Little Taemin and Jessica

Unlikely Family Sidebars

Just after Taemin's parents dropped him off at the new school, when he was six years old-

Taemin followed his advisor, Jessica, down a hallway lined with doors and into the last room on the left. 

"Alrighty, Taemin-ssi. This will be your new room. You get your own bathroom with your own tub and there's even a little fridge for extra drinks and food in here! You can go down to the lobby to use the phone and you can get your meals in the cafeteria. I'll show you where everything is, don't worry." Jessica explained enthusiastically. Her smiled faded a bit when she turned to look at Taemin. He was pouting and fidgeting with his shirt.

"When will I see my umma and appa?"

"Right now, they're arranged to see you on the weekends. But they can adjust that whenever they want." Taemin sat on the bed and looked down at his hands, which continued to fidget with his shirt.

"Hey, buddy," she said kneeling down to talk at his level. "I know this is all really different and you'll miss your parents, but I'll make this as easy as I can for you. I'll help you with everything... We can even make this fun! I'll be your friend. You can come see me when you're lonely. You can call me nuna, how does that sound?" Taemin looked at her with wide eyes and nodded  before looking down with a small smile.

"Why don't we go do something fun right now? What do you like? Sports? Theatre? Music?" at the last suggestion, Taemin looked up smiling.

"You like music? Well I can show you our music department. It's 2 o'clock so the highschool band is practicing right now. We can go watch! How 'bout it?" He noded eagerly and she ruffled his hair and headed for the door. 

"Nuna!" Taemin said suddenly, making her stop in the doorway and turn. 

"What is it Taemin-ssi?" She asked. He didn't say anything. He just got up to run toward her and wrap his arms around her waist, which was all he could reach. 

"Thank you for being my friend." he mumbled. Jessica knelt down to give him a proper hug.

"Aww, no problem buddy. Now let's go listen to some music."


A few months later-

"Nuna! Nuna! I have to show you something!" Teamin came running into Jessica's office holding a flute in one hand and a book of sheet music in the other, beaming and bouncing with excitement. A few weeks before, Taemin had learned to read sheet music and chosen to learn to play the flute first. He had declared that one day he would play the flute, percussion, piano, violin, and trumpet. Jessica had thought that he meant one day years from now. She quickly found that he may have a sooner date in mind.

"Did you learn a song already, Taemin-ssi? Jessica asked, mirroring his excitement. 

"I think I've just about got it. I found this book yesturday and this song looked interesting so I practiced all night. Can I play it for you?"

"Why of course! Here, give me the book." Jessica said taking it and proping it up on her bookshelf at Taemin's eye level. She opened it to the page he had marked and glanced at the title. Then did a double take. 

Flight of the Bumblebee

Her eyebrows scrunched up in confusion and she looked down the page to see if it was some sort of begginner's simplified version. But as her eyes scanned over the ongoing stream of thirty-second notes, some well above the staff, she knew it was not modified. She did not get a chance to question it, however, because Taemin took a huge breath and began. And he was off, moving his fingers agilely, at a mile-a-minute, letting out a flow of perfectly executed notes. Jessica's mouth fell open and stayed there throughout his performance. He used crescendos and decrescendos, his tone was spot on, and he even used flutter tonguing. 

After he finished, he took a huge breath again and looked at Jessica expectantly. He frowned at her dumbstruck expression. She was frozen and only managed to stutter incoherently. 

"Nuna are you ok? Did I do badly? I know I wasn't supposed to stop and take a breath in the middle, but I don't have adequate lung capactiy yet. Maybe if I try every day..."

"Badly?! No! Taemin-ssi that was fantabulous! Extraordinary! Oh my god! How did you possibly learn to play like that already? I can't believe it!" Jessica squealed, picking up Taemin and hugging him. He giggled and thanked her and she hugged him again, spinning him around. 

"Taemin, we have to go show people! They'll love this! Do you want to go now?" when he nodded she set him down. Then she grabbed the book and squatted down in front of him.

"Hop on, buddy, I'll give you a piggy-back ride." 

"Ne, Nuna!" Taemin said and fastened his arms and legs around her. She took off toward the music department with a giggling Taemin in tow.


I love writing about little Taemin. He's so cute!

Why did he choose the flute first? ...cuz it's my favorite instrument  *cough* 

Anyway, if you don't already know Flight of the Bumblebee by Rimsky Korsakov, 

you should check it out:


I'm jealous...

<3 Krys


Being a saxophone player myself, I decied to go to youtube and get you a video of yakatey sax, another fast song that I wish I could play. 

While looking around I found this little guy: 

He is just too cute!

He started playing trumpet at 6 and by the age of 8 he can play 8 instruments.

I started playing clarinet at 11 and by the age of 18 I can play... four...

Also Jealous.


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*gasps* O_O GD...murdered the guy?!?!?!?!?! *sits there staring incoherently with my mouth hanging open*
i don't know what i would choose, but I would definately say I loved this chapter!
So kyeopta!! *squeals* I can just imagine Taeminnie as alittle kid! It makes me want to squeeze him! *giggles*
Wah! Taemin?! A super genius?! *O* I would choose smarts too! *chuckles* Then I can do my homework in like a heartbeat and not struggle with it sometimes. *nods*
>_____< I can't stand to think of Jinki being abused by that man!!!
*giggles* yay! Jaejoong has a singing career now!! :D
T^T Awww~ Younghwa....*teary eyes*
Wah! Jaejoong starting his music career! *giggles* XD
I love all of these little story extentions. some are really cute. Onew and Chohee's story was really well written, and intense. Thank you for these!