006; where do I go from here

tcr v3
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november 17, 2019.  

Wonho found himself at Super Panda Bros with Changsub and Jisung as Somi had gathered them together.

"Hey, so why were we called here?" Jisung asked once the quartet were settled.

"I wanted to apologize for being off the past week," Somi began, "I didn't know how to deal about the news of my uncle and so grew distant."

The trio stayed silent to let their friend talk.

"It wasn't right of me to blow you off or anything like that, but I realized that I need y'all when I have no one else. So thanks for just putting up with me over the years."

"Wow, Somi, that's so touching." Changsub faked cried.

"You're the greatest of them all."

"Anyways, is the relationship okay between your uncle and you" Wonho asked a second later.

"Yeah. He wanted to tell me the truth, but my parents told him not to at the time." Somi explained.

"He finally told me last week since he's no longer in prison and trying to ease back into society."

"Was it super bad?"

"Yeah, did he kill someone?"

Jisung and Changsub asked curiously with Wonho rolling his eyes. Somi shook her head with a small giggle.

"Something about underground gambling."

She changed the topic.

"Anyways, brunch is on me. So order whatever."

The trio eyed her as Somi got the hint from their eyes.

"My uncle gave me pocket money before leaving so I wanna treat y'all out."

"Is the money safe?"

The trio chimed as Somi rolled her eyes with a smile.

"Yes. He got it from his part-time job at Izakaya Yamada."

"Oh, nice."

"Mmhmm. He's working on getting a second part-time job."

"Good for him."

"Yup. Now order or I'll be spending it on something else."

"Okay, okay!"

The quartet happily ordered as their friendship was fine once again after talking to one another.

november 18, 2019. 

Dongwoo's blanked gaze swept the area of his father's home. Well, one of many. He was tasked on sorting out some of the personal things in this home as it was closer to his father's work. Minseok was handling the business for now until it got situated while Jonghyun was dealing with all the legal matters. At first they were going to take their time to handle everything, but life couldn't pause for them to do that and needed to proceed with the legal matters. It was tough, but luckily it wasn't hard to go about it. Anyways, Jonghyun and Minseok told Dongwoo to focus on school, but he wanted to help in some way. Jonghyun caved and allowed his little brother to assist. So here he was and wasn't sure how to start.

"I guess, I can start with the office."

And that's what Dongwoo did. He was unsure of what to start with first, but remembered that Jonghyun had given him the number to their family's lawyer, Ryan Jett, and Dongwoo made a call on what to gather for any legal proceedings and other matters. Dongwoo spent the whole day organizing, labeling, and marking what was the most important to the least important. From the office, the bedroom, the ilving room, and practically everywhere and anywhere within his father's home that could be holding some form of documents and possessions. He was so caught up with the task before him and inputting notes on his mobile device that he barely heard the knocks at the door. Dongwoo was confused as to who it may be and looked through the security camera and saw that it an unknown man. He pressed the intercom to speak.

"Hello. How may I help you?"

"Ah, hello. I'm William that lives next door, but sorry, you don't sound like Jinseok. Are you one of his sons?"

"Yes, the youngest."

 Dongwoo didn't want to inform the stranger of his father's passing as of yet.

"How may I help you?"

"Uh, well, I just wanted to let your father know that I'll be having a small celebration for my girlfriend's modeling career later tonight if he wanted to stop by."

"My apologies, but my father will not be able to attend. He has business to take care of."

"Ah, I see. Well, the offer still stands if you, yourself, would like to attend."

"Thank you for the invitation."

"You're welcome. I'll be on my way now."

Dongwoo watched as the William fellow did like an awkward wave while making his way to the apartment next door. Dongwoo let out a breath he wasn't aware he was holding as he looked about the place.

"So where do I go from here?"

Dongwoo hadn't thought about telling other people about his father's death and wondered if he handled it correctly. He made a note to talk to their lawyer or his brothers about how to go about that topic. As of now, Dongwoo went back to sift through his father's items.

november 19, 2019. 

Hyungwon had finished a majority of his reports for the day and let out a yawn while stretching. He stood up while gathering his things and bidding goodbye to a few of his colleagues. As he was on his way out of the station he felt a slight headache coming on. He looked up wondering who or what it could be while rubbing at the spot. When he looked forward again he came face to face with the female ghost from earlier, but without her physical companion.

"Please, I need your help!" She announced breathlessly.

Before Hyungwon could ask the spirit on what exactly she needed with she swooshed away leaving him confused to which turned into concern and he hurried to a computer. He quickly entered his login information before finding what he needed and dialed 1-1-2 on his mobile device.

"Hello. Please send an amulance to thirty-six slash twelve, soi 21, Asoke road in Sumvit, Nizho. A Courtney  Park may be in critical condition due to an attempted suicide. Please hurry. Thank you."

Hyungwon hung up and hurried out of the station while flagging down a taxi.

"Hello, sir." The taxi driver greeted him.

"Where will I be taking you this evening, sir?"


Hyungwon flashed his police badge.

"I need you to drive to the other side of town as fast as you can."

"Yes, sir. Right away, sir."

november 20, 2019. 

Eunji was in the midst of using her forearm crutches to balance herself without putting any weight onto her right leg. She was doing fairly well with the aid of one of the physical therapist, Hongseok Yang, she was assigned under. Eunji at first thought she wouldn't be able to do it and cause another injury, but with the aid of her PT she was doing well. As she made her way from one side of the room to the other and totally focused on her own thing, she couldn't help but overhear a group of medical students whispering to one another.

"Did y'all see those scars from V 404?"

"Wasn't she admitted yesterday evening?"

"Mmhmm and she hasn't even woken up yet since."

"Wow that's pretty crazy. Is it from shock?"

"Who knows, but she was here a little over a year ago for the same situation from what I heard from one of the nurses."

"No way. Really?"


"She's kinda young though with a pretty face. You think pretty people would find a different way to go."

"She tried. Didn't you read the report about her stomach contents?"

"Yeah. Talk about overkilled, but didn't even died from it."

"Do you think she regrets being saved or wished she had done it earlier?"

The four giggled amongst themselves as Eunji frowned at how they were talking about a patient behind their back. She knew that everyone's life was their own and these people in the medical field saw cases like these daily, but that didn't mean they could talk so lowly of them like that. Still, Eunji wished she never have to come back and be under their care if the continued on like this.

"Zhuldyz, Chira, Aisul, and Makpal."

Hongseok had called their names and the quartet became full alert along with Eunji following suit.

"Have you four finished your observation of the various patients that come and go for physical therapy?" Hongseok asked them in a firm tone, but the smile didn't quite reach his eyes when he gaze at them.

"Uh, yes."

One of them answered.

"Great, Aisul. Could you tell me what this patient here, Eunji, was doing earlier?"

Eunji felt awkward as the quartet looked over at her while she avoided eye contact.

"She walked."

Another answered with a confident tone. Hongseok wasn't amused.

"She did, yes, but for how long and how many breaks did she take in-between?"

He looked at them expectantly. None of them responded. Hongseok sighed.

"I expect a report about the types of training that goes on here when patients are in our care to recovery."

Hongseok then began assigning the quartet a different topic and with a patient undergoing that specific training. Eunji snapped out of it as she continued to do her own exercises while noticing that each of the medical students left right away. Hongseok joined her a few seconds later.

"I'm sorry about what was said, but please don't mind them. How are you coming along?"

"I think I'll surive with these crutches compare to the underarm ones."

Hongseok chuckled.

"Yes, almost everyone agrees with that option."

Hongseok gave her a once over when she finished the set he had assigned her for the day.

"So, where would you like to go after this? Do you wanna try the outdoors or do you think you're good enough when you're discharged tomorrow?"

Eunji debated on what she wanted to do.

"Um, I have no idea."

Hongseok chuckled.

"Well, it's either practice so you can get used to it, but then again it's not an easy feat to do so resting is applicable."

"Um, let's just try to see how it goes outside and then we'll call it a day."

"Great. Let's try it out."

november 21, 2019. 

"Jisoo, dear, I'm alright. You don't have to worry about me." Hyojin assured h

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