I give up.”


At this, Dahyun beamed. “So, I win?” She took a chance.


Sana couldn’t help the chuckle that slipped out of . “Sure, Dahyunnie.”


The other did her little victory dance upon hearing that, jumping up and sliding around in her mismatched striped socks, while Sana watched in amusement.


. . .


Dahyun dramatically belly-flopped onto the grey-colored couch, the wind getting knocked out of her and leaving her gasping for breath. 


Sana watched the whole ordeal in amusement before plopping herself down across Dahyun. 


It was just a normal weekend for them, with Dahyun over at Sana’s apartment complex that she shared with her two best friends, Momo and Mina. It was like Dahyun practically lived there now, with how frequently she crashed by. 


Momo wouldn’t even be fazed anymore when she opened the door to the korean lounging on the couch, the television displaying the latest episode of “Spongebob.”


“Hey,” Momo commented offhandedly the moment she saw the girl residing in her usual spot when she walked in, multiple grocery bags in hand.


Dahyun peered over the couch, all bundled up in her blankets, and raised her hand up in greeting. “Oh, hi!” 


The older japanese would spare a couple seconds to walk over and pinch pale cheeks, ignoring the whines, and then continue onto her usual routine. 


It just happened that often. 


Not that Sana was ever complaining. 


Dahyun let out a barely concealed yawn, her hand reaching up to cover her gaping mouth. 


Noticing this, Sana spoke up jokingly. “Don’t say you’re getting bored of me already,” Sana drawled out from her side of the couch. 


Lazily stretching her body back, Dahyun turned and sent a wink towards the other. “Never~” But she only received an eye roll in return, to which she pouted at. 


Dahyun frowned cutely, her chin crumpling. “Why must you roll your eyes? I know you love it.” Cue the puppy-eyes. 


Sana shook her head in firm denial, pursing her lips. “Nope,” she said, popping the ‘p.’ She was not going to put any new ideas into the girl’s head. 


But no matter how annoyed and done Sana would act, Dahyun knew for a fact that the older girl secretly loved everything. All of it. 


Because she was always there, readily opening the door for Dahyun to walk in. 


Like she was waiting. 


Sana coughed. 


And Dahyun tore her gaze away. 


Sana leaned back into the couch and grabbed the blankets to cover herself, snuggling into the warmth. She made a little noise of content. 


The younger was about to protest again when the blankets were thrown over her as well, and she bit back her smile. 


It was quiet and peaceful...for about twenty minutes. 


That’s when Dahyun let out a loud sigh, breaking the silence that had enveloped around them. 


With Sana scrolling through media

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Chapter 1: Haha this story was so good and funny. 😊😊😊 I really like it
1521 streak #2
Chapter 1: Mad respects to Dahyun for having the guts to ask such a bold question aksjdnfnsjdhdhakfkfjks they’re too cute